View Full Version : Sheet music?

14th September 2008, 08:53 PM
I have a large collection of sheet music, much of which is 70+ years old - largely for the pianoforte - that I inherited, and quite a lot from 1960s onwards too.
I have not seen much in the way of sheet music on sale on auction sites and wonder if anyone does collect it nowadays? - or even use it?
I would like to hear of anyone's opinions. :)

14th September 2008, 09:04 PM
I have quite a bit inherited from my father -in -law. I did list some on the other site before but not sold any. I reckon a lot depends on the type of music. (a lot of mine are popular songs from the 30s/40s) I keep saying I'll sort through it and list it. Someone might just want it.....

15th September 2008, 12:04 PM
Not an expert on this at all but from what i have seen if you have the right stuff it could be worth ££££££££££, you will just have to research a bit, and please just don't dump it LOL.

15th September 2008, 12:30 PM
I don't dump, just might sell it too cheap.

16th September 2008, 01:32 PM
Hi - there is a large market for sheet music but it all comes down to condition, whether it is suitable for framing (usually goes well if it has a really good image), whether there is a famous name connected to it and finally price. Often song sheets had who they were recorded by. Early stuff by the Beatles, Rolling Stones, Elton John, Elvis etc all tend to find ready buyers. Earlier sheets from the 1920s/30s will sell very well if they have a stunning image. I have sold sheet music here, and at Antique Fairs. Prices range from £1.00 to £6.00.