View Full Version : How to Change .nco files back to .jpg...???

28th March 2009, 05:39 PM
Way back when I had Windows XP Pro I was using a software program called Nero. I used it every so often but not that much.

With that said, now this year I have gotten a brand new computer with Windows Vista Premium (which I love BTW), and when I go into My PSP Files folder every single piece of graphic artwork, backgrounds, icons, etc., now has a .nco file ending instead of .jpg file endings....they are "locked" and I cannot get into them...what in the world happened???


28th March 2009, 06:00 PM
Way back when I had Windows XP Pro I was using a software program called Nero. I used it every so often but not that much.

With that said, now this year I have gotten a brand new computer with Windows Vista Premium (which I love BTW), and when I go into My PSP Files folder every single piece of graphic artwork, backgrounds, icons, etc., now has a .nco file ending instead of .jpg file endings....they are "locked" and I cannot get into them...what in the world happened???


How to convert file with extension NCO:

A .nco file is just a .zip file under Nero's proprietary extension. Rename the extension and you will be able to open and extract the archive using any program that can open .zip files. ie winzip

28th March 2009, 06:11 PM
How to convert file with extension NCO:

A .nco file is just a .zip file under Nero's proprietary extension. Rename the extension and you will be able to open and extract the archive using any program that can open .zip files. ie winzip

Thanks so much for replying! I was thinking I was losing my mind (what's left of it!)....

QUESTION: As I am not very puter-saavy, can you "spell out" for me just how to do that? I have both IrfanView and IZarc programs. When I go into My Folders, click on My PSP Files, then click on an image file within that folder my IrfanView pops up with a message with something to the effect "cannot read/open this file....this file has a .nco file ending...cannot recognize"

So! From there what do I do, what do I click on, etc. I'm sure I'm being a real pest here, but I just don't understand...but I do know that once I can get one file changed back over to a .jpg file I can go through all my PSP files and get them changed over...it's just getting that first one done, eh?

Thanks again for any/all help! Mary C

28th March 2009, 06:28 PM
Try this... click once on file name in list. Click a second time. Note, this must be two distinct clicks separated by a pause, not a double click which will try to open the file. The second click should take you into renaming mode - opening the name in a little edit box. Go to the end of the name and type in .zip.

There are a few possible reasons why that might not work, but if you're lucky it will. Try it and let us know how you get on!

28th March 2009, 08:16 PM
Try this... click once on file name in list. Click a second time. Note, this must be two distinct clicks separated by a pause, not a double click which will try to open the file. The second click should take you into renaming mode - opening the name in a little edit box. Go to the end of the name and type in .jpg.

There are a few possible reasons why that might not work, but if you're lucky it will. Try it and let us know how you get on!

I always rename them to .zip and then it sems to extract the file ok.

28th March 2009, 09:19 PM
I always rename them to .zip and then it sems to extract the file ok.

Sorry, that's what I meant. :o It was the technique I was concentrating on describing, and took my eye off the ball! She knows she's got to make 'em zips, she was asking how to do it... hopefully I didn't waste too much of her time!

Fixed first post, thanks.

29th March 2009, 08:11 PM
Sorry, that's what I meant. :o It was the technique I was concentrating on describing, and took my eye off the ball! She knows she's got to make 'em zips, she was asking how to do it... hopefully I didn't waste too much of her time!

Fixed first post, thanks.

Aaaack!! Didn't know about changing them over to zips first...that just shows you how much I know about puters and such!!!:o

I'll go give that a try today and see what I come up with. Also, bykimbo, I emailed IrfanView and they want me to send them some of those 'locked' files with the .nco file extensions. They said they'd see what they can do to unlock them and send me directions....I sure hope they are GOOD ones 'cause you all know I'm not exactly dealing with a full deck here!!:p

29th March 2009, 08:42 PM
I would just right click with your mouse over the file and on the drop down menu click on "Rename"

The file name under the icon will highlight in blue and that is where you edit by deleting the .nco and replacing with .zip
