View Full Version : Pink Friday charity auctions - the rules

23rd September 2009, 09:17 PM
This will no doubt bring up some discussion and more good ideas, so as I review the rules I'll make changes to this post, and if it gets overly complicated I'll start a fresh thread and kill this one.

So here are the rules as planned at the moment.


Pink Friday charity auctions will be run in aid of Breast Cancer Care (BCC) Pink Fridays campaign. More can be read about that here: http://www.pinkfridays.org.uk/

Auctions should be started at any time on a Pink Friday, and should run for three days, to finish on the following Monday.

A Pink Friday is any Friday in October 2009. So those are: 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th.

The title of your auction should contain "BCC pink" for ease of searching.

Your item should have a pink theme. You can apply that as loosely as you wish. ;)

You may list your item in any category, but if you're struggling to decide where, there's always "Auctions for Charity > Cancer".

You may start your auctions at any price - but the lower the more interest you're likely to get.

There is no maximum expected value - you're free to make as much as possible for BCC!

You may use BuyNow instead / as well if you prefer.

All money you collect should be donated to BCC Pink Fridays campaign - If you can, please do this using Smiffy's "Just Giving" page, as this will keep a running tally for us. http://www.justgiving.com/charyn-smith/. If for any reason you can't use that page, you can pay Herbie by PayPal gift for the first week, further help to follow if needed!

There is a Pink Fridays template available if you wish to use it (you don't have to!) at http://www.bykimbo.com/ebid/help/bcc.htm


So, what have I missed? What would you like added?

23rd September 2009, 09:27 PM

23rd September 2009, 10:03 PM
Great work (as always) Kimbo :)

Just a few thoughts:

Does the "any time Friday" to "any time Monday" also apply to USA/other time zone sellers?
Should there be more emphasis put on the fact there are actually 5 "Pink Fridays" throughout the month? It'd be a shame if everyone loaded up the first couple of weeks with listings only for it to fade out by the middle of the month.
As eBid are endorsing this charity could there be a specific (temporary at least) "Auctions for Charity > Pink Fridays" category?
Should there be a maximum expected value of any item on offer or is it "anything goes!"?
Should the seller state within the description that it's all for charity?

23rd September 2009, 10:16 PM
Great work (as always) Kimbo :)

Just a few thoughts:

Does the "any time Friday" to "any time Monday" also apply to USA/other time zone sellers?

Unless anybody says otherwise, that works for me. Remember, there's no element of competition on this so we can be fairly relaxed, we just want to make money for BCC.

Should there be more emphasis put on the fact there are actually 5 "Pink Fridays" throughout the month? It'd be a shame if everyone loaded up the first couple of weeks with listings only for it to fade out by the middle of the month.
As eBid are endorsing this charity could there be a specifi

It's already in the rules, along with the date of each one - I think that's as much as the rules can do, but feel free to mention it as much as you like. ;)

c (temporary at least) "Auctions for Charity > Pink Fridays" category?

Smiffy put a request in the cats thread, but nothing's happened and it doesn't seem important to me. The Cancer category's not over-full.

Should there be a maximum expected value of any item on offer or is it "anything goes!"?

Anything goes! I'll add that to the rules, thanks.

Should the seller state within the description that it's all for charity?

I think sellers should use their own judgement about how to word their listings. I don't feel a rule is needed - but if the consensus is otherwise I can add something in. :)

23rd September 2009, 10:17 PM
Thanks for sorting this out Kimbo. Will we have a pink pimp thread when the auctions start ?


23rd September 2009, 10:19 PM
Thanks for sorting this out Kimbo. Will we have a pink pimp thread when the auctions start ?


Good question! I don't know the answer to that. Maybe one for the previous PF thread to discuss?

23rd September 2009, 10:27 PM
Good question! I don't know the answer to that. Maybe one for the previous PF thread to discuss?
O.K. just popped it onto the other thread, thanks. :)

23rd September 2009, 11:02 PM
I think sellers should use their own judgement about how to word their listings. I don't feel a rule is needed - but if the consensus is otherwise I can add something in. :)

If sellers are listing items for charity I'd personally like to see some acknowledgement of the fact within the listing (unless there was a minimum donation amount taken automatically).

I am just a *tiny bit* cynical though so don't mind me ;)

23rd September 2009, 11:07 PM
If sellers are listing items for charity I'd personally like to see some acknowledgement of the fact within the listing (unless there was some minimum donation amount taken automatically).

I am just a *tiny bit* cynical though so don't mind me ;)


But seriously... what are you hoping the wording would achieve? I'm not sure what the benefit of a rule would be? What would they have to say... and how would it ensure honesty? (I'm assuming your cynicism is suspecting a lack thereof? ;))

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying no and I'm happy to make any changes, but I don't quite get this one yet!:)

23rd September 2009, 11:18 PM
If sellers are listing items for charity I'd personally like to see some acknowledgement of the fact within the listing (unless there was a minimum donation amount taken automatically).

I am just a *tiny bit* cynical though so don't mind me ;)

Just taken another look at the template. It makes mention in the BCC Pink Friday template that bykimbo has kindly done that the proceeds go to the charity.

Link to it in post 1

Hope that helps.

24th September 2009, 07:46 AM

But seriously... what are you hoping the wording would achieve? I'm not sure what the benefit of a rule would be? What would they have to say... and how would it ensure honesty? (I'm assuming your cynicism is suspecting a lack thereof? ;))

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying no and I'm happy to make any changes, but I don't quite get this one yet!:)

I think without a dedicated category for the listings it would help clarify (albeit informally) the listed item was for charity for the benefit of both seller and buyer.

I hadn't really considered the wording - I was just thinking/typing out loud last night :)

It's only a thought and as Babs has pointed out your nifty template makes it pretty obvious where the proceeds should be heading. I guess most people will be using the template so it's probably an unecessary hoop for everyone to jump through.

24th September 2009, 07:50 AM
I think without a dedicated category for the listings it would help clarify (albeit informally) the listed item was for charity for the benefit of both seller and buyer.

I hadn't really considered the wording - I was just thinking/typing out loud last night :)

It's only a thought and as Babs has pointed out your nifty template makes it pretty obvious where the proceeds should be heading. I guess most people will be using the template so it's probably an unecessary hoop for everyone to jump through.

Okey dokey... well, I'll tuck it behind my ear and whip it out if anybody else has similar concerns. We've got a few days to clarify the final rules. This sort of discussion is exactly why I started waving them about now. So thanks! :)

(Anything suggestive in my wording is entirely in your imagination) ;)

24th September 2009, 07:58 AM
Bylimbo REALLY.............Behave

" I'll tuck it behind my ear and whip it out " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG

24th September 2009, 08:21 AM
Bylimbo REALLY.............Behave

" I'll tuck it behind my ear and whip it out " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG

I'm sorry I'm going away now :D

That would be a sight to see ;)

Kimbo loves to pimp you know :eek:

24th September 2009, 08:29 AM
You see folks? *That's* why I had to put the warning in my post, I know what they're like. :rolleyes:


24th September 2009, 09:47 AM
You Still here Smiffy .....Who's this then ?????.....


24th September 2009, 06:57 PM
Thank you for that Kimbo.
I will use the templet if I can do it LOL:p

24th September 2009, 08:35 PM
I think that is all clear in my mind

25th September 2009, 04:13 PM
What about a Pink Friday for USA Sellers? Items sold by the USA would go to ACS (American Cancer Society) Whatever we buy from the UK would go to BCC.

25th September 2009, 04:51 PM
What about a Pink Friday for USA Sellers? Items sold by the USA would go to ACS (American Cancer Society) Whatever we buy from the UK would go to BCC.

Perhaps you can find out if the ACS has a similar campaign and join in with that?

As far as I'm concerned, anybody taking part in Pink Fridays is supporting the BCC, wherever they are. If there's an equivalent thing for ACS then I'd expect to see that run separately (in parallel if the timing coincides, but it might do better if not?). My thinking here is that Pink Fridays isn't just an eBid thing like the YDC is, so we can't go diverting funds to a different society - it's an official BCC campaign and we're using their promotional materials and logos. We can't then decide to send the money elsewhere, however well-deserving.

If you want to run an ACS campaign later, I'm sure we'll all support you! :)

Please note, I'm not a BCC official, so this is not an official answer, just my view. Others may see it differently and are welcome to say so. I do know that TimeForYou has an actual registered role with BCC, so maybe he could chip in a view? John, what do you say?

25th September 2009, 05:05 PM
I agree entirely with Bykimbo's comments,I have sought permission from BCC for the use of their Logo's,Banners,& Photographs. I have agreed to send all monies raise to them in London personally or, through Smiffy who is well set up to handle it.
I would be very supportive of the ACS.I hope you decide to run with an Auction for them ,any help for any Charity cause is great.



25th September 2009, 05:16 PM
The American Cancer Society has the same thing except it's called "Making Strides Against Breast Cancer"


25th September 2009, 05:19 PM
I agree entirely with Bykimbo's comments,I have sought permission from BCC for the use of their Logo's,Banners,& Photographs. I have agreed to send all monies raise to them in London personally or, through Smiffy who is well set up to handle it.
I would be very supportive of the ACS.I hope you decide to run with an Auction for them ,any help for any Charity cause is great.


How would I go about setting up the auction?

25th September 2009, 05:29 PM
It's not the same thing. I've looked at their site and it's all about walking events, hence the "taking strides". It looks very worthwhile, but not at all like Pink Fridays.

Why not wait until there's a lull in the fund-raising here, then launch your own ACS mini-campaign? Or perhaps contact ACS and ask if they have any special fund-raisers coming up that you could join in with?

25th September 2009, 05:37 PM
I am not familar with the orginisation in America, But I would do it there the same way as I did it here..

knock on doors,phone them,e-mail them,chase,them and annoy them, till you get what you want.
Then do it all again to get more


Good luck and don't take NO as an Answer


25th September 2009, 06:06 PM
It's not the same thing. I've looked at their site and it's all about walking events, hence the "taking strides". It looks very worthwhile, but not at all like Pink Fridays.

Why not wait until there's a lull in the fund-raising here, then launch your own ACS mini-campaign? Or perhaps contact ACS and ask if they have any special fund-raisers coming up that you could join in with?
No, there are several different ways of raising money with walking being only one of them, you can set up a team to raise funds through donations in various ways, which is what I have just finished doing. What I was asking about was how to set up the auction with eBid. Do I just email them or what? :confused::confused::confused:

25th September 2009, 06:08 PM
No, there are several different ways of raising money with walking being only one of them, you can set up a team to raise funds through donations in various ways, which is what I have just finished doing. What I was asking about was how to set up the auction with eBid. Do I just email them or what? :confused::confused::confused:

I don't understand the question. :(

You know how to sell here. What's left to ask? Sorry, you've lost me. What aspect are you stuck on? :confused:

25th September 2009, 06:11 PM
I am not familar with the orginisation in America, But I would do it there the same way as I did it here..

knock on doors,phone them,e-mail them,chase,them and annoy them, till you get what you want.
Then do it all again to get more


Good luck and don't take NO as an Answer


Thanks John. :)

25th September 2009, 06:14 PM
I don't understand the question. :(

You know how to sell here. What's left to ask? Sorry, you've lost me. What aspect are you stuck on? :confused:

How do we set up the auction site on eBid. Do we just open a store or go through eBid Management?

25th September 2009, 06:17 PM
How do we set up the auction site on eBid. Do we just open a store or go through eBid Management?

What auction site? What store? Can you point to the equivalent thing for pink fridays so I can understand what you're talking about? Sorry, I'm completely lost!

Does anybody else understand what's being asked here and can help out? :confused:

25th September 2009, 06:28 PM
How do we set up the auction site on eBid. Do we just open a store or go through eBid Management?

You don't. If you want to do a charity auction for the ACS - you would more or less do the same for the ACS as you would do for the YDC listings - except you would make mention in the listing that the proceeds are in respect of the ACS and then name whichever fundraising promotion you are supporting.

In our case here its the BCC and their Pink Friday fundraising campaign.

The only involvement eBid have in the BCC Pink Friday campaign is that we are hosting the listings here - same as we do the YDC, and we are / have been organising it in the Charity & Fundraising area of eBids forums. eBid themselves are not involved with the auction part of the fundraiser at all.

I hope that helps.

25th September 2009, 06:38 PM
I don't know a better way to ask except to say where does everyone list there items so that all are consolidated as is YDC.

25th September 2009, 06:41 PM
I don't know a better way to ask except to say where does everyone list there items so that all are consolidated as is YDC.

That's what I explain in the rules at the top of this thread. The stuff about putting "BCC pink" in the title and all that about choosing categories. Is that what you mean? Have a read of the the rules, perhaps they provide the answer you're looking for?

25th September 2009, 06:41 PM
I don't know a better way to ask except to say where does everyone list there items so that all are consolidated as is YDC.

The BCC Pink Friday listings are going in the Auctions for Charity > Cancer category.

Hope that helps.

25th September 2009, 06:49 PM
From the rules above: "You may list your item in any category, but if you're struggling to decide where, there's always "Auctions for Charity > Cancer"."

25th September 2009, 07:07 PM
From the rules above: "You may list your item in any category, but if you're struggling to decide where, there's always "Auctions for Charity > Cancer"."

I don't know why I'm having such a terrible time making my question clear. I just went to Auctions for Charity - Cancer and everyone including my store "Gramma's Charitable Auctions" shows up there. Is Pink Fridays going to show up along with everyone else or will you have a private area there where nothing but Pink Fridays' auctions will show up. For instance if I go to Grammas Charitable Auctions, obviously there is nothing there but my auctions, so my question is do I open another store dedicated solely to "MSABC" where everyone that wants to place their auction for that cause can?

25th September 2009, 07:11 PM
I don't know why I'm having such a terrible time making my question clear. I just went to Auctions for Charity - Cancer and everyone including my store "Gramma's Charitable Auctions" shows up there. Is Pink Fridays going to show up along with everyone else or will you have a private area there where nothing but Pink Fridays' auctions will show up. For instance if I go to Grammas Charitable Auctions, obviously there is nothing there but my auctions, so my question is do I open another store dedicated solely to "MSABC" where everyone that wants to place their auction for that cause can?

Whatever you want. What do you do with your YDC auctions now? Just do the same but use "MSABC" (if that's the code you want for them) instead of "YDC". Does that help?

25th September 2009, 07:13 PM
Is MSABC running at the same time as the BCC Pink Fridays campaign?

25th September 2009, 07:20 PM
Is MSABC running at the same time as the BCC Pink Fridays campaign?
I would like to run it in October as that is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. That also gives people the option to support the USA or the UK.

25th September 2009, 07:22 PM
Whatever you want. What do you do with your YDC auctions now? Just do the same but use "MSABC" (if that's the code you want for them) instead of "YDC". Does that help?
Yes maam it does. Thank you.

25th September 2009, 07:24 PM
Yes maam it does.

Hurrah! :D

25th September 2009, 07:25 PM

25th September 2009, 07:27 PM
Now I have to go and post to the YDC. Thanks to all for your help. :) Sorry to be such a pain in the rump. :):D:eek:

30th September 2009, 07:59 AM

Are you all ready?

30th September 2009, 10:28 AM

30th September 2009, 10:37 AM
er... come to think of it... scurries off to take photographs! :o

1st October 2009, 05:16 AM
Just a quick reminder that tomorrow is D-Day, or should I say P-Day?

1st October 2009, 07:20 AM
Just a quick reminder that tomorrow is D-Day, or should I say P-Day?

Given the area of concern for the charity, should be be DD-Day? ;)

1st October 2009, 07:23 AM
Fine, we'll go with DD-Day:D

1st October 2009, 07:45 AM
Fine, we'll go with DD-Day:D

Is everyone all set - it's DD-Day!!

1st October 2009, 08:01 AM
Is everyone all set - it's DD-Day!!

Love the pink 2CV! :D

1st October 2009, 10:59 AM
im ready...bump

1st October 2009, 11:08 AM
im ready...bump

You're doing a lot of 'bumping' things today - you'll have to be careful....... you may do yourself an injury :D

1st October 2009, 01:18 PM
We are back on page 2 - not good

1st October 2009, 05:53 PM
I have now given up for today to try and list something. I have closed the page several times before finishing the listing:eek: Maybe someone can tell me how to use the lovely template?

1st October 2009, 05:59 PM
I have now given up for today to try and list something. I have closed the page several times before finishing the listing:eek: Maybe someone can tell me how to use the lovely template?

I can't help with why you're closing the page before you finish, I'm afraid, but if you want to use the template I'm probably in a decent position to help with that one. ;)

Dead easy.

Double click the template file to open in your browser.

Select everything (control/A)

Copy it (control/C)

Go to your selling page or your default (whichever you prefer to use) and in the description box paste it all in (control/V).

Now add whatever you want.

Anything else, just PM me! :)

1st October 2009, 06:00 PM
I have now given up for today to try and list something. I have closed the page several times before finishing the listing:eek: Maybe someone can tell me how to use the lovely template?

I think - going from the other templates I've used in my listings - on your ebid page, open up a new default listing. Open the template in a new window. Right click on the mouse > select all > copy. Go back to your default listing and in your item description box paste the template in there and save. (Right click > paste)

I think (going from memory) you have to fill in some of the other details before it will allow you to actually save the default - things like p&p, price etc, but after its accepted what it needs, th etemplate should be saved for use.

I think thats right. I haven't done mine yet - I'll find out myself tomorrow cos thats the method I was going to go by.

Good luck

1st October 2009, 06:00 PM
Thank you, I'll try in the morning, when I am alert

1st October 2009, 11:07 PM
I finally worked out how to use the lovely template, & have 3 auctions ready now.

Jane :)

1st October 2009, 11:15 PM
I finally worked out how to use the lovely template, & have 3 auctions ready now.

Jane :)

Oh well done - you're better organised than I am. I'll be adding my listings sometime tomorrow.

Love the avvy by the way.

1st October 2009, 11:20 PM
Given the area of concern for the charity, should be be DD-Day? ;)

Speak fer urself :eek: :D:D

Although, some folk pay good money to get that size :D

Yvonne x

1st October 2009, 11:50 PM
Speak fer urself :eek: :D:D

Although, some folk pay good money to get that size :D

Yvonne x

Don't forget the pink avatar competition


2nd October 2009, 04:54 AM
Hooray! I have done two. Probably not perfect, but I think they'll do. And I still have four weeks to get it right:D

2nd October 2009, 07:14 AM
Bump the rules!!

Go for it folks. And thanks very much those of you who have already leapt in!!


2nd October 2009, 07:22 AM
A wee penny helps.............................Click Image

http://clockingoff.co.uk/images/6346.gif (http://uk.ebid.net/perl/auction.cgi?auction=19815970&mo=auction)

2nd October 2009, 07:32 AM
I don't know what anybody else did about preparing in advance etc, but I made all mine during the week and put a start date & time on for safety's sake. I'm now going through them all making sure that any that had a later start time are actually kicked off now, so that they're available immediately. I just mention it in case anybody is in a similar position - no need to wait for an evening start, you can have your stuff live any time today! Go for it. :)

2nd October 2009, 07:57 AM
I have one up and running here:


2nd October 2009, 09:01 AM
Ah - having read another thread - does that count as a pimp? Maybe I should remove my previous post? It would certainly be useful to have all the PINK info in rather fewer places!:):)

2nd October 2009, 09:33 AM
Ah - having read another thread - does that count as a pimp? Maybe I should remove my previous post? It would certainly be useful to have all the PINK info in rather fewer places!:):)

Yes, sorry it's all a bit scattered about. When it all started I just did a template. Then I offered to do the rules. Now I seem to Officer IC everything until somebody better turns up - so each thing I've done, has tended to be a separate job as it's hit my desk!

As for pimping, still no answer from ebid, so your guess is as good as mine at this stage. I simply don't know what Herbi might have arranged with Smiffy and/or ebid, or quite what they had in mind, sorry.

Thank goodness for the charity forum at least, so the KT isn't swamped!!! :eek:

Just do what seems fair until we hear otherwise. :)

2nd October 2009, 09:36 AM
Oh, and having said that, I'm just about to start another one! :o

2nd October 2009, 09:40 AM
I noticed:D:rolleyes:

2nd October 2009, 12:31 PM
Just do what seems fair until we hear otherwise. :)

Sorry.... I went away - decided it was an "announcement" not a pimp :D:D and left it there.

You're doing a grand job!!

2nd October 2009, 03:33 PM
Just listed 10 of same item on a dutch auction, just to confuse matters


2nd October 2009, 03:35 PM
All those that outbid me on the pink things. go and spend your money on the YDC:D

6th October 2009, 10:54 AM
Hi Smiffy,

only sold one of my BCC Pink Friday items, to Huddy !!

I have sent you the donation £4.00 in total.

Hopefully will sell some more PINK stuff this weekend.

Keep up the good work
Mel at Booksntings

7th October 2009, 09:19 PM
Are we going to have a tally thread? How much has been raised at the end of round one?:)

7th October 2009, 09:25 PM
good thinking!!

think everyone who is going to send me money has...

so will send it to Smiffys page tomorrow & see what her final total is

7th October 2009, 09:33 PM
you done a grand job for Smiffy while she was away, I shall let her know how you drove me sky high on auctions!!!!
glad you liked the piggies, are they behaving themselves? didnt get sea sick then?
which amimule would you like this week?

8th October 2009, 04:05 AM
pink mice?

8th October 2009, 09:15 AM
pink cow please :D

going to take a pic when kim's nipples arrive;)

8th October 2009, 09:16 AM
I will see what I can do - but probably not for tomorrow

8th October 2009, 04:39 PM
I've seen a few questions that are covered in the rules, so reposting these in full for a handy reminder for tomorrow's auctions. If you're planning on joining in pink fridays - and I certainly hope you are! - please have a quick glance through...


Pink Friday charity auctions will be run in aid of Breast Cancer Care (BCC) Pink Fridays campaign. More can be read about that here: http://www.pinkfridays.org.uk/

Auctions should be started at any time on a Pink Friday, and should run for three days, to finish on the following Monday.

A Pink Friday is any Friday in October 2009. So those are: 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th.

The title of your auction should contain "BCC pink" for ease of searching.

Your item should have a pink theme. You can apply that as loosely as you wish. ;)

You may list your item in any category, but if you're struggling to decide where, there's always "Auctions for Charity > Cancer".

You may start your auctions at any price - but the lower the more interest you're likely to get.

There is no maximum expected value - you're free to make as much as possible for BCC!

You may use BuyNow instead / as well if you prefer.

All money you collect should be donated to BCC Pink Fridays campaign - If you can, please do this using Smiffy's "Just Giving" page, as this will keep a running tally for us. http://www.justgiving.com/charyn-smith/. If for any reason you can't use that page, you can pay Herbie by PayPal gift for the first week, further help to follow if needed!

There is a Pink Fridays template available if you wish to use it (you don't have to!) at http://www.bykimbo.com/ebid/help/bcc.htm


Thanks very much. Have fun!

15th October 2009, 09:55 AM

15th October 2009, 05:13 PM
Just a little reminder...

15th October 2009, 06:04 PM
Also don't forget you can help cross promote other pink friday auctions by adding the worlds first eBid flash scrolling gallery :)

http://www.ebidinfo.com/pink.html http://meetup.ebid.net/images/icons/icon14.gif

15th October 2009, 06:16 PM
Woohoo, I managed to attach the scrolling gallery (at least I think I did)

15th October 2009, 06:51 PM
Woohoo, I managed to attach the scrolling gallery (at least I think I did)

Looks great http://meetup.ebid.net/images/icons/icon14.gif

15th October 2009, 07:56 PM
Also don't forget you can help cross promote other pink friday auctions by adding the worlds first eBid flash scrolling gallery :)

http://www.ebidinfo.com/pink.html http://meetup.ebid.net/images/icons/icon14.gif

oh oh oh ...I actually managed to load that scrolly thing onto my myspace page...

feeling very smart now:D

15th October 2009, 07:59 PM
Smart a*se lol

15th October 2009, 08:04 PM
naw....jimbo is the smart one in the group;)

I just done my usual...copy&paste

16th October 2009, 04:48 AM
what would we do without copy and paste?!! And that took me ages to learn :D:p

16th October 2009, 08:10 AM
I've seen a few questions that are covered in the rules, so reposting these in full for a handy reminder for tomorrow's auctions. If you're planning on joining in pink fridays - and I certainly hope you are! - please have a quick glance through...


Pink Friday charity auctions will be run in aid of Breast Cancer Care (BCC) Pink Fridays campaign. More can be read about that here: http://www.pinkfridays.org.uk/

Auctions should be started at any time on a Pink Friday, and should run for three days, to finish on the following Monday.

A Pink Friday is any Friday in October 2009. So those are: 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th.

The title of your auction should contain "BCC pink" for ease of searching.

Your item should have a pink theme. You can apply that as loosely as you wish. ;)

You may list your item in any category, but if you're struggling to decide where, there's always "Auctions for Charity > Cancer".

You may start your auctions at any price - but the lower the more interest you're likely to get.

There is no maximum expected value - you're free to make as much as possible for BCC!

You may use BuyNow instead / as well if you prefer.

All money you collect should be donated to BCC Pink Fridays campaign - If you can, please do this using Smiffy's "Just Giving" page, as this will keep a running tally for us. http://www.justgiving.com/charyn-smith/. If for any reason you can't use that page, you can pay Herbie by PayPal gift for the first week, further help to follow if needed!

There is a Pink Fridays template available if you wish to use it (you don't have to!) at http://www.bykimbo.com/ebid/help/bcc.htm


Thanks very much. Have fun!

Also don't forget you can help cross promote other pink friday auctions by adding the worlds first eBid flash scrolling gallery :)

http://www.ebidinfo.com/pink.html http://meetup.ebid.net/images/icons/icon14.gif


Also remember - you don't have to wait until this evening to start your listings - they can be active RIGHT NOW!!!

16th October 2009, 08:31 AM
Decided to follow your good example and activate mine now!!:D:D

16th October 2009, 08:38 AM
What a good idea!!

16th October 2009, 11:37 AM
It won't let me change mine boohoo

16th October 2009, 11:40 AM
It won't let me change mine boohoo

Um... why?

Just change "custom" to "immediate" and add a few hours to the run time to take it back up to evening, no?

28th October 2009, 05:44 PM
A final reminder of the rules, in case anybody fancies joining in for the last Pink Friday. All welcome!


Pink Friday charity auctions will be run in aid of Breast Cancer Care (BCC) Pink Fridays campaign. More can be read about that here: http://www.pinkfridays.org.uk/

Auctions should be started at any time on a Pink Friday, and should run for three days, to finish on the following Monday.

A Pink Friday is any Friday in October 2009. So those are: 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th.

The title of your auction should contain "BCC pink" for ease of searching.

Your item should have a pink theme. You can apply that as loosely as you wish. ;)

You may list your item in any category, but if you're struggling to decide where, there's always "Auctions for Charity > Cancer".

You may start your auctions at any price - but the lower the more interest you're likely to get.

There is no maximum expected value - you're free to make as much as possible for BCC!

You may use BuyNow instead / as well if you prefer.

All money you collect should be donated to BCC Pink Fridays campaign - If you can, please do this using Smiffy's "Just Giving" page, as this will keep a running tally for us. http://www.justgiving.com/charyn-smith/. If for any reason you can't use that page, you can pay Herbie by PayPal gift for the first week, further help to follow if needed!

There is a Pink Fridays template available if you wish to use it (you don't have to!) at http://www.bykimbo.com/ebid/help/bcc.htm


28th October 2009, 05:45 PM
Time goes so quickly! But I have 2 sorted for Friday - there might be more

28th October 2009, 05:56 PM
Time goes so quickly! But I have 2 sorted for Friday - there might be more

I'm getting there... you won't believe what the mice are up to this week! :eek:

28th October 2009, 06:10 PM
Now I am getting excited.

28th October 2009, 06:15 PM
I'm getting there... you won't believe what the mice are up to this week! :eek:

Now I am getting excited.

Apparently so are they! :eek:


28th October 2009, 06:35 PM
Any chance that by the time they reach me (well, I can dream) there could be a patter of tiny paws?

28th October 2009, 06:51 PM
Any chance that by the time they reach me (well, I can dream) there could be a patter of tiny paws?

I shouldn't be at all surprised!

28th October 2009, 06:59 PM
You could be onto a winner there Kim

reproducing sugar mice woohoo