View Full Version : well i might not of made a sale yet but got 11 buddy points already

25th July 2010, 06:03 PM
cant believe i havent got a single sale yet but am on 11 buddy points it just proves that my advertising and letting my friends and previous customers is making some difference i wish someone would just buy something so i can prove i offer a fast and cheap service oh well have to keep telling my self be patient.

hope were all having a lovely sunday if your bored take a look at my items got some new ones on today x



25th July 2010, 06:41 PM
You need to have a link to your items as part of your signature.

25th July 2010, 07:03 PM
i will as soon as i get store set up which will be coming very soon all spent out at the mo after buying stock gone from 3 different items to 13 in space of a week and i am sure if you take a look you will agree they are all at a very good price.

25th July 2010, 08:07 PM
Well I am in the market for a lighting fitment. I went to have a look at your offerings but, to be honest, the pictures just didn't cut it. Too small and no detail. Certainly not good enough to help base a buying decision on - so no sale.

25th July 2010, 08:11 PM
hmmm thats strange i have never had issues using these pictures before but i will look into it and see what i can do

25th July 2010, 08:19 PM
Well I'm afraid this for a main image just does not do it for me:


25th July 2010, 08:40 PM
You need to have a link to your items as part of your signature.

See Justin ~ I have said this to you many times and it's not done.

Stock pictures don't do it for me either. Why have a picture of a black notebook when you are selling a pink one.

I really do think it would be wise to put some time into your listings. Let customers know you are serious about selling

25th July 2010, 08:57 PM
i am selling both black and pink laptops and just checked the pictures are correct ?
I have also just taken a look at the pictures of the lights and i cant see a better way i could take the picture as the pictures you were saying about show a item that is quite long which makes it hard to take a detail picture of.
As for the store and link that is coming very soon its swings and roundabouts as I need a sale to keep paying for things and the next thing i am buying is membership so i can open store. The prob is i have been off work since feb and money is very tight as had a accident I have just spent alot out on stock as i am sure you can guess when you see the quantities i have brought so money is a bit tight. do you believe that a store / link for store will really make that much difference ?

25th July 2010, 08:58 PM
Stylusman The sub titles and stock pictures give the impression you are using a drop shipper, many peeps dont trust this and just wont buy from you, take a few minutes to take photos, add a few dimensions to your listings, another bone of contention can be your registered as an individual yet giving the impression you are a successful business, which raises a question regarding buyer rights where DSR should apply.
I think you still have a few things to look at, but you are getting the hits and as you say the sales will come

25th July 2010, 09:17 PM
no way dont do drop shipping I have taken the pictures myself well of the lights and used product pictures for others off the manufacturers websites but i do own the products believe me they have taken up one whole room what used to be a bedroom in my flat. I am registered as individual at the moment as i am just starting out again and when i get up and running fully and get my lifetime membership in place then i will upgrade to a buisness.
Astral point taken maybe i need to try changing background when taking picture of a white light. but you can click on it think to enlarge ?
Hmmm am now considering registering as buisness thats playing in my mind as well now and dont know if i would go out and spend money with a individual if i had a choice to do it through a buisness instead

25th July 2010, 09:18 PM
Well I'm afraid this for a main image just does not do it for me:


point taken white light on white background does not look good

25th July 2010, 09:23 PM
BD you have said the very thing I have been thinking. I also get doubts when people say about how many sales they have on t'ther side, it is easy to check though. I would never buy from dropshipper if I had any doubt, which I have to say I don't think Justin is as his feedback is good

Justin YES it does make a difference about the signature - even if only to the people who have taken the time to advise you when you ask for help. You don't need a store to add it just a link to stylusman listings

25th July 2010, 09:32 PM
ah oik i thought you may need a store as all the signatures start


I will link to one of my items then and see if it works thanks for advice

25th July 2010, 09:37 PM

25th July 2010, 10:04 PM
oh and thanks to borderdoors for the sale hope i have done everything right ?

25th July 2010, 10:21 PM
oh and thanks to borderdoors for the sale hope i have done everything right ?

YOURE GETTING THERE!!! the thing to remember as well is that all these posts on forums get picked up by google as well ( can be a bit embarrasing sometimes!!eek ) and if they are clicked and you have a signature that links to your items or store, hey you have another potential customer, so double wammy, it pays to keep posting and joining in the fun of the forums ( apart from which more posts means you get rid of the LURKER handle!!

25th July 2010, 10:28 PM
yeah i did notice the lurker thing how many posts do i need to do before i get rid of that title ? sounds horrible lurker lol

25th July 2010, 10:31 PM
yeah i did notice the lurker thing how many posts do i need to do before i get rid of that title ? sounds horrible lurker lol

think it was about 500, then you will be a DIEHARD!!

25th July 2010, 10:33 PM
wow 500 feels a long way away but diehard is a lil bit better

25th July 2010, 10:39 PM
the numbers soon mount up, especially on an evening when the old vino has been flowing, the YDC is a good place to start as well, have a look, if you can join in next month- better still join in this month and have a little retail therapy with a difference

25th July 2010, 10:53 PM
yes i will do. Hopefully be joining sometime in the next week.
I know what you mean on various other sites have made some purchases after a bottle or 2 of rose and woke up in morning wondering why i brought what i had still its part of the fun. and then when items turn up that you have forgotten you have ordered is even better its like christmas all over

25th July 2010, 10:56 PM
yep the YDC is like that too, now why did I buy those pink fluffy handcuffs? and do I really need to know what mags is hiding under his catflap? eeeeek.

25th July 2010, 11:04 PM
lol i can tell that i am going to continue enjoying my time here the people here are lovely cant wait. anyway enough excitement for one night i am off to bed nite

29th July 2010, 09:37 PM
Now, how the hell can I get more buddy points? My email shot of around 200 people the other night obviously hasn't worked because I'm still on about 3.145 or something like that. Poor me. :(

31st July 2010, 09:13 PM
Hi Justin

I liked the look of the fan with lights

(Modern Fan On stand with neon lights http://uk.ebid.net/for-sale/honeywel...r-30288470.htm (http://uk.ebid.net/for-sale/honeywel...r-30288470.htm))

and almost bought one on an impulse buy. However a quick search located the same item for £18.00 cheaper in total elsewhere. Sorry mate!

31st July 2010, 09:46 PM
wow thats cheaper than what i brought them for alot cheaper glad i dont have many in stock as i try to be the cheapest online.
Constanta2010 I just emailed my facebook friends list and loads joined must be luck i think i am second at the moment on buddy points and only been selling and using ebid for about two weeks. wish i coulld get my second sale now though its been a week since my first one and i have spent a fortune on stock oh well must be patient lol