View Full Version : Are postcards selling on Ebid ???

24th August 2010, 10:36 AM
Hi I am a lifetime member but am yet to sell anything...

I would like to know from postcard dealers are postcards selling here or are most of the ones showing up in feedback transferred from Ebay???

The new Ebay limit of 100 free 99p listings has really killed my trade.

So I am thinking of listing more here. It is just that I keep hearing stories that Ebid is a waste of space and I hardly ever see bidding wars from a 99p start like you do on Ebay.

If postcard sellers would be so kind to say how many they might sell in a month here and if they have completely given up with Ebay too that would be most appreciated


24th August 2010, 11:03 AM
I've yet to have a bid on something starting at 99p let alone a bidding war.

24th August 2010, 03:13 PM
I collect postcards that pertain to my family history research and other hobbies and list some that I hope others might enjoy for their collections.

I joined as Seller + at the beginning of May. I have purchased postcards from three different sellers here and I have sold one postcard. The grand total of my sales since the 1st of May is 6.

My paternal ancestors came from England, so I've been looking for cards that pertain to that line on eBid, since there are so many UK sellers here.

25th August 2010, 12:55 AM
I have 531 postcards dating from 1903 in my ebid store at the moment and I have not sold one yet !! I have hundreds more to go on but my scanner broke down so need to get a new one later this morning.

Must admit though with over 1000 auctions on at present and only 8 sales (7 of which were to a person who followed me from feebay) I'm becoming a bit despondent and wonder if its worth the time and effort.

I will put some items on feebay as its free listing for two days but certainly will not go back to pay their fees as its now for big business sellers only.

Bide my time and keep plugging away here probably or eventually just give up all together as I can make as much at one car boot sale than I will probably sell here in a year !!


25th August 2010, 08:57 AM
Very quiet on here only sold 2 items but I have been purchasing things, not quite sure what the problem is my other site pulls in an average of $800 per week.
If we had some serious advertising I am sure it would work a lot better
Despite their fees e**y still hold the monopoly
I will stay on here it dosent take that much time to list but it does get a little disheartening
I know my items sell just cannot work out why not on here


25th August 2010, 11:57 AM
There are a lot of people on holiday at the moment. Hopefully, once the bank holiday is behind us and the children have gone back to school there will be more people back on their computers. I haven't put as much time and effort in my auctions over the past month. I will have new stock from beginning September onwards, marketing will be my priority after the coming weekend. The key to anything is marketing, marketing and more marketing!

If you do boot fairs why not hand out a leaflet advertising your eBid items, wear the eBid TShirt at the boot fair, to let your customers know. You can only get out what you put in, so the effort is really worth it.

As regards your postcards, if you have any that are of genealogical/family history interest why not leaflet your local studies library with details of your eBid store?

Keep at it, the sales will come. It doesn't cost to list so what have you to lose?

I also have postcards to sell, just a few left over from my own genealogy research, but I have not yet added them to my genealogy collection here on eBid.


25th August 2010, 01:56 PM
Well folks.... I consider myself a pro in about 15 categories.. I am here because it is a real nice site with tremendous coming-upswing.
The more sellers the better.. especially smart ones.
I have over 3000 auctions here.. listed 1 at a time, with over 5000 scans.. and I still have well over 15000 auctions to list :)