View Full Version : Price of a hand made teddy bear?

13th December 2010, 10:37 PM
I've worked out the price of my bears by $10 per hour of labour plus costs of material. This works out to be about $30 per bear. However, most handmade bears seem to sell for about $60 each. If anyone has any comments as to how much they would pay for a handmade bear, please let me know :)

13th December 2010, 11:31 PM
I'm not sure as I don't buy/sell stuffed toys, (no kids), but IMHO $30 for a well made, handmade toy sounds reasonable to me.

Oh and welcome to eBid - the friendliest place to buy and sell on the Net. :)

Happy holidays and best wishes for many sales to all,

14th December 2010, 01:29 AM
Personally I think some 'bears' fetch very silly money. Especially Stief ones.

$30 / £30 don't seem that much in comparison

14th December 2010, 05:02 AM
I had a look at your bears and they are great. The only suggestion I would have is if the eyes are child proof you might put that in the description and if they are not it definitely needs to be added. From what you said in the original post it sounds like you don't want to overcharge and I think the $30 is cheap for the product offered, but buyers will have to take the postage cost into consideration also. Good luck!

14th December 2010, 07:10 AM
Thanks for your comments. I've decided i'll keep the starting price at $30 - anything more will be a bonus. I've also added to the description that the eyes are attached securely etc.

Thanks again.

14th December 2010, 09:44 AM
That's what I'd do - if they start selling like hotcakes, you could always raise the price to help pay for the loss of your free time!! Good luck!! I love teddy bears!!

14th December 2010, 09:57 AM
To add my experience: I have given up charging for my time. I'll be happy to get the money back for the materials. At some point even that seemed to be too expensive to sell, though I feel the trend is changing a bit so maybe hand-made doesn't have to be equivalent to cheap
your bears are lovely, btw

14th December 2010, 12:16 PM
Just one other suggestion - add a signature link to your store so others can find your bears easily. :)

Happy holidays and best wishes for many sales to all,

14th December 2010, 12:19 PM
Wow, just had a look at your bears, and I must say they're really, really lovely. :)

Happy holidays and best wishes for many sales to all,

15th December 2010, 11:20 AM
Thanks for your comments :) I'm quite new to ebid, so i'm not quite sure about how to get a signature link - possibly because I dont have a 'store' yet? I'll look into it anyway.

21st December 2010, 12:10 PM
im a bit behind here i have not been on ebid for a little bit. im not an expert so i could be wrong lol. i do like your bears they look very good and you look to have taken your time doing these. but i noticed a few years back that teddy bear makers tended to give there range a signature for example a button in the ear of a bear, a bear with a special fur, i think you need something that could define your bears which makes them your brand.

I think if you did that you would be well in.

21st December 2010, 12:15 PM
Like the signature idea and was wondering if you've considered making outfits for your bears? I'd love to get one for my sister dressed as an ice skater, maybe others would have similar wishes.

Happy holidays and best wishes for many sales to all,

23rd December 2010, 12:38 PM
Sue - I have made a ballerina dolls dress before for my 2 year old cousin. If you really would like one as an ice skater I could see what I could do. The shoes would be the most difficult, but i'm sure I could find something to use as blades. Send me a private message if you'd like to give me more details.

RC -Good idea, i'm working on that - i'm just starting on a bear that i've designed myself, so i think i'll add something to it to make it that little extra special.

23rd December 2010, 04:04 PM
Thanks, will do as soon as I'm back home from the holidaze. :)

Happy holidays and best wishes for many sales to all,