View Full Version : Snow patrol

Miss Whiplash
22nd December 2004, 06:09 AM
Any chance of a white xmas, the bookies seem to think so

Any snow your way, mild and damp here in the midlands :(

22nd December 2004, 07:01 AM
Most likely in scotland but not sure in south east. Hope there is at least for the holidays..

22nd December 2004, 08:11 AM
they've discounted it down this way, we're due rain apparently.....bummer

twas 7/2 last time i looked for snow with corals

22nd December 2004, 11:37 AM
LOL... was gonna say "just bought their cd for hubby"

didn't realise u were on about the weather lol

mornin anyway, from a fellow midlander ;)

22nd December 2004, 11:40 AM
oooh, all these midlanders, lol

we might still get some yet though, eh?....forecast says rain today n tomorrow....then going cold again....chance of snow....just as long as I dun have to go out in it, lol ;o)

22nd December 2004, 11:42 AM
oooh, all these midlanders, lol

we might still get some yet though, eh?....forecast says rain today n tomorrow....then going cold again....chance of snow....just as long as I dun have to go out in it, lol ;o)

hope we get snow xmas day (kids would love it)

but want my heatin to work if it does snow tho, else we will be huddled round the cooker for warmth lol... brrrr!

22nd December 2004, 11:43 AM
We've already had some snow this week.

I think it was Sunday morning when we got up and the mountains were all white, I hate the stuff but it did look lovely.

Miss Whiplash
23rd December 2004, 07:05 PM
:) Sleds at the ready, huskys on alert

23rd December 2004, 07:08 PM
:) Sleds at the ready, huskys on alert
aint snow patrol a film

no snow ere bloody windy tho

23rd December 2004, 07:11 PM
They reckon that we could be in for the first London White Xmas for 25 years!!! Snow IS heading London way, let's hope it doesn't change direction!

23rd December 2004, 07:14 PM
No sign of the white stuff here in Costa Del Tipton. No sign of snow either....

23rd December 2004, 07:18 PM
They reckon that we could be in for the first London White Xmas for 25 years!!! Snow IS heading London way, let's hope it doesn't change direction!
If it's coming tomorrow, I hope I can get to Ipswich and back before it arrives.
