View Full Version : ~ Happy Hour ~

18th March 2005, 12:19 AM
I posted a gorgeous brooch/pendant to run during 'Happy Hour'. It is nearing the three and a half hour mark and so far, my listing isn't showing. In fact, on the home page it says there are 'none currently'. This piece was added last night and shows in my control that it is running, but alas....nope. So 'Happy Hour' has proven to be UNhappy Hour. I am hoping to receive a reply to the email sent and a credit for the $1.00 paid. Has anyone else had this happen?


18th March 2005, 01:40 PM
Happy hour auctions run for an hour, hence the name, when there is 1 hour left it will start displaying in the right section on the homepage.
It will show in your control panel and WILL display.
If it does not display in the last hour then PM Gazza or Mark and they will see why and credit the fees, but it shouldnt come to that.

18th March 2005, 02:10 PM
Sell Your Item in an auction that lasts for 4 hours.
Bidding starts at £1.00. Running from 4 to 8pm everyday.

18th March 2005, 02:27 PM
Yes, Happy Hour does run daily from 4-8:00 PM. Perhaps it should run in its own special place like the One Hour Auctions instead of getting put, for the last hour only, in the mix of auctions running to the side. I noticed Happy Hour Auctions do run right under the Happy Hour designated area on a sister (UK) site. And perhaps instead of "none current", a link of sorts, a list or something could be inserted giving potential buyers a 'heads up' of what is up and coming.

I don't mind paying the extra monies for the exposure, but if an auction is scheduled to run for specified period under a specific category, for which a premium was paid, then it should be displayed there. JMHO

18th March 2005, 03:17 PM
Is your auction due to show HH today or yesterday?
Can you give us the auction ID please.


18th March 2005, 04:13 PM
One was scheduled yesterday: http://us.three.ebid.tv/perl/auction.cgi?auction=1111009247-23096-0&mo=auction (Swarovski Crystal Cross Brooch/Pendant) and one is scheduled for today: http://us.three.ebid.tv/perl/auction.cgi?auction=1111103569-18542-0&mo=auction (Red Rose Bead & Stone Bracelet).

Again, I do not mind paying a premium for the additional exposure, but would like to see Happy Hour items listed under Happy Hour for the 4-hour duration as are the 60-Minute Auctions and not tucked in the listings to the side for the last hour only. If the option to offer on other (sister) sites are checked, I would hope they are shown there also.

If I have made a error in my understanding of how Happy Hour Auctions are promoted, please accept my apology.