View Full Version : Feebay Store Closed, Finally!

15th September 2007, 02:04 PM
It has taken almost a year but finally have closed my feebay store & moved all books there over to EBID! So come on EBID lets replace the greed giant. Richard

15th September 2007, 03:11 PM
Good luck with your book sales. I've sold a few books to US customers so there are a few out there :D

15th September 2007, 04:04 PM
Thank You Holly. Just hope sales pick up over here. Have only sold 7 books over the past eleven months. But keep hoping for better results. Richard

15th September 2007, 08:58 PM
Try putting a few of your more unusual titles on to 'on first bid' ot ten day listings so they get picked up by ebids feed to google (apparently the listing needs to last at least ten days to get submitted automatically to google - there's some threads about this which explain it better! that way someone searching for a more obscure book or auther may find your listing- and might buy other titles at the same time.

16th September 2007, 10:28 AM
Thinks will try this myself if thats ok Hanna Holly

17th October 2007, 10:00 AM
Well Done Richard , i also have closed my Ebay store.
no more large accounts to pay.

11th November 2007, 02:53 PM
Hiya guys..I'm new to Ebid, I have left Feebay also..But, I have had about 10 items listed for over a week, plenty of "viewers:, but NO bidders..These are items that would have sold quickly on Ebay..Is there a problem with Ebid, I was so excited that we had an alternative to Ebay when I registered here..And I just see that post where someone only sold 7 books in 11 months, doesnt sound good to me..Anyway, Let me know if there is something else I need to do..Thanks alot and Good Luck everyone..Jimi Harper..Seller of awesome books and Artwork !!!

11th November 2007, 07:17 PM
Hi Jimi Welcome to the gang. Why not add a link to your site ? Somebody here will tell you how to do it.

11th November 2007, 07:22 PM
Hi ya everyone

welcome to ebid :)

Good luck to all with your sales and buying

Lisa :0)

12th November 2007, 11:41 AM
Hi Jimi Welcome to the gang. Why not add a link to your site ? Somebody here will tell you how to do it.
Hiya Celtic..Thank you very much...Ok some one, tell me how to add a link..LOL.. Jimi Harper

13th November 2007, 06:51 PM
The best of British to you !