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The One star club

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  1. HannaHolly
    wow- what a lot of 1 star members this club has already Welcome everyone
  2. redmerlin777
    Hey Up! I am doing well with the one star again.
    I must be annoying someone, somewhere
    I shall endeavour to keep up these high standards
  3. madelaine
    I wish I thought it was a great achievement, Redmerlin! It seems only too easy. Whoever it is even checks on the other bits of the forum to make sure none of us escapes unstarred.
  4. cornishmaid1961
    I've just been awarded my one star for my latest thread so nice I haven't been forgotten!
  5. HannaHolly
    Yes i'm still getting them too. The person spending their time doing this ia keeping themselves in 'invisible' mode. Brave eh!
  6. raindropsies
    What a nice group this is, all that attention the phantom star rater gives us.
    I wish we could see who it is, I would really like to say thank-you, followed by "you are the weakest star, night night"
  7. raindropsies
    Anyone had the strike of the phantom star striker recently
  8. Huddylion
    Hello all got my one star and didn't even know what it meant lol
  9. cornishmaid1961
    LOL - See the authorities have released the one star person today. They haven't been around for a while so maybe they're out on bail ?!!!
  10. oxfordtradinggroup
    support@ebid.tv <support@ebid.tv> no answer trying to list now all me auctions taked downand told that not on hold list muliple dutch auctions same items differnt sizes gues u ccant do that how do I get quick service
Results 21 to 30 of 35
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