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  1. Gayukshop
    Welcome Hope to seeing a few members here
  2. Gayukshop
    Hi winsor bear nice to see you in here if you want your frre badge let me know Ken
  3. WindsorBear
    I appreciate the offer for the badge, but the cost to mail it over here to Virginia would be a bit much, so I'll let it pass. Kinda quiet here. Gonna have to get a few more members to join. Surely they wouldn't be scared of a southern redneck bear.
  4. MyJunk
    whos afraid of the big bad bear ! !! ! ! ! LOL Hey guys, yep, gotta find more members !!!
  5. Gayukshop
    Hi Nice to see you in here I agree we do need more members put some naked males on here soon get them LOL
    not so sure of the lesbians think I should have kept it gay may change it let me know your views Cheers lads Ken
  6. Gayukshop
    I will try keep popping in more
  7. WindsorBear
    Hey, do they allow gay mags to be put on here? I've got some issues of Advocate Men from the 80's, and some dupe issue of Bear I would like to put online, but there doesn't seem to be ANY gay mags under Adult Magazines on here at all. Do either of you know? Should I ask Gazza before listing them? And if I do list them, I guess they will have to go under "other".
  8. Gayukshop
    www.gayuk24-7.co.uk WebSite advertise your eBid store FREE with link to ebid

    email Ken gayuk24-7@hotmail.com
  9. MyJunk
    hey has anyone tried to sell vintage gay novelos on here??? I got some 60s and 70s stuff, pretty cool covers and well good reading I am sure LOL. was just wondering !@
  10. Gayukshop
    Hi MyJunk what is novelos?
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