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West Yorkshire ebid members

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  1. penny291
    Does anyone live in West Yorkshire, or only me????
  2. monkeynuts2008
    Hi All, I’ve come to Ebid from the Dark Side (EBAY) Selling Quality Branded Fragrances and Cosmetics, All 100% Genuine & Authentic. I always did well on the dark side selling and never had any really problems. Apart From the fees from EBAY and the fact they treat you like S**T. I’ve got 62 items listed at the min with full description and pics, offering free P&P on all items but still having trouble selling!!! Seems very, very slow……. Dose anyone have any tips or advise that might help???

    Thanks all. DCP Family Fragrances And Cosmetics
  3. e_nviable
    Oooooooooerr ! Sorry penny I've been soooooo busy being 'retired' I'd forgotten about this Group (grovelling apologies).

    Hello monkeynuts and welcome !

    I don't have any advice to offer I'm afraid as I'm not a serious Seller on here - but if you take a look around the Forums you'll find hundreds, nay probably thousands, of hints tips and suggestions to help you become a success on eBid

    Try a search using 'promote your auctions' just to see what it comes up with

    Good luck !
  4. Huddylion
    I'm here
  5. nanny18
    Think i am going to go back.Sales here are non existant.Have to get rid of items i have here.nanny18
  6. penny291
    aw nanny, sorry to hear that, I had a good few months after xmas but it seems to be a trickle now, however, I'm in it for the long run, ever optimistic, wish you luck and success whatever you decide
  7. penny291
    took me ages to get to end of this damn thread with changes?????and am still on me own, where are all the Yorkies, we are usually not so quiet, am like a wallflower here on my own. mumble mumble
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