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West Yorkshire ebid members

  1. Huddylion
    Penny Quad done me a template it's fantastic, i have over 1600 to put it on, but keep getting diistrachted lol, only done about 90 lol, gonna take forever, but like you say it's going to be worth it hopefully.
  2. e_nviable

    Happy Birthday To You
    Happy Birthday To You
    Happy 3rd Birthday, dear Lucy
    Happy Birthday To You !

    with love from your daddy's eBid friends
  3. Huddylion
    Awwwww thank you all Lucy loved it, sends you all a big Huggz an kiss
  4. penny291
    Have a lovely day Lucy****
  5. PATRIOT73
    There are four Ps in Yorkshire: poetry, pugnacity, percussion and passion."
  6. PATRIOT73
    except tha wacky west
  7. penny291
    Welcome nanny18, your no 7, we're growing, e_nviable, is that dog for real, it's so cute
  8. e_nviable
    Sorry I'm late tonight but it was manic at work and it was almost eleven before I was home

    Yes Penny - the Yorkie is real ...... lovely aren't they ? I have one, but he's a ruff tuff Yorkie ratter - not like the one in the photo at all If I can fish out a photo of him from my pc, I'll post it in here

    I'm calling it a day now peeps ....... waaaaaaaaaay too tired after staring at a monitor for 5+ solid hours, to be doing the same when I get home

    Loving you and leaving you ...... thanking gawd it's Friday in a few minutes

  9. e_nviable
    There he is penny ..... that's Charlie pleading with me not to leave him in the car

    It's been deadly in here today Where's everybody gone


    See you all after work maybe ?
  10. penny291
    Charlie's a cutie, I cannot have pets because hubby and I both work and they'd be left alone, so I settle for a big hare thats been coming every day for breakfast for the last two years, it eats bread and bunny brunch, will even let me tickle it's ears, usually stays in my garden all day, don't know where it goes to on a night, we call it snowdrops.
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