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West Yorkshire ebid members

  1. Lush_Designs
    Popping in to say 'hi'

    Quiet in here hehe
  2. penny291
    Just taking a break from editing with new templates, and listing, all the editing so boring, seem to be smoking more!!!! will have to cut that out, costing me enough as it is. Sales seem to be slow this month and won't get xmas sales as I am going to India at end of this month for a couple weeks, yayhey.
  3. e_nviable
    'morning everyone

    A damp, cold & miserable Cleckheaton today ..... and I'm on my way back to bed for an hour 'cos I woke at some awful o'clock this monring for some unknown reason

    See you all later ....... I hope !

    P.S. Which part of India are you visiting Penny ..... and can I come with you ? lol

  4. penny291
    Going to Arpora, Goa, a friend said, imagine heaven and that's what Arpora is like, lol, she does tend to exagerate, but I so need a break, not looking forward to the long flight though. If you can fit into suitcase you can come. Wet and cold in Clayton, central heating on full again, not looking forward to bill.
  5. penny291
    Lisa, on facebook what does kidnap mean?? anyone know who mehmet is, he's asked to be my friend but don't think i know him????
  6. Lush_Designs
    No idea penny
  7. e_nviable
    Well that's another day almost over ....... and apart from going to work this evening, I slept through most of it ! lol

    Worrying news at work though ..... we've been told that there will be 'across the board' cutbacks - 500 redundancies have already been announced at our London call centre !

    Am keeping my fingers crossed for everyone at our branch
  8. Lush_Designs
    Morning Yorkies xxx
  9. penny291
    Morning, another cold wet miserable day, on the bright side I won a tenner on the lotto last night, so that's my windfall for the next year.
  10. e_nviable
    'afternoon all

    congrats on the 'big' win penny I stopped doing the lottery ages ago - I decided that some of the 'causes' they were donating my money to were not really 'worthy' or justifiable

    Sitting here with the living room light on ... there doesn't seem to have been much daylight today Just half an hour to pass idly now, until it's time to get ready for work ............... again !
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