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West Yorkshire ebid members

  1. penny291
    Bathroom chosen, with all accessories and tiling, waiting for pricing now from plumber, eek, Desperate Housewives on tonight, still editing, think I will be editing till next millenium, still having problems with google checkout I can pay but noone can pay me, says bad username??? have emailed google and ebid a few times for help but nothing so far??
  2. e_nviable
    A bit of good news from me won't go amiss then penny ?

    You're bookstore was on the front page tonight when I switched on about 10 minutes ago
  3. penny291
    I always miss myself!! but I have had a book sale last night. Going to do some cleaning in a bit, have to turn computer off, it's a distraction, keep sitting down and doing stuff on it then time flies.
  4. e_nviable
    .......... hey penny, lucky you !

    Your penny pinchers store was 'front page news' this morning

    I've not got much planned today; may pop into town later for a little shopping but otherwise I'm going to be very lazy unti it's time to get ready for work
  5. penny291
    Damn, missed it again.
  6. lyselicia
    Hello forum newbie here,anyone got anything linked on this site

  7. Huddylion
    Off to see

    this afternoon down at Sheffield arena,little one will love it
  8. e_nviable
    Hello lyselicia glad you could make it to our little corner of eBid I haven't noticed any links as yet, but feel free to post some if you think they will be useful to us ; don't forget to be mindful of eBid's rules about them though (no e-commerce sites, I think )

    Which part of our lovely county are you in ?
  9. e_nviable
    Morning Huddy

    You're going to see a 'fish' at the arena ? Won't that be rather damp ? Don't forget yer brolly ! Lol
  10. lyselicia
    Hi en viable,I`m in Keighley,not one of the lovelier bits unfortunately.
    I must admit i dont know about the rules.I`m just compiling a list of places to add links ,i have Gumtree,yell,citylinks and craiglist listed as "classifieds".Must go trawl the official forum thread...*stalls*
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