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A Drink On YourArrival.

  1. tonyreddevil
    i'l have a pint of Dutch lager called Grolsch .If you dont mind Jay.

    cheers Tony
  2. whyteangels66
    a pint of Grolsch for tony
    just got done at work at the old mill
    i make oatmeal
    and do a few other whole grain items.
    would like to be able to retire soon lol
    but i really like what i do so i will take this three day weekend and party like i was.
    tony ill try one of those Grolsch if you dont mind
  3. tonyreddevil
    sure Jay they are a famous Dutch Lager.
  4. adruml
    Happy Easter Tony and Jay! Why not pop into the Cocktail thread and have a quick one for old time's sake!
  5. tonyreddevil
    Happy here.Al
    Dont want to talk to 6 nasty persons in the forums.
    Which i think 2 of them are in the cocktails section.
    cheers tony
  6. whyteangels66
    thanks tony for the Grolsch.
    but a little to strong for me
    i think ill have a lite lager is there one?
  7. tonyreddevil
    Try Coors Light.
    Think its a Canadian Lager Light.
    Cheers Tony
  8. whyteangels66
    No thats moutain water
    just a bud lite will do
    sorry i have not been on lately
    hope you are doing ok
    hows the gran kids did they enjoy easter?
  9. tonyreddevil
    Jay i have been twice to to the States and Canada.
    Thought the 2 countries called Budweiser American "Dish Water"
    Being honest what persons told me.
    BTW Jay are you onebay?
    cheers Tony
  10. tonyreddevil
    Jay a budweiser for you.[IMG][/IMG]
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