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Book Sellers

  1. BrilliantBooks
    Welcome Timekeeper, and a Happy New Year to you all

    I think you're right. I love old books, and some just look sooooo nice when you hold them, but they do not sell. Then suddenly the weirdest of things sell.

    I'll re-think my selling strategy in the new year, but for now - it's playing keyboards in a local party and rehearsing with the band.

    See you all soon,
    Andy @ BrilliantBooks
  2. Bookshed
    Thanks for the good wishes Youmeus. Fortunately the cold bug thingy had just about gone for Christmas Day, but has had a resurgence today!!!

    I am getting itchy fingers now waiting to reactivate all my listings. I am trying to be patient as hubby has next week on holiday too, so I shall wait until New Year before turning stuff back online.

    Hope everyone is well and have had a good Christmas.

    Here is wishing you all a peaceful New Year
  3. Timekeeper1
    Hello All, BrilliantBooks that sounds great, Always wished I had been able to learn Key Board. My family was and is musical but I didn't take time to learn. bought a key board and hope there is time to learn a little. My wife and I sing and Ballroom dance when it is available. We are now deciding what to do this New years. Have fun with your group...........
  4. bykimbo
    There's an interesting piece about the impact of low cost resellers on the book market, on the International Herald Tribune site: http://www.iht.com/articles/2008/12/...cas/letter.php
  5. Timekeeper1
    Thank You for posting the link. It makes an interesting read. Selling books can be a challenge and it sounds like publishers and large book stores have it as bad or worse. The internet is a double edge sword. I have a large selection of mostly older children's books in a Brick and motor setting, and it is difficult to make a sale. The books need collector value, and be priced right. It seems newer novels you need to almost give away. The internet has turned the book world upside down. who to blame, everyone and no one, the change was inevitable with the new technologies. We will need to over time let the market fix itself. As small independant book sellers need to be flexable to do what we need to do.
  6. bykimbo
    And now for some good news... New Year's Honours List:

    Sir Terry Pratchett.

    Congratulations Sir pTerry!
  7. hush77hush
    hi all and happy new year.
    am thinking of starting a social group for comic book fans but am not sure how much time it would take for the up keep any help please.
  8. bykimbo
    There isn't any up-keep. You create the social group in a few seconds, then tell people it's there. That's it.
  9. hush77hush
    cheers Bykimbo will get on it right the way.
  10. hush77hush
    right have started a comic book group it's called the Bat Cave if anyone wish's to post on that to.
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