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Ruthiewildchild Fan Club

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  1. bykimbo
    I can't imagine where you get this idea that we all drink!


  2. derene8187
    Ruthie, A BIG THANK YOU for my banner & tumble banner
    You’re the best!
  3. klj
    Just added my new Ruthie made YDC avatar - it's war next time.
  4. summerdreams
    Ruthie, a great big "Thank you!" for the cool picture banner for my "all about me" page and also the revised tumble banner too.
  5. summerdreams
    Ruthie, thank you for the template too! I haven't gotten around to changing all in Thrifter's Island yet...but will do so soon.
  6. poppa501
    Ruthie gived me a new avatar! Ain't it cool! Not another one like it in the whole world! I just love you Ruthie! Thanks!

    Love to all
  7. bykimbo
    LOL just seen's KLJ's armoured truck! Suits you.
  8. klj
    What do you mean it suits me Kimbo?
    I've just added a bookmark Ruthie designed for me - lovely isn't it? Thank you Ruthie.
  9. bykimbo
    Oh, er, hi KLJ...um, just thought the colour matched your eyes. Honest.
  10. ladynuttiepig
    nice one ruth xxxxx
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