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  1. hush77hush
    Hi all finaly got two mins to site down and write something on here to help people.lol
    this is aimed at the new guy or people who have not figured out how to use GOOGLE BASE DATA FEEDS.
    Whats that i here you cry or not that old chestnut again but it works and it is free and gets all you BIN (BUY IT NOW) listing on one of the biggest search engines on the web.
    Now most people know that eBid list on google base for you all ready on set days. but there is also a way for you to do this yourself this is very good if you are listing items all the time.
    Right here goes if anyone gets lost then PM me and i will try and help.

    1st off you are going to need a free google account so go to google and register.
    once you have done this search for google base on the goolge search engine.
    this sould bring up a page with a big blue box on the right hand side it has 3 headers in it one at a tme, data feeds and api.
    the one you are look for is the one marked data feeds.
    click on this.
    right now open another tab/browser and go to my ebid. once there on the left hand side you sould see a header that says auctions im running. click on this and it will lead you to all the auction you are running. on the right at the top of the list it sould say EXPORT LISTINGS it is underlined.
    Click this and it sould bring up a little box that says export to ebid bulk uploader (you don't want that one for this) and EXPORT LISTINGS TO GOOGLE BASE click this.
    it will then download a small file which you must save to you documents on you pc. Most of the time it will also download a shortcut to your desktop.
    right now you have all you listing in a format that google base can read so go back to google base data feeds page and choose the option new data feeds.
    this will bring up 3 sections the first 2 are easy and you just have to follow googles instructions now section to can be a bit tricky. minimise your web browser and find the shortcut of the file you have downloaded from ebid right click it and go to properies at the bottom of the list click this and it will bring up the file name and all you have to do is copy and paste this into secton 3 on the data feed page on google base then register new feeds.This will then bring you back a page and you will see your data feeds fille name on the right hand site near the top next to this it will say Manual:upload file click this and chose the option to browse. now find that ebid file again and click it google will then download this to google base and they you go all your BIN are on google base.
    and all you do is down load this file from ebid everytime you list more items and repeat the process.
    if you want to check if your listing are showing just do a google search under the shopping heading.
    the more people that take the time to do this the more items from ebid will apear in this search which can only be good for everyone.
    google base does work have had a few customers that have said that they found me on google but had no idea what ebid was.
    If anyone gets lost with the above please feel free to PM me and i will help if i can.
    many thanks hush.
  2. bykimbo
    Taking a bit of a stroll around a few group members' "about me" pages, it's obvious that quite a few aren't actually doing the cross-promotional thing yet. Let me add quickly, that's not a criticism! It's not compulsory to take part to be in the group, I'm sure. And some people just haven't got round to it yet (tuit's being in short supply). But I wonder if there's a particular problem that's stopping folks from doing this? Does anybody have concerns or questions? Is there some sort of help those of us who have made a start can offer to the rest?

    If you're one of the "not yet" brigade, or even "not ever", what's the problem? Can we help?
  3. Maxx
    Hi bykimbo, Hi everyone,
    I'm looking for ebidders who want their AboutMe pages listed on my AboutMe page. Any takers? I kindly request you do the same for me.

    You can send me either your store names to list or your tag line to follow your AboutMe link.

    I've also got an area where outside links can be put. Don't know if I should keep this section though. Go take a look and tell me if it would be a good idea to keep these links here. Maxx

    Anyway, go see the examples and email me with your info if you'd like it on my AboutMe page.
  4. bykimbo
    Hi Maxx, the about me page is looking very slick! You'll be okay with outside links as long as the sites you link to are not ecommerce-enabled. No selling sites allowed, for obvious reasons.

    To be honest, I think it would also help if you had some auctions running. People find items first, then go to about me pages to check out the sellers. It's only forum members who read about me pages as entertainment.
  5. hush77hush
    your about me page looks good max puts mind in the dark.lol
    you can add me if you would like and i will add you. tag line some along the lines of the best comics on ebid PM me the html code of banner you want on mine.
    right am off to re-do my about me page.lol
  6. heatemyfather
    In case any of you haven't seen it yet, I have an eBid page here:
    Which reminds me, I need to update a few things on that page.
  7. Maxx
    Hi Hush,
    I have you on my about me page. I don't have a banner yet, but when I do I'll let you know. I'll be working on that today. Thanks Friend.

    Hi Kimbo,
    I know, I know, I know... I need to start up auctions! ~maxx winks mischievously at Kimbo with a smile~ I've been in these forums too much learning things from you and others. I'll pm you when I have some auctions.
  8. Maxx
    Hi heatemyfather,
    I just wanted to say I like your ebid graphics. Nice job!
  9. bykimbo
    Just spotted something... for anybody like me who uses the little banners to illustrate their links, if somebody changes a banner the URL alters too. At least, I'm guessing that's why my JewelEffects image was broken this morning. So might want to check now and again that all is still visible!
  10. Maxx
    Hi bykimbo,
    One way around this is put links to their about me pages with a description:
    <a href="http://us.three.ebid.net/perl/normal.cgi?user=hush77hush&amp;mo=their-all-about" target="_blank">Hushes Comic Book World</a></u> - </b> The Best Comic Books on Ebid!</font></td>

    See my page as an example:

    Yes, I'll have to be creative when adding about me pages containing more than one store, but that will be up to the Store owner as to the wording they'd like to see listed.
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