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Coin/Banknote Collectors & Sellers On The Ebid Zone

  1. burgyeb
    Welcome FBNeNotes:
    Thanks for stopping by. I'm looking forward to opportunity to learn more about other C&B interest & share my own. The Social groups are a somewhat isolated environment when compared to the general forums, but I think there's a role for both environments. Have a Good One!
  2. FBNeNotes
    The only way I can find these forums . is using my bookmark. How does a person find this? from the ebid site.
    I have looked in vain.
  3. burgyeb
    Sign into Ebid. Select Forums. Sign into forums. Select "Quick Links". Then Select "Social Groups" Then Select The Group You Are Looking For".

    This is the only way I know how to get here.
  4. burgyeb
    Hi Everyone:
    I updated the group title & description to reflect the new category from G&M "Coins & Banknotes" All stores need to select the subcategory they want their store to show up in. Have to edit your store.
  5. FBNeNotes
    Hello... Gold is now selling at $804.00 per ounce in USA.
    That is as of 7:00AM eastcoast time. Also Oil is at $108.35 per barrel.
    If Oil holds below $110.00 it is biting inflation threats, which is real good news for consumers.
  6. poppa501
    Morning folks--I'm new here, but I recognize a few of you from Coins and Banknotes forum.
  7. burgyeb
    Good Morning All!!! Welcome poppa501 & thank you for joining us! Gold sure has taken a dip; good time to buy before it heads back up or passes it's upward mark.
  8. burgyeb
    Hello everybody! Welcome to the group crmcoins, thank you for joining! I'm really looking forward to a time when members of this group will share more of their experiences and expertise.
  9. FBNeNotes
    Hi folks.... Gold is now trading at $757.20 and Oil $102.83 in USA.
    I'd be glad to talk discuss anything about World Paper Money. There are still many notes currently cataloged below $20 that are standout buys.
    Popular countries-islands..
    Bahamas,Belize,Bermuda,Brunei,Canada,Colombia,Cypr us,.. look for the sleepers in Central&South America. Homework should always be done.. read read look around.. many books and mags available. Grading is ever so important, never never guess at a Grade of a Note, never. Know the seller, look at lists, online store, online auctions.. easy to spot 90% of the time.. a for-real collector, seller. Avoid hype, always.
  10. burgyeb
    Gold is really down now; it wasn't that long ago it was about $1k or more; probably a good time to pick it up if you have dispendable funds. With notes I'd have to go easy, as I don't buy them often, & tend to stick with mint purchases if I do buy. I try to stick with reputable & tried sellers of coins also.
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