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Type: Posts; User: allsortsofephemera

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  1. Replies

    Re: Payment received

    I have had exactly this problem, contacted support they say they cannot find anything wrong and nobody else has reported the problem, I get emails from Paypal saying that a payment has been made
  2. Re: New sale not showing on my Dashboard

    The Spam folder is always the first place to check for missing mail
  3. Re: New sale not showing on my Dashboard

    We have had problems too, recently we are not getting an email when we have sold an item, the box beside the option " (Selling) - BuyNow Successful Result mail sent when an item you listed is sold...
  4. Replies

    Re: Internal server error

    Same here can get to my main page but no access to listings etc
  5. Replies

    Re: Invoice problem that need fixing

    Yes it would be so easy just to change the total postage cost to a value you want, instead of having to add the cost of the multiple items up, adding your revised postage and checking that the total...
  6. Replies

    Re: Invoice problem that need fixing

    Sorry to resurrent this old thread but the problem with the invoice does need sorting, all that is needed is to be able to change the postage value, not increase or decrease it by a value or...
  7. Re: Bulk search and edit for Buy Now price

    Thanks for the reply, have done as you suggested now
  8. Ability to search and change selling price

    I can't see a way of searching for all listings ( or listings in a particular category) for a Buy Now price of a particular value e.g £1.50 and bulk changing them to another price.
    The bulk edit...
  9. Bulk search and edit for Buy Now price

    I can't see a way of searching for all listings ( or listings in a particular category) for a Buy Now price of a particular value e.g £1.50 and bulk changing them to another price.
    The bulk edit...
  10. Replies

    Re: Import Listings From Ebay

    If you look at My ebid > My Bulk Upload there is a tab at the top titled ebay Import (seller+ lifetime).
    I think you have to click on the Link Ebay Account button and once you have set it up click...
  11. Re: Linking/Unlinking Ebay Account For Bulk Upload Question

    In Ebay go to account>site preferences, at the bottom of that pages there is a section "Third-party authorisations" and to the right are boxes to tick "Revoke this authorisation"

    I don't know...
  12. Replies

    Buyers address on invoice

    When editing an invoice for multiple purchases it would be useful to see the buyers address to comfirm which Country you are working out the combined postage for, instead of having to go back to the...
  13. Replies

    Items I've Sold page error

    on the items I've sold page, an item I have recently sold says under the sold price and information "Seller" and then shows the name of the buyer, I should imagine this should be "Buyer"
  14. Bock Email Address in Blackball

    It would be useful to be able to block an email address linked to a purchase as well as a user name. If you have a problem with a buyer on another site (supicious lost in post or non payer for...
  15. Re: Cant find my store in Google Shopping

    You might have found the answer already, but if not. the Barcode field shows in the edit page once you have loaded your listing into it to edit, just click on the box next to Barcode which will...
  16. Replies

    Re: Changing Username

    I thought that might be the case, just wanted to make sure, Thanks
  17. Replies

    Changing Username

    If you change your username do you keep your existing feedbacks
  18. Re: PayPal limiting accounts if you are selling stamps from Iran or North Korea?

    Can't you just take paypal off those items and put a note in the listing to contact you about payment and then just send them a separate paypal invoice with whatever you may want to call the sold...
  19. Replies

    Export from Sixbit to Ebid

    Have been exporting from Turbolister into Ebid for quite a while now with no problems at all. As it seems Turbolister is ending soon I have been trying out Sixbit, have only been testing it out for a...
  20. Replies

    Re: Ninja Woes

    I have just had the same problem with the latest version 2:14, said my listings had failed to upload but they have uploaded
  21. Re: My eBid > My All-About-Me not showing stores

    Thanks for the replies, I obviously havn't let my curser wander about on that part of the page, thinking that the menus on the left was all there is, lol
  22. My eBid > My All-About-Me not showing stores

    If I click on "My Ebid" and then the link on the left-hand side "My All-About-Me" under "My Options" it does not show my stores, just a page to edit my details, If I want to check each store I have...
  23. Re: How do you add a subject to magazines in bulk

    Thanks for the info, hopefully they will upgrade the site to do this in bulk in the future, its going to be impossible with 100s of listings
  24. Re: How do you add a subject to magazines in bulk

    Yes thats correct your comics have more sub categories, but if you try listing in books comics and magazines the next sub category is Magazines and it ends there.
    I think Ebid is calling these other...
  25. Re: How do you add a subject to magazines in bulk

    I am trying to put multiple magazine in a catagory withouty editing them individually
    When you upload multiple magazines to Ebid using Ninja Lister you can only initially put them in the Books,...
  26. Re: How do you add a subject to magazines in bulk

    if you click on Buy on Ebid > Books, Comics & Magazines and click on Magazines, to the left hand size are a variety of categories, those are what I am asking about, so if someone is just interested...
  27. Tobacciana category needs attention

    There is a selection of categories that need sorting out, first there is:
    Collectables > Tobacciana > Matchboxes & Matchbooks
    and "Matchbooks" is repeated in
    Collectables > Paper & Ephemera >...
  28. How do you add a subject to magazines in bulk

    I have just uploaded over 100 magazines and want to add the subject to them, there is no option in Ninja Lister or once uploaded in "My Bulk Edit" to do this, surely you don't have to edit each...
  29. Re: Ninja Lister no description in listing

    Nobody else having the same problem?
  30. Ninja Lister no description in listing

    Is anyone else having a problem with the latest update to Ninja Lister, exported listings from Turbo Lister into Ninja Lister exactly the same as I have always done with no problems.
    The description...
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