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Type: Posts; User: stopusingebay

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  1. Replies

    Re: PayPal alternatives

    I came here to say mostly this. PayPal now requires a mobile number to use their service in the US at least. If you are traveling and you lose your phone, or your mobile number gets changed, or you...
  2. Re: Collect different Currency's by selling on ebid?

    ebid does handle payments between the buyer and seller in any way, which is what ebay switched away from doing. So if you use PayPal on ebid, then collecting money with PayPal from the buyer should...
  3. Replies

    Ways of attracting new buyers to eBid

    I was going to respond to a thread about advertising eBid, but with the number of ideas that I came up with, I thought it would be better to have them as an original post. Some of these ideas can...
  4. Switching away from Cloudflare (which ebid.net is currently hosted on)

    Most people likely don't know what Cloudflare is. Have you ever had to solve a Capcha by clicking on images of cross walks or bicycles to be able to access a website? Then you've experienced what...
  5. Listings sat too long and were removed. Possible to recover? Archive?

    I had to end my listings due to travelling and being unable to be sure of being able to ship anything. Now it went past the 75 days or so and my listings are gone. Are they in some kind of archive? I...
  6. eBid Auction Patrol giving bad advice about canceling a sale

    I got an email from the eBid auction patrol which said that a buyer most likely has bad intentions. I don't doubt it. It was probably an email harvesting scam. The email advised me to cancel the...
  7. Replies

    Re: 2c Deposit to PayPal account ?

    I just had somebody offer me 99 cents on a $1 item, and then send a message asking for my PayPal email. The eBid Auction Patrol sent me an email that advised me to cancel the order. The user account...
  8. Re: Easiest & quickest [free] way to back up PC hard drive to external hard drive

    What about Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Backup? Maybe you have to pay extra on Windows 10 for something that has come with Windows for free since Windows 95?

    You can also...
  9. Re: Being charged fees for something that I didn't sell

    Thanks for the help. I just went ahead and paid it since the amount was so small. Then I was able to refund the fee and now I have a small credit. I would imagine that an expensive item may attract a...
  10. Being charged fees for something that I didn't sell

    I sold something and the buyer said it was an accident and requested to cancel. I send the two required payment reminders and then I was able to mark them as a non paying bidder. But now I own close...
  11. Replies

    Re: Router recommendation anyone

    When 801.11n came about in 2010, many of the newer devices had antennas built in to the device itself. This allowed MiMO to work, but it seemed to cut the range considerably compared to the older 11g...
  12. US postal rates 2019 increase. First class postage up 5¢ to 55¢ 5% across the board

    Over on Feebay you can get bulk forever stamps (100 or 200 or more) for usually 10% less than their value. I just got 100 for $46. Prices will probably go up in a few days once the post office starts...
  13. Old news: Surgeon signing initials on transplated organs


    After cutting someone wide open to remove a body part, this surgeon is guilty of...
  14. Replies

    Re: Clean Humor Thread

    I think that keyboard could be very valuable to email spammers! Looks like nobody thought of writing Viagra upside down.
  15. Replies

    Re: Penguins can be surprising

    That's a good one!
  16. Re: What do you do if a buyer won't leave feedback, but keeps buying repeatedly?

    Yes, I fully understand the impact of not accepting PayPal. I'm not complaining about lack of sales due to that. This situation was about selling silver bullion, and you really can't accept PayPal...
  17. Replies

    Re: Play your Xbox games on your Xbox 360

    I like the way you think. What bothers *me* is when a patch is free, and it is no longer available from the original source, and I can't find it. Nobody sells it because it is free, so I may not be...
  18. Replies

    Re: Please remind me....

    Is there some kind of deleted listing section? I have heard about the "archive" but haven't been able to find it.
  19. Replies

    Re: Smart devices with voice command...

    Will someone chop of your finger to use it for the finger print reader at your job or house...

    It's already happening in a way with bank cards with PINs. They have to kidnap and torture the person...
  20. Re: What do you do if a buyer won't leave feedback, but keeps buying repeatedly?

    I believe it's far better for the over all well being of eBid.net that items are made available for sale, rather than worry about a 1% chance that an out of stock situation will occur. Making it so...
  21. Re: What do you do if a buyer won't leave feedback, but keeps buying repeatedly?

    Items can go out of stock at any time. It's unreasonable to expect people to check their email and get up in the middle of the night to update their eBid listings because something sold somewhere...
  22. Replies

    Re: Auto ebay sync

    Yes, I call 4 years somewhat recently for a site that has existed for so long without it.

    It's no wonder that cloud based services are so popular for those creating them, and online industries in...
  23. Replies

    Re: Auto ebay sync

    The API allows manipulation of the listings for sale, leaving feedback, etc. An API is a consistent interface for using the site that is meant to be used by a computer program instead of a human. A...
  24. Replies

    Re: Auto ebay sync

    If the URL of the eBay item is known, it would be fairly easy to check it every once in a while to see what the available quantity is. But such a program would probably best be independent of eBid,...
  25. Re: What do you do if a buyer won't leave feedback, but keeps buying repeatedly?

    I would imagine that a very large number of items listed here are also listed somewhere else, and could be sold at any moment over there and go out of stock. If this site actually required and...
  26. Re: What do you do if a buyer won't leave feedback, but keeps buying repeatedly?

    Just refund the buyer for the item not sent. The way I'm used to doing things, I'm not obligated to complete a transaction if I'm out of stock, if there was a mistake in the listing, or if I think...
  27. Re: What do you do if a buyer won't leave feedback, but keeps buying repeatedly?

    I always give feedback, but usually not immediately. I saw some give a neutral "waiting for feedback" to the buyer. It seems like a good idea. I suppose I could temporarily ban a particular user from...
  28. What do you do if a buyer won't leave feedback, but keeps buying repeatedly?

    If I lower the price on my silver coins to encourage someone to buy and leave me feedback to build my rating, this buyer will snatch them up at a good price and never leave feedback. The 3rd time has...
  29. Replies

    Re: Revenge feedback protection solution

    Just giving users the option to delay feedback by 75 days is quite simple. If eBid ever gets more popular, it will likely develop the same feedback issue that eBay did, and eBid can be the first to...
  30. Re: having to complete a captcha to list an item

    There are two kinds of Capchas or checks. One just checks your browser to make sure it is one of the common browsers and not some kind of bot. If your browser is not one of the ones that Cloudflare...
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