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Type: Posts; User: BordersBargains

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  1. Replies

    Re: Traffic is so bad

    The sites traffic numbers have plummeted as per April, so something happened or other sites took the traffic which is the more likely reason
  2. Re: The site's total listed items number is just slightly above 3 millions for many d

    It won't move much, there's not really any new sellers or buyers coming here. A large % still don't even know this site exists and other new platforms are starting to grow even more like Vinted,...
  3. Re: how are sales now as really dont list much anywhere

    yeh I got to do some renaming now that many things have changed but things were so much better before this site made the GS changes
  4. Re: how are sales now as really dont list much anywhere

    Has gone so quiet I am hardly doing anything here since there's no incentive
  5. Re: Future eBid Integration with Royal Mail Click and Drop?

    Can't see it happening
  6. Re: Here we go again! Postage edit time!

    I'm not bothering to change my postage since It's basically dead here right now
  7. Replies

    Re: Support Failure

    wow that's pretty bad, I wonder if they know how long it would take to do them all again
  8. Re: ebid is 25 this year wonder if anything planned

    There's not much to talk about since nothing really changes here, as for Obay's forums they are full of people who deliberately ruin conversations about oBay issues and there was a large drop in...
  9. Re: ebid is 25 this year wonder if anything planned

    Most people just come here list or cross list then leave it to produce a sale now and then, the forums will grow if the site's traffic, sales, sellers grow
  10. Re: Share on Facebook Button changed - it does less!

    FB is such a spammed place now that when someone sees a post from an eBid listing they just ignore it. There are better ways to get this platform seen but we've been down that pointless road before
  11. Re: To all those that say nothing sells here

  12. Re: To all those that say nothing sells here

    Great stuff man and hope you see lots more

    1 so far this year for me not good at all but IMO Ebid is a site that's now in the you'll need lots of listings to get sales stage, Its going backwards...
  13. Paypal now goes to packlink and there's no postal option

    So when I go to print shipping label on Ebid it now goes to Paypals packlink and gives me ZERO options to select

    Is there anyway to make it go back to RM the previous option?
  14. Replies

    Re: Google Shopping.

    I think it would be great is Ebid themselves could choose a few listings from select sellers and pin some of their listings and more the varied they are the more attention the site will see
  15. Replies

    Re: Google Shopping.

    I think asking anyone that buys an item/s how they found the item could give us some clues as to what works best but I really think the owners should take a risk and spend on some form of advertising...
  16. Replies

    Re: Google Shopping.

    I don't think there will ever be an easy answer to GS but Its all about using the same words in your title that a buyer would use when searching to get more hits. More and more people are turning to...
  17. Replies

    Re: Google Shopping.

    Yeh it would be good if the site got more visibility but the traffic numbers have been not so good, rankings have gone down and the account plan changes made no sense.
    If I remember correctly they...
  18. Replies

    Re: Listings lost

    99% of mine were closed few days back, no clue why but I went into Listing I ran without sales and they were all there
  19. Replies

    Re: PayPal alternatives

    21 days is just way too long, PP don't do themselves any favours with stupid changes which is why Google Pay etc are growing

    This site has had numerous opportunities to grow especially when *bay...
  20. Re: Traffic on Ebid figures, does anyone have any info of numbers

    Bounce is just the average amount of visitors that only view one page before leaving the site

    The US sees around 40%
  21. Re: Traffic on Ebid figures, does anyone have any info of numbers

    Worldwide - October this year saw - 384k Visits
    43% of this traffic was in the UK
    Bounce rate is around 60%

    This is all based on a stats page but should be roughly correct
  22. Replies

    Re: Google Shopping.

    Yeh they probably did that for a reason. When obay did the numerous category merging and search engine they royally screwed up visibility for peoples ceramics, glass etc - As an example Just do a...
  23. Replies

    Re: Google Shopping.

    GS like most of google is a memory based system

    If I search Art Deco Glass you are the only eBid one that shows on the side bar and main images (Along with other sites)because I searched to see...
  24. Posh didn't last long - Opportunity for this site!!!

    I actually thought Poshmark would do well in the UK but it didn't even last a year, pretty sad situation for some people who were doing really well but the owners did no advertising at all while...
  25. Replies

    Re: "How I succeeded on Ebid"

    Its a good idea for people who want to sell stamps and you are clearly a pro at doing them and I do believe it will help some people
  26. Replies

    Re: PayPal alternatives

    Site has gone stagnant sadly, It was a site I invested lots of time in, recommended, advertised etc but nothing has changed
  27. Replies

    Re: PayPal alternatives

    We asked for it many times and its never happened and probably won't ever happen
  28. Replies

    Re: New Royal Mail charges from Oct 2023

    Yeh not good not good at all, RM clearly doesn't want Letter business and if Evri ever came out with a letter deal, I would just stop giving RM any business
  29. Re: Ebid not like some other selling platforms!

    Its desperation due to them losing revenue, they tried to make more with the hidden fee's on external advertising which they 'Forgot' to tell sellers they could turn off and this move was in place...
  30. Re: how are sales now as really dont list much anywhere

    I see pound prices
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