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Type: Posts; User: theElench

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  1. Art Deco Glass -- New Listing This Week.

    This week a small black glass plinth or base for a bowl or vase. Has a couple of chips, so please read the full description.
  2. Replies

    Re: Payment received

    Re. google shopping.

    Just a thought after looking at a couple of your comics. They both had "None" in the bar code box, in the 90's ? and did you put "exempt" in the bar code box on the listing...
  3. Re: Listed dozons of items in almost 20 days, no any sold yet

    Yes, that's a good idea. I didn't sell much at all until I had around 100 listings, then sales started to improve. At that time I was listing two new items a week so reached 200 ads. in about a...
  4. Replies

    Re: Postcard Categories

    Here, here.
  5. Re: I have returned to find that selling here is rare as hen's teeth.

    Good morning Pastime,

    I did think about the possible cost to ebid and either on the "GS" thread or another I mentioned this and inviting The Management to comment. They didn't, so I assumed that...
  6. Re: I have returned to find that selling here is rare as hen's teeth.

    That's great!

    But from what I've found, if you don't keep 'nudging' GS it will forget you and you'll be replaced by someone else who uses GS more often or who gets more views on their ads.

  7. Re: Listed dozons of items in almost 20 days, no any sold yet

    Have you started to use the PYA board to increase your visibility yet?

    I don't know anything about the computer parts you sell but have you searched GS for some of them and made your ad. titles...
  8. Re: I have returned to find that selling here is rare as hen's teeth.

    Thank you for taking the time to do that, it's good to know that my stuff can be found on other google sites. I've concentrated on Google Shopping because that's where ebid uploads our ads. too. ...
  9. Re: The site's total listed items number is just slightly above 3 millions for many d

    Everything I list is also "exempt", and my items appear on GS. I thought that 'exempt' just meant they didn't need a Bar Code and by adding it got around the requirement for one in order to be...
  10. Re: The site's total listed items number is just slightly above 3 millions for many d

    Neither do I Bill, @ FortesMentum made a good point when they said on the "I've returned to find..." thread, "...the US market is bigger than the UK..." (roughly).

    When I realised that the numbers...
  11. Re: I have returned to find that selling here is rare as hen's teeth.


    To add to the previous post. If you think you've got GS working for some of your listings, how did you do that?

    Did you try anything from the "GS" thread?
    Anything that you'd...
  12. Re: I have returned to find that selling here is rare as hen's teeth.

    Well that's a good start and something to build on, as I said above and in the "GS" thread, if you want GS to work for you, you have to do some work to get it to do so. If you ignore it and never...
  13. Replies

    Re: Traffic is so bad

    I hope it helps :)

    It's something everyone should do IMO and I do it all the time. If my items aren't visible but other similar are I look at their titles to see what I've missed !
  14. Re: I have returned to find that selling here is rare as hen's teeth.


    Hi, we've spoken on the other site in the past. Yes things are slower here, to be expected IMO because the site is much smaller and traffic slower, but since Lock-down I've been...
  15. Replies

    Re: Traffic is so bad

    Yes, that's true we've had an unseasonably cold northern wind for weeks so Spring felt quite Wintery. Now people are getting out more my sales have stopped.

    You say you can find quite a few of...
  16. Replies

    Re: Google Shopping.

    It's now May '24 and I'm still viewing a couple of my items twice a week and still seeing "Ebid - theElench" on the "Art Deco Glass" search on GS and on a few related searches like "Bagley Glass".
  17. Replies

    Re: Traffic is so bad

    Sadly that seems to be a common theme on all the boards I post on.

    Obay.uk allegedly has millions of buyers and sellers, their boards used to be busy with replies posted minute by minute. Now...
  18. Re: Inconsistency of showing number of list items between open view and summary view

    I think you're right and isn't this part of the minus numbers of listings 'problem' ?

    @mintec should consider themselves lucky. At least the summary panel shows Computing and when a would-be...
  19. Re: Post a user's suggestion regarding eBid search feature

    I must say I find that very strange. IMO the search on ebid is excellent, not distorted by Promoted Listings, key-word based and very intuitive. I often say on the obay boards that the reason I sell...
  20. Re: Listed dozons of items in almost 20 days, no any sold yet

    I think that's very true Bill.

    When I started listing glass regularly every week-end it didn't seem to make much difference until I reached about a hundred listings. After that sales became more...
  21. Re: Listed dozons of items in almost 20 days, no any sold yet

    It also helps if buyers can see your ads. on google shopping. Have you read the "Help" pages on the criteria for getting them uploaded? Do they comply? and can you find them?

    If you can't find...
  22. Re: The site's total listed items number is just slightly above 3 millions for many d

    But you're replying to a seller who joined this month and I've seen questions from a couple more recently, plus a few more returning after long breaks. There are probably even more who haven't come...
  23. Re: The site's total listed items number is just slightly above 3 millions for many d

    Just my guess but as it's so regular it could be something to do with auto-re-lists ?
  24. Replies

    Re: Where Have All The Pictures Gone

    I just searched for "Art Deco Glass" and all the pictures seem to be there.

    I did this weeks listing earlier, checked it had gone live and all my photos were as they should be.

    Then I did a new...
  25. Re: The site's total listed items number is just slightly above 3 millions for many d

    It moves up and down between about 2.8M and 3.2M quite regularly but I have absolutely no confidence that it's showing anything like accurate figures.

    Look underneath at the categories. I sell...
  26. Thread: @ Past Time.

    by theElench

    Re: @ Past Time.

    Hi Marie,

    I've tried to send you another PM. I've never been able to fathom how ebid's PM system works, it seems fiendishly complicated so you may well not have received it.
  27. Thread: @ Past Time.

    by theElench

    Re: @ Past Time.

    Good morning Marie,
    yes, I saw it last night and it had one reply already. Apparently first made in 1936 up to the 50's. I'll leave it until this evening to reply, GMB goes all round the world so...
  28. Thread: @ Past Time.

    by theElench

    @ Past Time.

    What a truly stunning lamp !!!!

    Do you have any further info. about it ? I've never seen one in purple and rarely seen other pieces in that colour. Any idea of its age?

    I think you should put...
  29. Re: how are sales now as really dont list much anywhere

    When it goes quiet I also click on a few of my listings on GS. Since I replied in February with "a good start to the year with 4 sales in Jan." Well on the way to my target of 30+ by years end,...
  30. Thread: err hello

    by theElench

    Re: err hello

    Yes, in your own time. You can always come back with more questions when you're more familiar with the boards. I'd recommend "The Kitchen Table" and "Plug Your Auctions" to start with :)
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