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Type: Posts; User: HannaHolly

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  1. Replies

    Re: where are the buddy points items?

    Well i came back to see why i hadnt heard about the auction and see i was out bid- the winning bidder apparently bid 60- buddy points for parcel tape!
  2. Replies

    Re: where are the buddy points items?

    perfect thanks :)
  3. Replies

    where are the buddy points items?

    havent been here for a while but i need some packing tape for a move and remembered i have buddy points to use up- and thought of the ebid packing atpe ive used previously- but the only buddy points...
  4. Replies

    Re: User no longer active?

    This was a buyer not a seller. and they were clearly active the day before because they bid then paid for my item. There's no logical reason for them to be shown as 'no longer active'
  5. Replies

    User no longer active?

    Noticed a User no longer active. See 'Contact details below' Notice next to a buyers name this morning. The buyer had already and has 4 figure feedback so its very unlikely they are inactive. I've...
  6. Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY tantrip12 and HannaHolly !!!

    Thank you :)
  7. Replies

    Re: Disappearing listings

    I've lost about 50 listings in the past 24 hours. impossible to tell which ones :(
  8. Poll: Re: How many of you have made a purchase from a plug in the 'plug your auctions' thre

    Why shouldn't the poll be here? i'm plugging my auctions at the same time as gathering useful marketing info for everyone :)

    edit.. ahh- sorry i realise what you're saying- this thread gets...
  9. Poll: How many of you have made a purchase from a plug in the 'plug your auctions' thread?

    How many of you have made a purchase from a plug in the 'plug your auctions' thread?

    I'm curious because i've never had any luck ( well maybe when i was more active in the YDC world) and the...
  10. Re: Moving house - need to downsize stock. 3 for 2 on all books

    For anyone who missed it first time around
  11. Moving house - need to downsize stock. 3 for 2 on all books

    I'm hoping to move house either later this year or in the spring, Before I can think about 'viewings' for my home i need to downsize my book collection considerably. large heavy books will probably...
  12. Replies

    ebid ipod app- any updates?

    I planned to list a couple of items on 'the other site' at the weekend to coincide with their free listing w/e. I discovered their ipod/iphone app which allowed me to scan bar codes on books and...
  13. Thread: FVF Refund

    by HannaHolly

    Re: FVF Refund

    Your FVF is payment for ebid helping you sell your item - which they did. They upheld their part of the bargain but you didn't uphold yours. Your customer must be very disappointed and may leave...
  14. Re: How can I trust a seller when he has not send any of the items that i won

    In fact- reading the sellers feedback makes me quite annoyed at how stupid some buyers can be. Why on earth would they buy high value items from a zero feedback seller without making any checks-...
  15. Re: How can I trust a seller when he has not send any of the items that i won

    Milly what was the sellers feedback like when you decided to bid? Did you consider checking the sellers website before bidding?

    On any online auction site it's the buyers responsibility to...
  16. Re: Charles and Diana wedding day programme

    Or how about Princess Margarets wedding

  17. Charles and Diana wedding day programme

    Whilst we're in the mood :cool:

  18. Thread: Newsletter

    by HannaHolly

    Re: Newsletter

    :) So i did! That was before I found facebook and didnt have time ;)
  19. Replies

    Re: Do all sellers have to use paypal.

    or pay using one of the better methods :)
  20. Re: eBid - Successful Sale via Auction emails not being received

    Bump. still not resolved even after opening a ticket
  21. Further three sales today ( buy it nows) which i...

    Further three sales today ( buy it nows) which i only know about because the person sent me an invoice request for a combined invoice
  22. Still no sign of the missing sold notifications. ...

    Still no sign of the missing sold notifications. I wonder if the problem is strangly titled "eBid - Too Many Emails Summary". I 'want' to receive every email i've requested as i have them go...
  23. Dunlop Aerogel Squash racket. Any Squash players?

    I'm selling a Dunlop Aerogel Squash racket and a few other items for my hairdresser! ( with the hope they will 'trim' a bit off my next haircut!).

  24. That was the first thing i checked before...

    That was the first thing i checked before posting. I still haven't received the missing 'sail via auction' emails.
  25. eBid - Successful Sale via Auction emails not being received

    The past three sales i've made on ebid almost past me by as there was no eBid - Successful Sale via Auction email sent ( i've double checked my spam folders). Can this be rectified asap as it's...
  26. Replies

    I always send to the address the buyer puts on...

    I always send to the address the buyer puts on their ebid profile as they are making their purchase through ebid- not through paypal
  27. Thanks. they're all on my PC too- but are quicker...

    Thanks. they're all on my PC too- but are quicker to work with when copy pasted from photobucket
  28. Photos- can i delete from external source once they're in my ebid gallery?

    I'm using a photobucket account to store some auction photos. Once i've used the photobucket url to get my listing photo ( which then appears in my gallery) and i've started the auction. Can i...
  29. Replies

    Aw thanks guys. :) xxxx

    Aw thanks guys. :) xxxx
  30. I'm with claranet and i dont think i've lost my...

    I'm with claranet and i dont think i've lost my connection once in the past 5 years. i'm on line 24 hours a day and my teenage daughter shares the connection for her laptop

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