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Type: Posts; User: mrscheeks

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  1. Replies

    cos well in that case no point in having me video...

    cos well in that case no point in having me video recorder :D once it dies it being replaced with one of these instead.

    We already have 2 dvd players from Asda at less than £35 each when we got...
  2. Thread: oh no

    by mrscheeks

    If you havent already tried it go the long way...

    If you havent already tried it go the long way round for your yahoo mail ... www.yahoo.co.uk and click on MAIL in the homepage. I found that was the only route I could get in the past hour. It wont...
  3. have got a google ad-words account for my website...

    have got a google ad-words account for my website and plan to close it down in a few months as if the site isnt being picked up better in the search engine after 6mths of ad words campaign then it...
  4. Replies

    lmao Dulwich .... nah hun its other USERS who...

    lmao Dulwich .... nah hun its other USERS who seem to think its our job to promote and not eBid. Although the abstinence of G&M from commenting on our suggestions time and again for promoting the...
  5. Replies

    Hiya hun, I think maybe what the OP means is when...

    Hiya hun, I think maybe what the OP means is when we keep having people go on about how we should all be doing more to make eBid a better and more successful venue.

    At the end of the day we will...
  6. Thread: Fancy Sigs

    by mrscheeks

    best site for sigs tutorials I have seen is...

    best site for sigs tutorials I have seen is http://groups.msn.com/EmeraldsCityofTutorials

    really excellent group :D and I know Emerald too which helps *lol*

    Vik xxx
  7. Replies

    Hiya Shelley - thats cool if Asda are seling dvd...

    Hiya Shelley - thats cool if Asda are seling dvd recorders under £100 :D

    just out of interest, the recordable dvd's .... how many times can you record on them? cos sometimes I tape programmes...
  8. Replies

    hear hear ... there are dozens of us who have...

    hear hear ... there are dozens of us who have been saying just what you have mate so you are most deffo not alone!!

    Vik xxx
  9. Replies

    how else do you record programmes when you go...

    how else do you record programmes when you go out? I know there is Sky Plus, but what if you dont have that? I'd be lost without our video. I know there are dvd recorders, but blimey have you...
  10. Replies

    He had a heart attack on a mountain top the...

    He had a heart attack on a mountain top the tragic part bieng that they had no way of communicating with the outside world ..... his poor wife had to try and find someone to borrow a mobile phone to...
  11. Replies

    Happy Birthday hun :D :D :D

    Happy Birthday hun

    :D :D :D
  12. 100% agree with you there mate, its just NOT...

    100% agree with you there mate, its just NOT worth the hassle at all.

    PPPay was great at furst cos it appeared to be so simple to use ...now it sucks worse than a Dyson and causes massive...
  13. Replies

    I got so fed up with having no views on eBid let...

    I got so fed up with having no views on eBid let alone sales I have actually set up my OWN free auction site :D

    might as well have total control over how my auctions are posted than waste time...
  14. :eek: sheesh had heard about her exploits but OMG...

    :eek: sheesh had heard about her exploits but OMG it does have to be seen to be believed!

    thats a sure-fire way to make yer parents wish they'd used CONDOMS *lmao*

  15. Replies

    Alternatively he could pay you by Postal Order as...

    Alternatively he could pay you by Postal Order as these can be bought in over 40 countries according to their website :D
  16. Replies

    ahhhh I know what you mean now ... I've had that...

    ahhhh I know what you mean now ... I've had that problem a while now but thought I had turned off the email settings, the got lost and cofused in the settings *lol*

    Think the last time I had...
  17. Replies

    :eek: heck that means we will need to go thru...

    :eek: heck that means we will need to go thru all our auctions to see if there have been any messages posted from bidders!

    nightmare :mad: can u imagine how long that will take for most people...
  18. Poll: whoa I think maybe this is getting a bit "big...

    whoa I think maybe this is getting a bit "big brother is watching" paranoid hun.

    To see members online is a default setting in all sites that have this type of forum ... be they nuke, vbulletin...
  19. Replies

    roflmao brilliant :D well done you and Damianien...

    roflmao brilliant :D well done you and Damianien lol

  20. Replies

    :eek: how did you find that pic of me and DH at...

    :eek: how did you find that pic of me and DH at our wedding????

    ;) xxx
  21. Thread: what a waste

    by mrscheeks

    Wilkinson's stores have the right idea. They...

    Wilkinson's stores have the right idea. They reduce down and down to 99% off and then if the stuff is still not sold within the allotted timescale it gets bagged or boxed up and donated to charity...
  22. Poll: omg I cannot believe that people would get so...

    omg I cannot believe that people would get so worked up about who is showing online and who isnt ... who is PMing who and what it might be about!

    Leave the facility to be hidden ... its on every...
  23. ahhhh yes, forgot about that! methinks Ms Catona...

    ahhhh yes, forgot about that! methinks Ms Catona needs to remember what it was like for HER growing up in foster care and not having her real mum around to look after her! Amazing how money can...
  24. Replies

    armed police carry a Glock automatic weapon ......

    armed police carry a Glock automatic weapon ... this can in one short pull of the trigger pump up to half a dozen bullets in a split second.

    This is why the man was shot so many times in such a...
  25. oh good grief :rolleyes: i like the kid, but ffs...

    oh good grief :rolleyes: i like the kid, but ffs she isnt exactly a celebrity - she left atomic kitten after a year cos she couldnt sing (as she freely admitted :D) and she only got in the band in...
  26. lmfao .... :D :D

    lmfao .... :D :D
  27. Replies

    Now THAT'S a crackin idea :D As is the one...

    Now THAT'S a crackin idea :D

    As is the one from Sludgeguts only I'd make it refundable after 10 positive feedbacks in a row ;)
  28. We did this over Bosnia ... anyone remeber that...

    We did this over Bosnia ... anyone remeber that war? We were asked to go in under the UN flag, but the people suffering .... who, incidently, shot at the UN Forces and tried to bomb them, and would...
  29. Replies

    That is only possible if you have a static IP...

    That is only possible if you have a static IP address, and most people dont. I use Pipex for broadband connection and it is a dynamic IP address so changes day to day within the pipex range.
  30. Hun replacing the present coalition troops with...

    Hun replacing the present coalition troops with UN troops is only a matter of changing head gear. They will merely replace our present armed forces berets to the pale blue UN one.

    It wont bring...
Results 1 to 30 of 500
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