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Type: Posts; User: JJcards

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  1. Re: Have a buyer who wants to do a cash delivery,anyone ever done one

    I re read his email before cancelling the sale while waiting for him to reply,what I mistook for cash on arrival was really cash on delivery,
  2. Re: Have a buyer who wants to do a cash delivery,anyone ever done one

    Lol Run I did still can't find my chocolates though maybe he can cod them for me
  3. Re: Have a buyer who wants to do a cash delivery,anyone ever done one

    The buyer never got back to me after a few emails so support was great about it,told me I should cancel the sale and relist the item,which I have done,going to bb that buyer,had the buyer agreed to...
  4. Re: Have a buyer who wants to do a cash delivery,anyone ever done one

    That is what set off bells for me,that and he joined the day of the auction ending and never contacted me on site during the auction,only after it ended and only through my email acct like they did...
  5. Re: Have a buyer who wants to do a cash delivery,anyone ever done one

    If I were to agree to it I would have to have them send cdn funds by registered post so I can sign for it for their protection,I have had some cash sales in the past but always buyers I dealt with...
  6. Have a buyer who wants to do a cash delivery,anyone ever done one

    Have a buyer who says they do not have a credit card so no card no paypal acct,they want to send me cash problem is buyer is from India and the idea behind the sales was for a quick turnaround to buy...
  7. Anyone know how to identify the beatles original butcher album cover

    If anyone could help out with this it would be greatly appreciated,as I know there are a lot of versions and peeled off covers,just want to know how can you tell if you have the real deal or not.
  8. Replies

    Re: 1200$ in sales today on site

    As well to you.
  9. Replies

    Re: 1200$ in sales today on site


    I may have read into it more than was there,just the way it was worded that rubbed me the wrong way,the thing that hit me was what I read to be give me some proof,that is what got my blood...
  10. Replies

    Re: 1200$ in sales today on site

    How is it misleading,I gave the numbers for what I sold after you posted your question,the title states 1200$ in sales on site today which is what I made today not very hard to understand,where is...
  11. Replies

    Re: 1200$ in sales today on site

    Not once in my rant did I say anything about feedback being the problem,my problem was the posting of calling my sales into question and to add more confidence to the amount I believe was the phrase...
  12. Replies

    Re: 1200$ in sales today on site

    No Kim I was not reading any more into your statement, got where you were going with it and realize I should have been more clear in my original post a few days back,
  13. Replies

    Re: 1200$ in sales today on site

    Just check my completed items today alone,what the heck would I have to gain by saying I made sales if I didn't
  14. Replies

    Re: 1200$ in sales today on site

    Thank you,

    I almost feel like more than half the folk on here want to rake me over the coals for posting sales that did not take place directly on site or wanting me to provide information as...
  15. Replies

    Re: 1200$ in sales today on site

    Not sure I get the add more confidence in the reported amount,I sold sports cards last week this week cards and iPHONES along with more cards

    I had a card store for a number of years so most of...
  16. Replies

    Re: 1 of my items has 10 bids

    Yes it was,ended rather nicely

  17. Replies

    Re: 1200$ in sales today on site

    Most of the sales have been on here some have been local was just sharing my week

    And the feedback I leave asap a buyer pays,never had an issue with that never will

    Guess I will keep any sales...
  18. Replies

    Re: 1200$ in sales today on site

    Have left feedback for a few,others(today)as soon as payment is made the others were all local clients so aside from me giving them a few extra cards and such cannot leave feedback for them but...
  19. Replies

    1200$ in sales today on site

    Very good day for me so far on ebid,sales total 1208.45 as of now,got some shipping to do,then off to the cottage for the weekend,then back to listing and hopefully more sales
  20. Replies

    Re: 1 of my items has 10 bids

    Guess I am gonna need to offer my hand more in social situations to people with whom I had not in the past,post grafting that is
  21. Replies

    1 of my items has 10 bids

    In over 2 years on here we have never had an auction with more than 1-2 bids,usually our items are bin so seeing 1 with 10 bids and another with 5 with about an hour left on 1 2 hours on the other...
  22. Re: USPS Priority Mail Guide Helps Online Sellers Compare Rates

    Wish it were that simple with canada post,they have all sorts of titles and pricing small packet,small package,difference about a buck,bulky item priority,bulky item ground,large parcel,large...
  23. Re: Huge find of vintage sportscards 1910-1960s

    Thanks,and I think I just made some old gents week,he made me some offers and at the end he added I hope these are not too ridiculous I know what these sell for on ebay,I accepted his offers through...
  24. Re: Huge find of vintage sportscards 1910-1960s

    2 boxes sold for a profit of 702,this week just keeps on giving,been having summer like weather great sales and finally got to catch up on some cleaning outside the house,did my patio getting it...
  25. Replies

    Re: Your Prayers & Thoughts Would Be Appreciated

    Wishing you and your family comfort while going through this,my thoughts and prayers will be with you and yours
  26. Re: Huge find of vintage sportscards 1910-1960s

    Thanks,it was,I was just checking the beckett online price guide which lists the prices for cards and found a whole slew 64 to date that have a value of 2-5004 a piece in their condition,now my...
  27. Huge find of vintage sportscards 1910-1960s

    We recently purchased a locker that went unpaid,think storage wars or the like,what caught my eye was some card boxes,sealed,I only saw 4-5 of them but imagined what else could this hold,a treasure...
  28. Replies

    Re: Had a nice suprise this morning....some BIDS

    bids are still on the rise,I know they are not sales till paid for but after so long of zip,it is nice to see and perhaps a new page for us all,buyers seem to be joining more and more and even better...
  29. Replies

    Re: Had a nice suprise this morning....some BIDS

    Probably take the girls out for a nice supper on the weekend,they had their spring break last week and between going to movies,parks,museums I was exhausted,going out to eat will give me a chance to...
  30. Replies

    Re: Had a nice suprise this morning....some BIDS

    Up to 688$ now very good morning indeed.
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