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Thread: Lets Get Noticed More

  1. #71


    Quote Originally Posted by MagnetsAndHangers View Post
    Agree with your post, but the above in red has been brought up on 10, 20, maybe more, occasions.
    Ebid have not commented once on it unfortunately.

    I am still more than convinced that it would improve the buying experience on ebid.
    Unfortunately, killing off the dead wood would also knock down the number of listings substantially.

    As someone else said recently - isnt a site with 1.5 million reliable listings better than a site with 1.5 million reliable listings + 1 million deadwood.

    I know which I think.
    Thanks for weighing in, and I know which scenario I'd choose too. AND I'll bet it's the same one you'd choose. If the suggestion has been made before, then I guess it needs to be made again. I don't see the problem. If a seller can have a listing removed for not responding to a question within 24 hours, then what's the problem with asking sellers to log in now and then to demonstrate that they're still alive? If you're serious in the first place, why wouldn't you be here checking on your enterprise?

  2. #72
    Forum Lurker samart0152's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by deltadelta48 View Post
    PS: I took a look at your listings and bio page and can tell you just what is wrong. I know of what I speak. You are too negative and have used the bio to post a huge list of all your rules rather than tell us about you. You use your description area to repost the same rules and have almost no description. You do not allow returns, you give only 3 days to pay or person will be reported, you will issue negatives quickly, if you bid you agree to terms, etc etc etc. This is a typical feebay listing and bio page.

    I ask, is this potential poor treatment of ebid buyers good for ebid? Do buyers need threats to buy and pay?
    sorry to be abit cheeky but I read alot of your advice on the forums and although I've started to make a few sales on ebid (I knew I would eventually) I'd really appreciate it if you would look at my store and bio if you have time and tell me if there's anywhere I can improve?Thanks,samantha.

    In fact if anyone wants to have a look constructive criticism is always more than welcome.

  3. #73


    Quote Originally Posted by deltadelta48 View Post
    A rather negative viewpoint which puts the blame on ebid, which seems to be what new sellers like to do all the time. However, I have been here 9 months, a feebay refugee, and have had well over 400 sales. First few were from feebay buyers I BOUGHT OVER. I did not blame ebid for no sales, slow sales, etc, I get my rear in gear and started to work on it. There is a recession on, it is a slow time traditionally for selling before holiday rush, and you are brand new to the site. Sales will be slow.

    AND as we tell people time and time again, don't rest on your laurels, because the same selling tactics do not work here. The buyers, even those coming over from feebay do NOT engage in bidding wars, nor to they watch auctions closely.They like BIN, they ask few questions, if info is not in listing, they pass it by. That is a reality, and once you pick up on that, and make sure your selling skills are in top order, you will have sales.

    Another common negative comment from new sellers who can't decide to stay is the one you made: why share your customers? Maybe they will not like it here. Maybe they will get cheated? Maybe they will not find what they want here. Well that is a feebay attitude 100%. Do not help other sellers. Do not give out any info to anyone. Do not cooperate. Here at ebid, we work together, sellers, buyers and administration. Everyone is equal (i.e. can give any kind of feedback, can offer suggestions,etc). You will find sellers helping newbies to polish their listings and make sales, running links to OTHER SELLER'S EBID STORES from their OWN websites, and much more. Because when anyone succeeds on ebid, we all succeed. That keeps sellers here and brings buyers in too.

    Your comments on the wondres of feebay are real interesting, stay there if you like but your stay will not be a long one. Recent announcements such as big changes due in Sept (more new item selling, less collectables), GM selling cars on feebay bypassing dealerships, and the new policies pressuring sellers to provide free shipping and buyers now being ALLOWED TO KEEP ITEMS THEY FEEL ARE NOT UP TO SNUFF OR DESCRIBED WRONG, OR FAKE. No questions asked. Enjoy that kind of selling on feebay. Within six months, all smaller sellers will be out of there per feebay administration, and the big box stores like GM, Best Buy, etc, will take your place. That is not my opinion, that is the industry opinion and where feebay is headed. Many of us were caught in their massive and puzzling suspensions over last year, we knew something was coming. Now it is almost here.

    As others have said, if you want to succeed on ebid, you will have to polish your selling skills. No unsearchable titles, no vague descriptions/no descriptions, no run until solds, no high shipping costs, no high prices, no missing bio pages, the list goes on and on. If you stay, you will learn how to sell here and learn the ins and outs of selling, things you never learned on feebay.

    The decision to stay here is yours. And I believe the decision to NOT retain the smaller sellers has already been made on feebay. Some of the smaller feebay sellers like you just don't know it yet. When it happens to you, are you going to take selling on ebid seriously and quit blaming ebid for slow sales?
    I'm afraid you totally misread my comments. I've been surprised by how often I've seen people get defensive here if anyone (especially, God forbid, a "new seller") suggests that some policies simply are not working. I'm talking specifically about abandoned, outdated listings and the impact they're likely to have on both buyers and sellers. Like it or not, this practice makes the site, and unfortunately the sellers, look unprofessional and suspect.

    Leave e*ay out of it. Think for a minute of any reliable online retailer you want. Now ask yourself whether you would ever expect to purchase an item from their site and find that not only is the item not available, but there's nobody there. Would you shop that site again? I wouldn't. And I can't imagine they'd be there very long anyway.

    I'm not even going to guess how you arrived at the idea that I'm unwilling to share buyers. I don't care who buys what from whom, and if they're here, that should be good for everyone. My reluctance to promote the site is not about sharing customers, for heaven's sake. It's about asking people who have trusted me to know what I'm doing to come over here and run the very real risk of a bad experience. Whether you like it or I like it, certain expectations have been set for online merchandising, and one of those is that buyers expect to get what they've paid for. I don't think that's revolutionary.

    If my suggestion that dead listings by people no longer here to contribute anything anyway are harmful to the site and sellers as a whole, then I'm sorry, but you're on your own with that one.

  4. #74


    Quote Originally Posted by deltadelta48 View Post
    PS: I took a look at your listings and bio page and can tell you just what is wrong. I know of what I speak. You are too negative and have used the bio to post a huge list of all your rules rather than tell us about you. You use your description area to repost the same rules and have almost no description. You do not allow returns, you give only 3 days to pay or person will be reported, you will issue negatives quickly, if you bid you agree to terms, etc etc etc. This is a typical feebay listing and bio page.

    I ask, is this potential poor treatment of ebid buyers good for ebid? Do buyers need threats to buy and pay?
    Thank you for taking a look and for your comments. I did not expect things to be going like gangbusters over here, and the point of my initial post was not slow sales per se, but ways to draw buyers and inspire their confidence.

    When e*bay enacts a stupid policy that pi**es off their sellers, nobody thinks a thing of expressing their disapproval. What I'm obviously missing here is why this site is sacrosanct. Because there is much about it that's good, does that mean there can't be something that's not working?

    I've tried to put myself in the position of a buyer only. If I had not listed a single thing, and my first buying experience was the one I had, I would not shop here. And that's too bad, because I've already found other, wonderful things from really good sellers. But with so many choices, buyers don't want to be involved in problem transactions like non-purchases from disappearing sellers.

    As for my policy statement, it's evolved over a long period to accomodate situations I did not anticipate initially, and is aimed specifically at the small percentage of people who will abuse any situation. People who read it and buy from me don't seem to have a problem, probably because they're not the ones anybody is going to have to file an NPB on to begin with. They want something, they pay for it, they get it. If there's a problem, I deal with it. I'm not the Home Shopping Network, and I'm not running for Congress.

  5. #75


    Quote Originally Posted by rethreads View Post
    Thank you for taking a look and for your comments. I did not expect things to be going like gangbusters over here, and the point of my initial post was not slow sales per se, but ways to draw buyers and inspire their confidence.

    When e*bay enacts a stupid policy that pi**es off their sellers, nobody thinks a thing of expressing their disapproval. What I'm obviously missing here is why this site is sacrosanct. Because there is much about it that's good, does that mean there can't be something that's not working?

    I've tried to put myself in the position of a buyer only. If I had not listed a single thing, and my first buying experience was the one I had, I would not shop here. And that's too bad, because I've already found other, wonderful things from really good sellers. But with so many choices, buyers don't want to be involved in problem transactions like non-purchases from disappearing sellers.

    As for my policy statement, it's evolved over a long period to accomodate situations I did not anticipate initially, and is aimed specifically at the small percentage of people who will abuse any situation. People who read it and buy from me don't seem to have a problem, probably because they're not the ones anybody is going to have to file an NPB on to begin with. They want something, they pay for it, they get it. If there's a problem, I deal with it. I'm not the Home Shopping Network, and I'm not running for Congress.

    Lots of different issues here:

    "Policy statement" - buyers on feebay don't mind, but they will here. Heads up. If someone checks you out, sees something they do not like, they will not come back again. Simple. Make sure your "policy statement" follows ebid guideslines too, espec when you ask for payment in 3 days. Just a heads up.

    Deadwood on every site, but easier here because of there are no relisting fees and relisting is automatic. Other places it costs you $3 a pop, not here so people forget about their items. That is their problem. Policing this activity is difficult.

    Suggestion that buyers contact seller before bididng was made if there was any doubt or question. i.e. Knock on the door and see if the store is open. BUT the problem of unattended items is not so widespread that is must be done for every sale.

    Yes, I believe that old feebay mentality comes into play when new sellers are asked to share buyers. New sellers need to start selling fast and that is a good way to do it, and it helps ebid and all other sellers. BUT all new sellers insist that they are holding back because they see some "problem" with ebid. mmmmm.

    Good luck with selling,

  6. #76


    1st off welcome to eBid.
    2nd i understand where deltadelta48 is coming form and let me just put my bit in.
    over the last 6 months or so word of mouth and internet advertising has pull some new buyers and sellers to eBid form greedbay and the big river and sorry to say alot of them all seam to think that eBid is just the same as feebay or again the big river but it is not. Yes they are all auction site but with feebay you can just list items and in a couple of days they have sold with you doing very little to them but here you have to do a bit off work.
    I hope that by listing on the fourm you are looking for help and advise from some of use here and if you don't mind i would like to tell you a few things.
    Okay 1st of make sure that your item are published from eBid to Google shopping and product search some people are saying that no one does a google shopping search but they are wrong (sorry) if you check your site traffic for you old feebay store then you will fine that alot of hits come from this search.
    2nd i would do a sig for your fourm posts here and if you blog or chat in fourms and chat rooms elsewhere make the same sig for them to drive traffic to your listings here. the more sites that link to here then the high it will come in search engine standings.
    3rd I would do some simple web pages about you and the things you list sell and so on and put links from them to your about me page here.
    now I do not sell clothing and comic books sell by people looking for that missing issue so is a funny market but run till sold is good for me. I get what you are saying about the is anyone there bit but you can't tar every one with the same brush also if you have found this site and are looking to make your first sale then you would do it the safest way possible by using paypoo or checkout so you get some buyer protection would'nt you????
    and last off have had a look at you rules bit and i do agree that it is a bit of over kill most people that will find you will find your about me page first this is like your store front on the high street use it to pull people in not turn them off.
    so i would go for less red for danger or warning and make it more friendly i'm not saying don't have your rules on there just make them less in your face and add more content about you and your items. Also about your rule I would chose one or the other in your about me or your listings not both again a bit of an over kill.
    the next thing which is a big turn of for some people is that it looks like you only offer paypoo as payment??? now with this you are still giving feebay there slice and also turning those buyers that have turn there back on feebay off i would offer more payment options customers like to be able to chose.
    Im sorry if any of this has offended you that is not my intent and if you would like any help then please feel free to ask anyone here, most of us would be glad to help but please don't be another of those newbie that come here and after 5 mins say its not the same as feebay because alot of use have figure that out already
    Check out my shop for all your fav comic books

    Hush is barnching out check it out

    Check out my about me for some stuff about me.
    or why not join my social group on the fourm pages.

    Why not follow me on Twitter.

  7. #77


    Quote Originally Posted by hush77hush View Post
    1st off welcome to eBid.
    2nd i understand where deltadelta48 is coming form and let me just put my bit in.
    over the last 6 months or so word of mouth and internet advertising has pull some new buyers and sellers to eBid form greedbay and the big river and sorry to say alot of them all seam to think that eBid is just the same as feebay or again the big river but it is not. Yes they are all auction site but with feebay you can just list items and in a couple of days they have sold with you doing very little to them but here you have to do a bit off work.
    I hope that by listing on the fourm you are looking for help and advise from some of use here and if you don't mind i would like to tell you a few things.
    Okay 1st of make sure that your item are published from eBid to Google shopping and product search some people are saying that no one does a google shopping search but they are wrong (sorry) if you check your site traffic for you old feebay store then you will fine that alot of hits come from this search.
    2nd i would do a sig for your fourm posts here and if you blog or chat in fourms and chat rooms elsewhere make the same sig for them to drive traffic to your listings here. the more sites that link to here then the high it will come in search engine standings.
    3rd I would do some simple web pages about you and the things you list sell and so on and put links from them to your about me page here.
    now I do not sell clothing and comic books sell by people looking for that missing issue so is a funny market but run till sold is good for me. I get what you are saying about the is anyone there bit but you can't tar every one with the same brush also if you have found this site and are looking to make your first sale then you would do it the safest way possible by using paypoo or checkout so you get some buyer protection would'nt you????
    and last off have had a look at you rules bit and i do agree that it is a bit of over kill most people that will find you will find your about me page first this is like your store front on the high street use it to pull people in not turn them off.
    so i would go for less red for danger or warning and make it more friendly i'm not saying don't have your rules on there just make them less in your face and add more content about you and your items. Also about your rule I would chose one or the other in your about me or your listings not both again a bit of an over kill.
    the next thing which is a big turn of for some people is that it looks like you only offer paypoo as payment??? now with this you are still giving feebay there slice and also turning those buyers that have turn there back on feebay off i would offer more payment options customers like to be able to chose.
    Im sorry if any of this has offended you that is not my intent and if you would like any help then please feel free to ask anyone here, most of us would be glad to help but please don't be another of those newbie that come here and after 5 mins say its not the same as feebay because alot of use have figure that out already
    Hi, there, and thank you for the welcome. No, I am not offended. I think it was very good of you to take your time to reply. Thank you.

  8. #78


    Quote Originally Posted by deltadelta48 View Post

    Yes, I believe that old feebay mentality comes into play when new sellers are asked to share buyers. New sellers need to start selling fast and that is a good way to do it, and it helps ebid and all other sellers. BUT all new sellers insist that they are holding back because they see some "problem" with ebid. mmmmm.

    Good luck with selling,
    Thank you for the good wishes, which I return to you.

    I'm afraid I can't address the question of the "feebay mentality" regarding an unwillingness to share buyers, since it wouldn't and hasn't occurred to me. I've never thought that the people who buy from me haven't bought from others. So I've never considered that I had a private reserve of buyers in my pocket to withhold. For me, that's a non-issue.

  9. #79


    rethreads, Why is your user name marked through with a line? I went to look at your about me page and your user name is marked through with a line and you have no auctions running.

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