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Thread: i need help with a problem with a seller

  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Barrattess View Post
    .....Hi Astral...yes I did read the op's opener. I thought it strange that they bid on 3 items ...and then after winning one item ask for an invoice...like I said ...maybe the seller is waiting for the outcome of the other two bids. As I dont have enough details in front of me I was only offering a possible explanation...also, if the auctions have a couple or more days to run...maybe the seller is away for the bank holiday and thinks they have time to get in touch upon their return. ...
    ...only suggestions on my part


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  2. #12


    Mandie, without naming them - what is the seller's feedback like? Do they sell regularly on here?

  3. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by bluefincircle View Post
    Mandie, you can also contact your seller by using the private messages facility here on the forums. You will find the link just under your user name by log-in box at the top of this page. They will get a pop-up message in their email in-box that tells them to visit the forums.
    That won't necessarily work. They may not allow PMs or have turned off the automated emails.
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  4. #14


    I guess mandiemonroe is not in that much dire need of help.

    Not one reply so far and they were signed in until quite late last night. It does annoy me when people ask for help and then don't bother to look or reply to the results. It makes you wonder why we bother.

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  5. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by mandiemonroe View Post
    hi i bought a item from a seller and won an im bidding on two more of his items i requested a invoice and contact details but iv had no reply for daysand want to cancell my other2 bids before i win how do i do this i dont want negative feedback ???


    many thanks mandie monroe
    Hi Mandie,

    Don't panic, there is no problem. The buyer sees that you are bidding on other stuff so is holding off giving you that combined invoice until you tell them you are finished.

    But you told them you want an incomplete one now? Confusing. That is messy to issue one for every item, and sellers would rather wait to do one. But again, they are not mind readers, they do not know when you are finished, you have to tell them.

    Over on ebid we do not play games with the feedback as they do on feebay. Buyers and sellers do not watch for errors and quickly file negatives because they are more interested in making the experience a good/fun one here. If a negative is accidently given, ebid can reverse it (unlike feebay where it is permanent). So rest assured, the seller is on your side.

    I would immediately email them, tell them Opps, you jumped the gun and asked for invoice, but are still bidding and will let them know when you are all finished so they can issue one invoice.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by astral276 View Post
    ...If they do not respond...then report the seller, along with all relevant details, to admin who will take the necessary action...Whatever you do do not pay for any item until contact has been made...

    I, too, recently bought something from an unresponsive seller. It's now 3+ days since the sale and I've never received a seller's response to my two direct emails and two AAL emails. My emails were a request for a proper invoice showing the shipping discount for the multiple quantity I bought on the one "BuyNow" sale.

    In addition, the seller never did respond to my "one week before the sale" question (with several nudges).

    No money has been sent by me.

    How do I report the problem to eBid? Sorry, I cannot find the link to report a problem. I'm rather used to eBay, so my mind is fixed on how I'd find things there, not on eBid.

  7. #17


    there are two things that strike me with your post

    1) it seems you only bought the item 3 (maybe four days) ago which you might have realised is a weekend and not everyone works over the weekend.... and yet you have contacted the seller 4 times, is this not a bit impatient on your part.

    2) what made you go ahead and buy an item if you had asked a question but received no answer dispite several nudges.

    you could contact support suppport@ebid.tv and tell them about the seller, but they may say it is a bit soon to do anything about it.

  8. #18
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    Yeah, I guess the nearly immediate response (weekend, holiday, or not) by the eBay sellers I have dealt with in the past has given me a false impression of what to expect all the time on any auction site. I am willing to admit that I may be a little too impatient...which is why I waited until today to look for help on this forum rather than trying to boot the seller off eBid or to leave negative feedback.

    I decided to buy the item even without my questions being answered (I actually sent two questions, plus one nudge - several other nudges were apparently automated) because I realized the seller's answer would have been of little importance anyway. My questions were primarily to determine the full extent of the seller's volume of product. The lack of the answers were, to me, only an indication of a slow response to a question, not the presence or absence of the seller. I figured if the seller responded to the actual sale, everything would be OK; and if not, that I would simply not send the funds. My guess is the later situation is likely to be the final outcome.

    The total sale was only $22.50, plus the unresolved shipping charges.

    I'll give the seller a few more days. If there's no response, I'll contact eBid support.

    Thank you for the quick reply.
    Last edited by lifeofrally; 12th October 2009 at 10:04 PM.

  9. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by lifeofrally View Post
    Yeah, I guess the nearly immediate response (weekend, holiday, or not) by the eBay sellers I have dealt in the past with has given me a false impression of what to expect all the time on any auction site. I am willing to admit that I may be a little too impatient...which is why I waited until today to look for help on this forum rather than trying to boot the seller off eBid or to leave negative feedback.

    I decided to buy the item even without my questions being answered (I actually sent two questions, plus one nudge - several other nudges were apparently automated) because I realized the seller's answer would have been of little importance anyway. My questions were primarily to determine the full extent of the seller's volume of product. The lack of the answers were, to me, only an indication of a slow response to a question, not the presence or absence of the seller. I figured if the seller responded to the actual sale, everything would be OK; and if not, that I would simply not send the funds. My guess is the later situation is likely to be the final outcome.

    The total sale was only $22.50, plus the unresolved shipping charges.

    I'll give the seller a few more days. If there's no response, I'll contact eBid support.

    Thank you for the quick reply.
    Let me tell ya about the instant replies on feebay. We had to do that or we got negatives, and if we got negatives we got suspended. Permanently. Nice place. If someone had to email us twice, they would probably give us a negative (not reversable) and if the item was not mailed and/or arrived in time buyer felt it should be (i.e. one day), we got a negative. Enough of those and we were suspended permanently. Lots of people here had that experience. Went away for weekend, came back to sheer panic from buyer, "where are you???????" "if you do not reply immediately I will report you" bah bah bah. Opening emails was hair raising, never knew what names you would be called or what you would be accused of.

    That behavior was disrespectful but was allowed by feebay administration.

    Buyers and sellers are just people. We have family, friends, responsibilities, things to do and places to go, kids to pick up and moms to take to appointments. Often we can not be on the computer 24/7, and neither can most buyers. We do our best to reply and help our customers.

  10. #20
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    Yeah, that's why I left eBay and closed my PayPal account last May. I'm switching to eBid both to buy and sell. I've got six items listed now in a trial balloon, so to speak.

    I still getting used to eBid. I wasn't even certain how listing questions were handled...which is why I asked the duplicate questions via AAL and direct email. And I wasn't sure how the seller was notified after a sale by eBid. For example, is the seller sent an email by eBid after a sale, or must the seller sign in to eBid and look for messages (where do you look for these, BTW). Sorry for such simple questions, but I cannot find a "message center" in my account. (I'm already "hard of hearing" - I must becoming "hard of seeing", too.) Oops...this is becoming a bit "off topic"

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