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View Poll Results: Please choose your preferred option

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  • I would like YDC to become global (No YDC UK / YDC USA etc)

    15 83.33%
  • I would like it to stay as YDC UK / YDC USA

    2 11.11%
  • I would like YDC auctions to all have the country in the title even those that are not UK or USA

    1 5.56%
  • Other. Please add to thread

    0 0%
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Thread: YDC UK & USA to end & become global

  1. #41
    Forum Saint
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    Quote Originally Posted by lejoueurdepipeau View Post
    It's the thought that counts - and I appreciate it! At least there is one person who has noticed I'm here!
    I'd say you're hard to miss except a) apparently it's not true and b) you might take it the wrong way.

    Of course, on the subject of charities - while those chosen do tend to reflect the country of the chooser, there are some like Shelterbox that operate globally anyway, so where their office is is irrelevant (or should be).

  2. #42


    Ok, I'm new here but I have to add my 2 cents...lol I don't get the bad feeling thing. Of course I'm not sure how this competition works. Is it the person that sells the highest on one item gets to choose the charity? If that's it...what is the problem, everyone has the chance to win that. It shouldn't make a difference how many there are from what country. This is suppose to be about giving to a charity, right?

    We all have a favorite charity, correct. Well there is nothing to stop anyone to give to that charity or sell for that charity at any time. I went with the USA charity because...well I just thought that was fair since I am from the USA and that was a part of this event. I would have been just as happy to raise money for Kim's choice as the main charity.

    Personalities shouldn't even be involved in this. It's for a good cause, right, it isn't about you.

    Put out a good product to sell for the charity and whoever gets the highest bid gets to pick the next one. That is fair.


  3. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by jeweleffects View Post
    Here's my take on it:

    I listed my charity auctions without the USA attached and received no bids which is quite unusual for me. Round about the Wednesday/Thursday date, I decided to add the USA to my title - Hey presto, all 3 of my auctions suddenly had bids within hours.

    So, for me, I will stick to using USA in my titles.

    Since I was the bidder, I have to tell you that it wasn't anything about the title. I was looking though items that were available to me since some items didn't ship to the USA. (though I did get around that) Saw that your items didn't have any bids on them yet and they were great items I could use, I didn't even check to see what country they were from. I bid on them and luckily I won them.

    I believe I bid on items from different countries and I won a total of 10 auctions. I am very pleased with the items I won and I'm so glad that the 5 items I offered also sold and I hope that those that won them enjoy them too.

    In a family as large and diverse as mine, there is always something going on, we have a few favorite charities that we give to regularly because of personal reasons. I would love to have a YDC for one of them and if I ever win the choice I will, until then I will use the charity that is picked by the winner of the competition. That is how it should be.

    Ok, that was more than 2 cents...but lol I'm worth it. Dodie

  4. #44
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    Kim, allow me to answer your post a paragraph at a time:

    "Was I? I don't remember that, but it I suppose it could be true. However, since I do not practice "stick by an opinion even when it's proved to be wrong" and am always happy to learn from experience, I can't really see how it's relevant."

    What is relevant here is that this was decided, polled and adopted in a matter of 1 week without the opportunity for all to even know that this was going on, much the same as the decision, polling and adoption of a “Boss” for YDC. How sad that there is such underhandedness entwining such a wonderful charity.

    "Part of my reason for feeling it was a mistake is due to having watched the USA YDC Social group and how the anti-British feeling has crept in there, and it's all got a lot darker."

    That’s right, I have noticed you looming over us in silence, I often wondered why you never said a word. As for “anti-British feeling” nothing could be further from the truth. I have never heard or seen any animosities against our friends “The Brits” I cannot imagine where you got such an idea, unless of course you are trying to create it.

    "And while we're here... who on earth do you think is "pulling Sarah's strings" (boy, there's an offensive phrase)!? I can assure you if for some reason you'd been thinking it was me, you couldn't be further from the truth! But I can't think of any other likely candidates, and Sarah's always struck me as a woman of considerable character who'd be unlikely to agree to be anybody's puppet."

    It’s only offensive if it’s true. In as much as I mentioned no names and you jumped in with denials, I have to presume that it is you. Thank you for letting me know for a certainty.

  5. #45


    Dodie - you can spend as many cents as you like as long as you promise to continue to talk such good sense!! Let's hope people take some notice.

    I don't get the "bad feeling thing" either and I am too old for playground squabbles....
    We seem to have moved on from a light hearted challenge between the USA and UK to a division as wide as the Grand Canyon. Personal attacks and rudeness as in the last post are completely uncalled for!

  6. #46


    Anyone who feels I have been underhand about this for YDC simply does not have a clue about me as that view is totally wrong.

    I'll repeat a point again as it seems it's been missed by some.

    People can (& often do) choose a charity that has not been nominated. The only thing that I have changed is is the announcement of 2 winners as this is IMO unfair on people in France, Germany, Canada, OZ etc

    I have reverted YDC back to the way it used to be, and as such 1 winner a month announced

    YDC is a global event, that is fact. If you want to put your countries initials within the title, do it, it don't effect the YDC

    If people want to win the YDC simply have the item that raises the most money.
    Last edited by raindropsies; 4th May 2010 at 01:11 PM.

  7. #47
    Forum Master pearlygirl555's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lejoueurdepipeau View Post
    It's the thought that counts - and I appreciate it! At least there is one person who has noticed I'm here!
    Two people actually --- I shall always remember those chocolate dipped orange slices I won from you last year

    It always bothers me that you fall through the cracks when rivalry rears its ugly head. Even posting the following made me a bit nervous as I didn't know if I should drag you into the spotlight without your permission.

    Is there a sense that each "team" should have a representative overseeing the YDC ? Then there should be three, perhaps with the Pied Piper standing up for Team France.

    Of course I posted it anyway, and now I've done it twice. But I think your experience shows the poor impression we give when we divide into factions, even as we profess to be wanting to invite more people to participate.

    If the YDC is a place for us, a small fraction of the eBid community, working together to help others, why are we carving ourselves into splinters? No one can say if potential YDCers from other countries see the "UK" and "USA" in the titles and decide without going further that they aren't welcome to participate. Nationalism and personal attacks have no place in the forums and certainly no place in the YDC.

    "You're a guest of nature.....so behave!"

  8. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by lejoueurdepipeau View Post
    It's the thought that counts - and I appreciate it! At least there is one person who has noticed I'm here!
    I noticed you too, you even got your own teddy.

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  9. #49


    Quote Originally Posted by pearlygirl555 View Post
    Two people actually --- I shall always remember those chocolate dipped orange slices I won from you last year

    It always bothers me that you fall through the cracks when rivalry rears its ugly head. Even posting the following made me a bit nervous as I didn't know if I should drag you into the spotlight without your permission.

    Is there a sense that each "team" should have a representative overseeing the YDC ? Then there should be three, perhaps with the Pied Piper standing up for Team France.

    If the YDC is a place for us, a small fraction of the eBid community, working together to help others, why are we carving ourselves into splinters? No one can say if potential YDCers from other countries see the "UK" and "USA" in the titles and decide without going further that they aren't welcome to participate. Nationalism and personal attacks have no place in the forums and certainly no place in the YDC.
    Aw - pearly, how kind - I love you too. What a lovely post !

    Don't worry - if ever I shout "Oy! what about me?" - it is meant to be a joke! What I was trying to say in my clumsy way was that I don't understand this apparent need for each country to be categorically assured of a chance to "win" the YDC competition. I was suggesting light heartedly that if anyone had a cause to whine about being outnumbered it was me so maybe others were being a teeny bit silly . I wasn't saying that I am in anyway upset by having no chance of "winning" - it hadn't even occurred to me before - I don't give a tinker's doodah who "wins" the YDC as long as we have fun and raise loads of dosh for charity! .... I'd be the first to admit that there is no team France (edited to say ...yet... hope springs eternal!!) so no special representation is required! Sarah is doing - and will do - a grand job!

    I also don't care what country anyone comes from or lives in - we are all eBidders ! I am far more likely to be put off taking part in the YDC by the current atmosphere than by anything else!

    The suggestion has been recently that people in the US were feeling left out. Sarah has tried to deal with this issue and now a new set of people seem to have taken offence... So let's stop "carving ourselves into splinters" and get on with "working together to help others" as you so eloquently put it, pearly!

  10. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by Gothicina View Post
    I noticed you too, you even got your own teddy.

    ...... and what a LOVELY teddy he is too I am not averse to a little special treatment sometimes much appreciated!

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