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Thread: What is going on.

  1. #11
    Forum Saint
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juliebabe25 View Post
    I normally agree with you Pink, but I cant agree that it up to us to advertise ebid.
    Its their business not ours.
    Your not advertizing ebid per say but yourself!

  2. #12


    Ebid needs to advertise on TV over and over and over I know it costs lots of money but it also takes lots to make lots of money.If they dont get the masses to know about this place it will be a slow boat to china I can see that now and I have only been here 2 days , but I think there is potential that is why I am here.

  3. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Pink_Panther View Post
    Who said you have to kick the bay into touch?

    I list on free listing days - but I also continue to list as much as I can on ebid - Ebid, I believe is the future where you have bought your stake! IE the lifetime seller plus account.

    Given that ammount of freedom (no listing fees, 5 stores etc etc) for £49.99 , it looks like a bargain.

    It's up to the users of ebid and not the owners to advertise and promote the site. It's up to the users to build up the listings, to attract and encourage others to join ebid.

    No ammount of advertising by ebay will stop the decline in their fortunes - There are new kids on the block and those kids are growing up fast!
    If I could kick eB*y into touch it would mean that my sales on here would equal sales over there and would be a lot cheaper to list etc therefore saving money.or making money whichever way you look at it.

    Free listing over there is not an option as I list items BIN and in multiples of 5 and 10.

    I agree that eBid is a bargain, No listing fees, 5 stores free etc.

    As for advertising and promoting eBid I have my own views on this. If I want to sell something through a Newspaper or magazine I do not expect to have to do their advertising for them in order to sell my items. The same if I put an add in the local shop window or in Morrisons, Sainsburys, etc I do not expect to have to advertise the fact that I have done so. This is just my opinion.

    Maybe eB*y is not as big as it was but it will be a long time before any other site overtakes it. You have to be realistic as long as people are getting the sales and making a profit they will still be the market leader. I understand that it is difficult for people who are selling small items for £1 or so to make any money on eB*y due to the costs.

    To say that these smaller sites will overtake eB*y I am sorry to say is looking at it through rose tinted glasses.

    To get back to my original question is eBid helping itself by advertising eB*y on its listing site and by putting free competition on its members stores etc.
    Quality Plants.

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  4. #14
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    Just had a bit of first hand experience in regards to some sellers accepting slower sales on ebid then elsewhere due to the low or non exiistent fees.
    I normally sell items between $50.00 and $700.00 ebay fees on these are tremendous however if I want say $500.00 for an item and I know I'm going to get hit with $50.00 FVF and $20.00 Pay Pal that item needs to sell for $570.00 and it does sell for that on ebay. Here on eBid I can get away with $500.00 sale price but it doesn't sell.
    Recently I came into some Football cards and some cell phone screen protectors which I have listed for under $2.00. I haven't sold any here yet but if I did the Pay Pal fee would have been the same and the FVF would have been lower.
    The comparison example I'm trying to make is I sold a set of Football cards for $1.99 plus $6.00 shipping on ebay. The FVF was $.72 and Pay Pal was $.71 that's $1.43 in fees on a $1.99 item. Had I charged true shipping cost on this item Pay Pal would have only been $.50 then I would have had $.77 for profit, overhead and original cost. Quite brutal as the $..77 has to cover what I paid for the item, sorting (which took forever) pictures, time spent listing and packing, printing out label, ink, paper etc. I can see why sellers of low dollar items have an extreme issue with those type of fees and are more then willing to wait longer for a sale to come around. The same scenario here would have netted a $1.45 profit on the same $1.99 item. Tremendous difference when looked at this way.
    I had hoped eBid would in fact be the next Premier auction site and I'm sure it will eventually. The way everyone is going about it just will take a long long time and in the meentime as others have suggested we need to list on multiple sites to keep our sales flowing which really gets to be a pain in the butt to keep listing on both then closing auctions due to items selling elsewhere.
    The scenario I used above if heavy advertising was performed would add 1% to the FVF and would turn the $1.45 profit into $1.43. The idea is to get the eBid name and a jingle in everybodies heads as did ebay with their "I sold it on ebay campaign" ads didn't last long but they worked and look what happened.
    I don't want to keep being the one who mentions this over and over again but I read the forums and see ebayers coming here daily then after a few months decide to pull out due to lack of sales. A lack of sales which I don't understand. Due to the low fees here, hence lower prices items should be flying out the door especially when google directs buyers here. So we have low prices, we have an outstanding site, we have stores, we have google support what more can we ask for other then more sales. I know a lot of you are pleased with your sales but folks coming here are looking for more especially the folks who are filling our vacant categories. You can't expect someone to list 100 items @ $1,000.00 and sell one a month that's just not business wise. Instead we need to figure out how to get these sales exploding all the while keeping everyone else happy. The only way to keep new sellers happy is if they sell.

  5. #15


    Hi adruml.

    Agree with what you have said and think that you have explained quite well my own thoughts. It is hard if not impossible for a seller to sell a low cost item and make a reasonable profit on eB*y. On the other hand if you are selling an expensive item or multiple items and want a quick sale with less profit then you have to use eB*y. Two different scenarios and each with a different answer.
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  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by adruml View Post
    Just had a bit of first hand experience in regards to some sellers accepting slower sales on ebid then elsewhere due to the low or non exiistent fees.
    I normally sell items between $50.00 and $700.00 ebay fees on these are tremendous however if I want say $500.00 for an item and I know I'm going to get hit with $50.00 FVF and $20.00 Pay Pal that item needs to sell for $570.00 and it does sell for that on ebay. Here on eBid I can get away with $500.00 sale price but it doesn't sell.
    Recently I came into some Football cards and some cell phone screen protectors which I have listed for under $2.00. I haven't sold any here yet but if I did the Pay Pal fee would have been the same and the FVF would have been lower.
    The comparison example I'm trying to make is I sold a set of Football cards for $1.99 plus $6.00 shipping on ebay. The FVF was $.72 and Pay Pal was $.71 that's $1.43 in fees on a $1.99 item. Had I charged true shipping cost on this item Pay Pal would have only been $.50 then I would have had $.77 for profit, overhead and original cost. Quite brutal as the $..77 has to cover what I paid for the item, sorting (which took forever) pictures, time spent listing and packing, printing out label, ink, paper etc. I can see why sellers of low dollar items have an extreme issue with those type of fees and are more then willing to wait longer for a sale to come around. The same scenario here would have netted a $1.45 profit on the same $1.99 item. Tremendous difference when looked at this way.
    I had hoped eBid would in fact be the next Premier auction site and I'm sure it will eventually. The way everyone is going about it just will take a long long time and in the meentime as others have suggested we need to list on multiple sites to keep our sales flowing which really gets to be a pain in the butt to keep listing on both then closing auctions due to items selling elsewhere.
    The scenario I used above if heavy advertising was performed would add 1% to the FVF and would turn the $1.45 profit into $1.43. The idea is to get the eBid name and a jingle in everybodies heads as did ebay with their "I sold it on ebay campaign" ads didn't last long but they worked and look what happened.
    I don't want to keep being the one who mentions this over and over again but I read the forums and see ebayers coming here daily then after a few months decide to pull out due to lack of sales. A lack of sales which I don't understand. Due to the low fees here, hence lower prices items should be flying out the door especially when google directs buyers here. So we have low prices, we have an outstanding site, we have stores, we have google support what more can we ask for other then more sales. I know a lot of you are pleased with your sales but folks coming here are looking for more especially the folks who are filling our vacant categories. You can't expect someone to list 100 items @ $1,000.00 and sell one a month that's just not business wise. Instead we need to figure out how to get these sales exploding all the while keeping everyone else happy. The only way to keep new sellers happy is if they sell.

    I think that was very we'll said.I will keep saying this until it happens but it appears that most of these listings here of the 3,977,444 or whatever it is mainly in the US ,so TV Advertising is the only way it can be done period and it needs to be done in the US .I could have links to this site all over the internet , but those ads dont get run over and over and over again for 30 seconds like TV does people need to hear something in repitition to remember it .The only reason I joined this site was because it was cheap for a lifetime membership and no fees hardly,I landed here purely by accident ,but that does no good if you cant make a living here or nothing ever sells . I have only been here a few days so I am just giving my opinion here and not try **** anyone off but this is just my view off the whole deal . I would like nothing more than being a high volume seller here but I dont see that happening for along time,but I hope I am wrong for our sake.

  7. #17
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    The amount of people that join ebid with out having seen a tv ad and then join and then a week later come up with the amazing idea that a world wide tv ad campaign would increase their sales always amazes me.

    Just get stuck in and work on your listings, and see what happens.

    Did Facebook advertise ?

    Have you priced a world wide tv ad campaign ?
    Do you know how much cash ebid have in the bank ?
    (ebay has billions they say)
    Do you know how much ebid make a month ? (cos I don't)

    Bonanza members recently tried to raise some cash for a nationwide campaign, they came up with $1,000 in cash.

    And to my mind there is not enough stuff on ebid yet to warrant advertising. Buyers would come here and not find what they want. So the advertising would be wasted.
    Last edited by Juliebabe25; 3rd March 2011 at 02:27 AM.

  8. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Juliebabe25 View Post
    Buyers would come here and not find what they want. So the advertising would be wasted.
    This is one of the problems. I buy lots of stuff on the other side for the simple reason that I cannot find it on here. I still find it ludicrous that eBid should be advertising eB*y in the sellers listing section. I don't see eB*y advertising eBid in fact you can be thrown of eB*y from even mentioning eBid.
    Quality Plants.

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