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Thread: This makes me so sad and angry

  1. #11

    Default Re: This makes me so sad and angry

    Over the years I've taken in rescued pets in one shape or form - the 2 dogs I have now were sort of rescued in that if I didn't take them in they'd have ended up in the dog pound adding to the statistics of abandoned or handed in puppies. They're now both nearly 13. I've always been against animal cruelty in any disguise and have reported people for behaviour that I've thought of as cruel and have even approached people who I see mistreating their pets out on walks etc. One of my pet hates is seeing people out and about with their dogs and they no facilities with them to provide a simple drink of water for their dog. For me, its all part of the course if I'm taking the dogs on a car journey to pack their ruck sack with 2 flasks of water, and their plastic bowls along with their 'clean up' kit. )

    Sewing Room Creations - for hand crafted gift ideas & doll accessories.

  2. #12

    Default Re: This makes me so sad and angry

    Leslie- absolutely right, the poor wee guy does have a lot of support around him and he has been rehomed. His new parents have been posting vids of his progress on eBid. He's doing so well, a real little fighter. I wish him the very best, what a precious boy he is.

    As to the perps- I too will refrain from posting here what I think of them. I cannot believe what I am reading (look away now if you do not wish to read anymore about this case). They have decided to sue the new parents and the animal rescue group who nursed Firu back to health because they have apparently suffered "embarassment, mental agony and damages to their names and reputation" due to the media fallout from this case. I am utterly speechless and very angry.

  3. #13
    Forum Saint suesjools's Avatar
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    Default Re: This makes me so sad and angry

    Quote Originally Posted by madelaine View Post
    It is an accepted fact that those who abuse animals are very likely to go on to abuse people if they get half a chance. I saw the picture on facebook but I couldn't read the story. I don't need to know any more about how vile some people can be.

    My personal experience of this sort of thing is limited but I know that I respond rather forcefully (not as forcefully as magnets but I'm not a big bloke).

    Just remember - if you think something bad is happening near you, it probably is so report it. Better to be wrong than to ignore a bad situation.
    That is so true. Never mind what I'd like to do to animal haters, will keep mum as I don't feel like getting banned from the forum.

    Best wishes for many sales to all,

  4. #14
    Forum Master KAYS6912's Avatar
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    Default Re: This makes me so sad and angry

    Quote Originally Posted by sherrywhite85 View Post
    Leslie- absolutely right, the poor wee guy does have a lot of support around him and he has been rehomed. His new parents have been posting vids of his progress on eBid. He's doing so well, a real little fighter. I wish him the very best, what a precious boy he is.

    As to the perps- I too will refrain from posting here what I think of them. I cannot believe what I am reading (look away now if you do not wish to read anymore about this case). They have decided to sue the new parents and the animal rescue group who nursed Firu back to health because they have apparently suffered "embarassment, mental agony and damages to their names and reputation" due to the media fallout from this case. I am utterly speechless and very angry.
    Some celeb lawyer should take this on and run with it and make it REALLY high profile! These perps can't be allowed to walk away from the PHYSICAL pain, agony and damage they caused to this wee dog's whole body. That's not even to mention any mental problems it's caused.

    And if I posted here what I REALLY want to say about these pieces of lowlife scum, it would be "bye bye eBid" for me!
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  5. #15

    Angry Re: This makes me so sad and angry

    Even in so called civilised countries, the laws to protect animals are notoriously weak.

    Best I say no more!
    Last edited by Gothicina; 30th October 2011 at 08:02 AM.

    MAHATMA GANDHI - "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way in which its animals are treated."

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  6. #16
    Forum Saint madelaine's Avatar
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    Default Re: This makes me so sad and angry

    To follow up on my comment about reporting things you find suspicious

    1) that child in Birmingham who starved to death. Neighbours said she stole food from bird tables. Why did they not report to the police? and keep reporting?

    2) I've moved house a lot and had loads of neighbours and I've discovered, slowly, that although people live in different ways, things that look to me dysfunctional, almost always turn out to be really bad. An example, a friend of mine had never been allowed a cheque book or any access to the bank account by her husband. She lived entirely in cash or with blank cheques he had pre-signed. This seemed very odd to me, but not abusive (she had loads to spend). When he left the army, she discovered that many of his trips away from home had been totally bogus and he was keeping a mistress. The financial secrecy was to cover the cost of the other woman. There was, of course nothing I could have done, but I quote it to underline my point. If something looks REALLY odd, it probably IS!

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  7. #17

    Default Re: This makes me so sad and angry

    i will not look at the link as i hate to see any cruelty to animals and i know it will upset me. Whatever happened, i hope the dog is ok

  8. #18
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    Default Re: This makes me so sad and angry

    A couple of doors up from a friend, a family of renters from Birmingham brought two Akita dogs with them. My friend noticed that they were not being taken out but were just locked in a garage all day and night.

    She spoke to the man who owned the dogs who told her he was 'frightened' of them because they were giving him 'funny looks'. She told him to take them to Dogs Trust, before they got vicious and unplaceable, but he wants money for them.

    My friend then phoned the RSPCA knowing that the renters would realise it was her, and possibly attack her car which is parked on the road.

    She believes the RSPCA have been as, during the day, the garage door is open leading to a small yard. Nothing else has changed, the dogs don't have walks and have no interaction with humans or other dogs.

    Why the Government don't bring in compulsory chipping and licencing, I really don't know. Anyone who can't afford a £200 licence per year shouldn't have a dog to begin with, won't be able to feed them properly etc... It would stop the CHAVS getting their Staffs. Pensioners would be able to get a 'prescription' from a doctor to get a much reduced licence fee for a companion.

    There should also be an animal rights charter as there are so many people, (some actually think it's funny to talk about it on here), who breed exotic animals and keep them in tanks, believeing they have no feelings or emotions. I am an atheist, but hope for them there is a Hell with burning fire that will consume them for eternity for their unfeeling cruelty :-)

    P.S. My friend's tyres have been let down twice since the RSPCA have been.
    Last edited by awgydawg1313; 30th October 2011 at 12:09 PM.

  9. #19
    Forum Saint Rednosty's Avatar
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    Default Re: This makes me so sad and angry

    I can't type the words I wish to say about the person (persons) that have done this.

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  10. #20
    Forum Saint suesjools's Avatar
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    Default Re: This makes me so sad and angry

    Quote Originally Posted by awgydawg1313 View Post
    A couple of doors up from a friend a family of renters from Birmingham brought two Akita dogs with them. My friend noticed that they were not being taken out but were just locked in a garage all day and night.

    She spoke to the man who owned the dogs who told her he was 'frightened' of them because they were giving him 'funny looks'. She told him to take them to Dogs Trust, before they got vicious and unplaceable, but he wants money for them.

    My friend then phoned the RSPCA knowing that the renters would realise it was her, and possibly attack her car which is parked on the road.

    She believes the RSPCA have been as, during the day, the garage door is open leading to a small yard. Nothing else has changed, the dogs don't have walks and have no interaction with humans or other dogs.

    Why the Government don't bring in compulsory chipping and licencing, I really don't know. Anyone who can't afford a £200 licence per year shouldn't have a dog to begin with, won't be able to feed them properly etc... It would stop the CHAVS getting their Staffs. Pensioners would be able to get a 'prescription' from a doctor to get a much reduced licence fee for a companion.

    There should also be an animal rights charter as there are so many people, (some actually think it's funny to talk about it on here), who breed exotic animals and keep them in tanks, believeing they have no feelings or emotions. I am an atheist, but hope for them there is a Hell with burning fire that will consume them for eternity for their unfeeling cruelty :-)

    P.S. My friends tyres have been let down twice since the RSPCA have been.
    That sucks about your friend's tires, any chance of catching them on camera and reporting it to the police?

    Best wishes for many sales to all,

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