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Thread: New EU GDPR Rule

  1. #1
    Forum Master JaBek1's Avatar
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    Default New EU GDPR Rule

    Being over here in the USA there hasn't been much local news coverage about the EU's new GDPR rule although it appears that it is designed to influence people outside the EU as well as its own member countries. From the little I've been able to ascertain, it appears that even those in the EU that are task with enforcing it aren't completely sure of how it's to be done. Is there much about it in the media over there in the UK that might help us to understand it better.

    Frankly, Gazza's post about the update to the terms & privacy policy didn't leave me with anymore info about it. Of course, I never really get much information out of Gazza's posts in that notification thread. Bugfix this and update that doesn't really give much detail, at least not to me.

    I started another thread about it in another forum, but I thought I might get some insight into it here as well. Anyone have a good understanding of what the European Union folks are wanting the rest of the world to do? I'm wondering if they are wanting some countries to adopt a more isolationist policy.

    By the way, I thought the UK had decided to get out of the EU. Are y'all still a member?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: New EU GDPR Rule

    I did start a thread about GDPR a while back:


    At a glance | Your data rights

    The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a tough regulation regime for companies that gather personal data, introduced by the EU in April 2016. Enforcement begins 25 May 2018.
    The GDPR legislates eight data rights for individuals:

    1. Right to be informed – You must be clearly informed when your data is collected and the purpose for which it is intended.
    2. Right of access – You must be allowed to view the data companies have gathered on you.
    3. Right to rectification – You have the right to correct erroneous information about yourself in a company’s data records.
    4. Right of erasure – Also known as the “right to be forgotten”. You have the right to request the deletion of personal data held on you, although this right is not absolute.
    5. Right to restrict processing – You can request the suppression of your personal data file, or restrict its processing.
    6. Right to data portability – You have the right to take the data a company has collected on you and share it elsewhere, eg. to get a better customer deal.
    7. Right to object – You have the right to object and prevent your data being used for particular purposes, eg. for direct marketing. This right is superseded by legal claims.
    8. Rights related to automatic decision-making – You may only be profiled with your explicit consent, where this is necessary to enter into a contract or where such processing is authorised by the state.

    Post-Brexit the UK is likely to introduce its own equivalent data protection law. In any case, companies which gather data on EU citizens will have to abide by the GDPR.

  3. #3

    Default Re: New EU GDPR Rule

    This is a more general reply for the OP.

    From what I have read no one really understands this regulation and because it is badly written it seems that certain sections are open to different interpretations.

    The regulation refers to organisations; however an organisation ranges from companies the size of Google down to individuals who run a small business.

    It doesn't matter where you reside, you need to comply with the regulation if you supply goods to an individual who resides in any EU country. It also applies if you have a business web site that can be viewed in an EU country especially if the web site collects any data by cookies. This is why some US sites [for example the Chicago Tribune] are redirecting visitors from EU countries to stripped-down versions of their web site. Therefore it doesn't matter if the UK is a member of the EU or if it isn't.

    Obviously I don’t know what information you collect, but I suspect you have details of your sales, customer addresses and e-mail at the very least. Even this means you have to comply with the regulation.

    I am hoping that the regulatory authorities will get bogged down with complaints against the likes of Amazon, Facebook, Google and Instagram and not bother about individuals like us. However it would be a good idea to have some sort of privacy policy on your All-About page. I haven't done this yet, but Cornishmaid1961 has a very comprehensive example on her All-About page [https://www.ebid.net/uk/users/cornishmaid1961]. I would think this would suffice to avoid upsetting the authorities.

    You might find some useful information on this blog which deals with GDPR in the USA. [https://www.itgovernanceusa.com/blog/tag/gdpr/].

    Hope above helps.

  4. #4
    Forum Diehard theElench's Avatar
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    Default Re: New EU GDPR Rule

    Looks to me like the usual chaotic response to EU directives. I for one didn't realise that this decree was announced in 2016 until I read it above. The only reactions I have seen have been in the last month.

    Ebid and the other place have asked me to OK new T&Cs, MS and Yahoo haven't.
    My car insurance company has reacted and explained my new rights (Or whatever), but neither my Dental or House Insurers have contacted me.
    Both my banks have but neither my current ISA Provider or any of the various Share Holding Companies have contacted me.
    Both my private pension providers have but the State Pension Dept. hasn't, Nor has the local Council, HMRC or the NHS except for my GP practice. Perhaps "The State" is exempt.

    The strangest contact I have had to deal with was on behalf of my mother, who has severe age related memory loss and dementia. Her care company felt that they were required to get her signature agreeing to their policy. When I enquired whether I should sign on her behalf I was told definitely "NO". Their client must sign, even if the whole thing is incomprehensible to her and I am on their records as her primary carer.

    I was talking to her mobile hair-dresser and both agreed that as self-employed businesses we most likely should hand out our policy info. to all our clients. But that we will ignore the whole thing for as long as possible. Hopefully whatever authority that is running the show won't get around to us before we retire.
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  5. #5
    Forum Master JaBek1's Avatar
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    Default Re: New EU GDPR Rule

    Alas! The link to the US Blog doesn't work. As far as collecting data, I only keep such records of customers and their purchases that are required to efficiently fill their orders and that are required to be kept for income reporting purposes. Of course, I'm not sure what cookies are used by such sites as eBid.

    I have seen some articles regarding the how poorly the rule was worded, but I'm not sure when the EU first proposed the rule. It surely hasn't been talked about much in the media over here, especially since 2016, that I can recall. I would have thought that it would have gotten more attention than it has.

    Of course, there are quite a few ordinary Americans that don't keep up with the doings of the EU or most other European countries for that matter. In fact, I know a lot of people that don't even know much about their own state's laws or those of other states, much less other countries. That probably accounts for so many sellers not willing trade internationally.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: New EU GDPR Rule

    ​I'm curious as to things like the right to correct erroneous data. While I can understand that it would be important in determining credit worthiness, I'm not sure how there can be anything to correct if it is merely a list of items you've viewed or sites you've visited. I'm sure we've all looked at sites or items merely out of curiosity. I'm not sure how that can be open to needing correction. After all you've either viewed the item or visited the web site or you didn't.

    I'm not sure I understand what is meant by "data portability." Is it something to do with the consumer being able to take the data one company collected and use it to negotiate a better price or terms with that company's competitor? That would, to me be a deterrent from companies spending money on collecting data just to have it turned over to their competitors.

    Of course, I think there is entirely too much data being collected that there is no need for companies to collect. Much of it is totally useless information that lead to companies totally mistaking what it is that a person wants. While computers deal in logic, most people are not totally logical.

  7. #7

    Default Re: New EU GDPR Rule

    JaBek1 Sorry the link didn't work. I found the site by doing a Goole search for GDPR US should come quite near the top of the results.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: New EU GDPR Rule

    It might be a good idea if this thread and the GDPR thread in the 'Selling' were merged.

  9. #9
    Forum Master JaBek1's Avatar
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    Default Re: New EU GDPR Rule

    ​I started this one as a more informal one since the kitchen table is someplace that more people are likely to visit.

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