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Thread: Have you ever had any unexplainable experiences?

  1. #1
    Forum Lurker Yoloce's Avatar
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    Default Have you ever had any unexplainable experiences?

    The paranormal is a huge interest of mine, probably because I've had loads of unexplained experiences since I was a child. Enough to write a book with lol. I'm a skeptic leaning on the edge of believing but whilst I would love to believe, I can't get over the thought that when a psychic is able to communicate with someone they say has passed over, I can't help but wonder if they are really tapping in to the other persons subconscious.

    I bought myself a book to read about angel and spiritual encounters and in there was a story about a woman who worked at the Royal Marsden Hospital. This got me thinking about Meebo so thought I would share it on here. This woman who worked in the hospital had a dream one night where she saw a robbery taking place in the hospital. She went in to work the next day and saw police there. There had been a robbery there, almost like her dream.

    I'll just pick one of mine to share. A few years ago my partner and I out were out walking the dogs. He was up ahead with the dogs and I was a little behind. I had a very strong sense there was someone behind me, to the point I could almost feel them and hear their footsteps so I turned round and there was no-one there. Still the entire time I walked along that area, I felt the same. It scared me a little lol. I've walked that way loads of times before and after that but never had that feeling again.

    There were many strange happenings in our last house - I'm sure it was haunted. I saw a man in a long black cloak with a black hat on once walking down the stairs and my partner saw a little girl upstairs on a couple of occasions. Despite being interested in this kind of stuff, I was glad when we left that house. It always had a cold feel to it.

    So I'm curious, has anyone on here had any unexplainable experiences?

  2. #2
    Forum Saint HerMajesty's Avatar
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    Default Re: Have you ever had any unexplainable experiences?

    Lots. Some similar to yours. Had a dream once night and the next day the exact, unwished for, unforeseeable actions happened step by step as dreamed. Sometimes I've heard of a small child disappearance, and immediately had a picture in my mind of what happened and sort of where the kid was (like in a satchel, not a specific location).......and told police. Later found out it was true. Rented a house once which gave me the creeps, tho a nice house. Kids saw strange people in the lower level and wouldn't go there. Later I found out it had been owned by the person who owned the occult bookstore in the area. etc etc etc
    Ta-Ta for now!


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    Forum Lurker Yoloce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Have you ever had any unexplainable experiences?

    Thanks for sharing some of your experiences. It sounds like you might be a little psychic

  4. #4

    Default Re: Have you ever had any unexplainable experiences?

    Sometimes I have dreams that have me wondering.

    Here's an example. My former husband showed up in a vivid style dream and asked me if he could talk to me. He was upset a bit about something. I told him that he could tell me about it if he wanted. That was about the extent of the dream. Nothing really happened. I was just one of those "vivid and different feeling" type of dreams.

    (I haven't seen then-husband or talked to him in over 20 years. We had no children together. We both moved to other places and eventually remarried to other people. Ours was a 14 year relationship.)

    So. My first thought when I woke up was that someone close to him had died. His mother was 90-ish at the time. He wasn't particularly close to her, but he did keep in touch with her. They weren't on the outs or anything back when I knew the family.

    I did a few internet searches and accidentally stumbled across the fact that one of his closest friends (back when then-husband and I were together) had recently died of cancer. Another person that I hadn't seen or thought much about for over 20 years. This fellow had also moved to another province and married and had a totally different life.

    The dreaming of someone and then learning that someone close to them has passed has happened several times in my life.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Have you ever had any unexplainable experiences?

    My dear lady is actually a psychic medium. When we first met some 23 years ago I was a sceptic but over the years as I've watched her work and met a lot of other psychics my attitude has changed. Messages have been given to me on subjects which absolutely no-one could have known about, even my dear lady wasn't aware of - I watched her this afternoon at a barbecue we were at give a reading to two of our young friends who are having difficulties in their relationship and was able to accurately tell them what their problems were and from where they stemmed.

    She went on to tell them the colour and design of their settee and the fact their bed was broken and even the style of bed they have - she hasn't even been to the town they live in let alone their house....

  6. #6
    Forum Diehard yellerbelly's Avatar
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    Default Re: Have you ever had any unexplainable experiences?

    I have had several, when in my early teens I awoke to find a nun standing over my bed who then passed through the wall to my brothers room which frightned me at the time and also unexplainable until many years later I learned that the area we had lived in had previously been occupied by convents and monastries and from then on I became more interested in the unexplained.

    On another ocassion in my old home I had just dropped off to sleep when I was so physically shaken that it woke me up, I settled down to sleep again and once again woken by being violently shaken, strange as it may seem whilst being shaken I shouted out leave me alone I'm tired, the shaking stopped and had many other things happen there, the smell of cigarette smoke and lights flashing or brand new bulbs popping (new wiring) to the extent that one night I stood in my kitchen and said stop messing about with my lights you are costing me a fortune the activity did not stop but slowed.

    When I first moved into my present home I would here noises go and investigate and find nothing one day after hearing noises coming from a room I stood and said 'I don't mind you being here but just behave yourself' it quietend down but I still here and see things but it was an air base during the war.

    However the most upsetting incident here was being woken by a voice telling me that a close family member had died, I said it was silly as nothing was wrong with him, it was not until months later that he was diagnosed with cancer, with treatment we all hoped and prayed he would get through it sadly it was not meant to be, I told a friend of my dream but could not discuss it with any family member until after his death in the September.

    I consider myself pretty level headed and rationlise things when they have happened to me, above are just 3 incidents, I have been scoffed at by some family members, I was convinced that another family members child due in the September would be born a year to the day of the passing and he was, he is not yet 3 and frightens his mum when he tells the lights are talking.

    Yes, I also believe intelligent life roams the galaxy, we should not be so arrogant to believe we are the only living species. After all that the must think I'm a complete cookie.!!!!!!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Have you ever had any unexplainable experiences?

    I remain sceptical about mediumship, but cannot move strongly in either direction, as obviously, I have not met all of them!

    My favourite tale was told by my Professor of Semitic Languages many years ago. He was son-in-law to H.H.Rowley, a world renowned specialist in the same field. Rowley was staying with his daughter and son-in-law for a week and the two men were pressed to go to a seance. Obviously the medium had been primed as during the session she announced that Moses was present! Did Professor Rowley have a question for Moses?

    Of course, he did! However he had not got more than a few words out when the medium stopped him.

    " No Professor! Moses wants you to speak English!"
    Last edited by cambrensis; 7th July 2019 at 07:04 PM.

  8. #8
    Forum Diehard yellerbelly's Avatar
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    Default Re: Have you ever had any unexplainable experiences?

    I have been to a medium demonstrations, one where the medium came to me and said what is it about you and kitchens, their telling me that you complain about layouts of kitchens, size etc and why do they put the sink under the kitchen window, it's got to have been a man who designed it, your there to wash pots not look out of the window, it was if he had been in my home listening to my conversation, when looking to move my one stipulation to estate agents was I did not want a 'boil in a bag kitchen' and then had to explain that's all some kitchens were fit for.

    Some mediums will make assumptions, I went to a service where the medium saw me arrive alone, picked me out first, parents in spirit, easy you only have to look at me, also do I have a husband in spirit I replied no, oh so your parted, my reply, no I couldn't find one brave enough.

  9. #9
    Forum Saint burgyeb's Avatar
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    Default Re: Have you ever had any unexplainable experiences?

    Yes, many. I have never really thought of them as "unexplained experiences". As a Christian I see it as gift(s) given by the Spirit of God. If one is not a Christian, they can have gifts (skills, abilities, tendencies, etc.) So they may be very perceptive, very in tune with the spiritual things, ie, have premonitions, vivid dreams, have vision, or have knowledge of things to come or has already occurred.

    The most recent occurrence for me was after Meebo passed away. I was standing in my bathroom, and started thinking about her. Sort of having a conversation wondering if she had actually placed the Alaskan gold nugget I sent in her cabinet. It was a prize she had won during a YDC event. Out of no where, I heard a gentle, kind voice of a woman say "it was real".

    I was a bit stunned, but in a gentle way. I went online to eBid, and read the post of Cornishmaid about Meebo. I did not mention this at the time, nor afterwards.

    The most frequent thing that happens with me is that I will have a conversation (alone), and in less than 24 hours I will have that same conversation with someone. Those lone conversations usually occur when I'm taking a shower or walking in nature.

    Another experience I had occurred when I attended a conference in France, and was staying in Old Paris. I was suffering from jet lag and went into a deep sleep in my hotel room. I was awakened by a heavy unseen force, and I became angry. I started speaking in fluent French sharply. The heavy unseen force immediately left me and I returned to deep sleep. I do not speak fluent French, but recognize it when I hear it.

    My colleague sharing the room asked me if I spoke in "other tongues." That is the language of the Spirit of God. She then went on to say, "That thing you sent away came to me...." I never answered her, but she wanted nothing to do with me during the entire 10 day conference. We went our separate ways.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Have you ever had any unexplainable experiences?

    More on this topic.

    Sometimes I have vivid dreams that are more like 'visitations' if you will. My mother and I were close and I believe that she came to visit a few times after she passed in 2007.

    Also, I have only dreamed about my mother-in-law twice that I remember. She and I didn't scrap, but we weren't close. (Husband was really good to her and helped her a lot and I helped him with what she needed done, but she was a difficult sort for both of us to deal with.) One of the dreams that I had of her was shortly after she died and was another vivid one. I think that she was giving me a message for Husband. He says that he doesn't remember ever dreaming about her.

    The vivid dreams just have such a different feel to them.

    The other night I was feeling in a depressed place and I was thinking of Mom and Dad. I miss them both a lot and probably will until I cross over myself. I asked that if someone had the energy whether they could show me a dream of how things were going on the other side.

    That night I had a dream of visiting a place I've never seen. Husband was with me. We had some difficulties on the road to this place. Once we got there, it was a big celebration of sorts. People everywhere. Happy people. Didn't see anyone I recognised though. People visiting and moving about.

    I asked who had arranged this gathering? Someone pointed to a lady in the distance. There was my Aunt Grace. Dad's oldest sister who died a year after he did. Dad was introverted. He was quiet unless he had too much whiskey. Aunt Grace was the exact opposite. Always in the middle of things. Organising people. Always on the go. Talked non stop. And she didn't drink whiskey or anything else alcoholic. I woke up with a smile on my face.

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