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Thread: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

  1. #62751
    Forum Saint
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    Default Re: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

    Think we've all overslept again - or been busy listing & re-listing

    Another strange day here in Welsh Wales after a night's rain, it look as though it's trying to brighten up ready for the BH weekend. I hope the light improves as I have a few more photographs to take for new listings.

    After a bit of a battle on the phone yesterday to the Old Sailor's care home, I'm actually seeing him inside the building next week as there are few legal/financial details/paperwork that I need to talk to him about. But I have to be kitted out in PPE in order to do so - and still sit 2m away from him so how he's going to understand me speaking through a mask, particularly if his hearing aids are playing up as they still won't allow the Audiologist in to sort them out. But I can't see him in private in his room; we will be down at the back of reception in the home's visitors' cafe area. And whether a carer will have to stay with him, I've no idea.

    This bloomin' virus has a lot to answer for as all of this could have been sorted out months ago.....

    Time for a late mug of coffee and a biscuit

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  2. #62752

    Default Re: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

    Afternoon all, been struggling a little with some new listings, had troubles getting pictures to load - there seems to be an intermittent problem with them loading, but hey-ho in the shape of things in the world I'll survive....

    Somehow yesterday I let my dear lady talk me into buying another tent - it's only just three years since our disastrous holiday in Cornwall when on the back of two tropical storms from across the water we saw ourselves bailing out our tent at 2am on more than one occasion. I very nearly packed all our belongings up and drove home without the tent. Looked good but had a major design flaw we never realised until it rained...

    I must say though we put the new tent up in the garden this morning and it was habitable inside 5 minutes of starting! It's a pop-up cabin tent for 4 people - just big enough for the two of us - and I can stand up in it! It's all back in it's bag now as we've rain due anytime and I don't like putting wet tents away..

    Right - time for a cuppa - I'm exhausted now - it's no work for a 63 year old....

  3. #62753

    Default Re: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

    Mike is still hobbling round ( no better ) as we havent been able to go out for a walk since Monday for fear of ending up in the sea, mind you a swim may have done him good

  4. #62754

    Default Re: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

    Ello troops, back on duty and my brother is due to be popping in for an hour soon and dropping off the stock I bought down in Cornwall.

    Had a lovely time with the Cadet and wife. Had a home cooked meal the first evening and then went to Exeter the next day, thankfully it didn't rain. I had forgotten what a lovely city it is as haven't been there for years. Had a meal out at the end of the day and then went back to Teignmouth for the evening. Yesterday was a total washout though so we watched a film and when it was time to leave it was like a monsoon outside and I had to change my shoes and socks when I got home !

    Also had a long wait at Westbury as a passanger had been taken ill on my connecting train. In the end had to make a dash to another platform and get a different train as the time delay just got longer and longer.

    Glad Mike got on well with the physio Private Buttons, let's hope the treatment will start to do him some good. My back is still feeling very bruised as I got physio-ed to death by the cadet trying to get all the stress knots out of my back and shoulders. Gawd it was painful !

    Now who was on guard while I was away as I seem to have misplaced another listing ?!

  5. #62755

    Default Re: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

    Sarge can you ask the cadet what the machine was that he connected Mike to is it electronic impulses or was it to tell the physio what the problem was, it looked like a huge tens
    Pleased you had a nice time there with them. bad luck with the train home though and hope your shoes have dried out, I was going to go for a walk to asda cash machine but need webbed feet

  6. #62756

    Default Re: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by buttons-and-bows View Post
    Sarge can you ask the cadet what the machine was that he connected Mike to is it electronic impulses or was it to tell the physio what the problem was, it looked like a huge tens
    Pleased you had a nice time there with them. bad luck with the train home though and hope your shoes have dried out, I was going to go for a walk to asda cash machine but need webbed feet
    ​I asked him Private Buttons but he said without seeing it he's afraid he doesn't know.

  7. #62757

    Default Re: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

    he goes back on Friday so will have a nose see what it says on it, went for a little walk tonight but he didnt do very well and for that matter neither did I, it was freezing cold and the cold got me big style when i opened the front door when we got back i could not believe the blast of warm air that met me, dont think i am going out again ever as it's so comfy and warm in the hut.

  8. #62758

  9. #62759
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    Default Re: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

    Thanks Red for putting kettle on was ready for another cuppa when retuning with dog, after walk & taking her to see her owner, who is still not fit to have her back.

    Glad you enjoyed your trip Sgt, hope you soon feel the benifit from the physio from your son.

    We had to spend time at MIL getting the Alarm systom working, there is one bit not connecting so he said need to go into the roof over the annex & when he went to do it full of wasps, so we now had to call the guy into sort that so just one bit of the house needs sorting now .He came & sorted the wasps yesterday afternoon. So hopefully will be sorted next week.

    Well have done the relists & now are both listing

  10. #62760
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    Default Re: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

    Arternoon - been busy tidying up, etc. ready for tomorrow. Think we're about there.

    As we were unable to get to France this year we've been talking about next year - and ended up exploring the idea of going back to Canada, and maybe hiring an RV again or hiring a car and AirBnB/B&Bing. It's keeping himself occupied researching already! We didn't see much of Nova Scotia & PEI when we were over for our son's wedding in 2011 so that is the plan at the moment.

    Better get some more lace bobbins listed to aid the holiday fund

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