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Thread: Ebid not like some other selling platforms!

  1. #11
    Forum Lurker pastime's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ebid not like some other selling platforms!

    Hi Elench,
    It can be worthwhile to link your photos to Pinterest - those photos can then be seen in images which links to eBid. The only place I can find my Cash Car picture, at the moment, is from the Pinterest image (GS still shows Etsy)

    Etsy now saying that they will reduce the % held, but they have yet to detail what the new figure is. It also seems that Etsy was offering loans to sellers, for them to continue in business!!!
    You couldn't make this stuff up!

  2. #12
    Forum Diehard Policequilts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ebid not like some other selling platforms!

    It's funny that they started the 75% reserve hold and then Etsy introduces "Cash Advances"
    Etsy Holds Seller Funds in Reserve, then Introduces Cash Advance Lending Service

    It's funny that when there are certain problems with selling sites, the UK seems to get things noticed and some kind of change. ( I think Paypal was one of them that they had to have alternative was to get codes (cell phones vs landline users)).

    Etsy to Change Certain Practices Following Report by BBC

  3. #13
    Forum Diehard theElench's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ebid not like some other selling platforms!


    Thanks for the suggestion, it's something I've been meaning to look into since a regular here posted some details about their 'Pins' on Pinterest. Years ago I used to enjoy browsing the site when it was the "index of the imagination" (or something like that), then they updated in a way I found so difficult to use I gave up on it. It's on my list of things to do when I get a quiet moment. (little picture of Smiley rolling on the floor laughing.)
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  4. #14
    Forum Diehard theElench's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ebid not like some other selling platforms!


    I wonder what interest rates the Cash Advance Service charged for their service?

    "...the UK seems to get things noticed and some kind of change. (I think Paypal was one of them...."

    Personally I think the UKs Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has something to do with that. It seems to be one of our 'Watchdogs' that has some teeth.

    Paypal tried twisting my arm to use a mobile to log-in to my account in every way it could think of, including warning me that I might have problems if I didn't do so. As I didn't those problems duly arose and I spent a couple of years(?) never knowing if I would be able to check a payment and delivery address for sales here. There were plenty of other account holders in the same position (and worse) to be seen on their boards and the ONLY advice their 'volunteer advisors' ever gave was "buy a mobile phone"

    Myself and others complained to the FCA, I up-dated my complaint every time PP locked me out. Eventually PP managed to solve their 'problems' and I haven't had any issues since (fingers crossed).

    IMO the FCA is effective, at least in part, because it isn't another consumer protection agency (under)-funded by the government. It's paid for by the Financial Services Industry and its primary concern is to protect the reputation of the UK industry by preventing any more of the "Mis-Selling Scandals" that brought it into disrepute 20 /30 years ago.

    Almost as a by-product it listens to the 'concerns' (not complaints) of UK citizens if they think they're being exploited, deliberately confused by small-print, overly biased T&Cs or anything else underhand. I imagine a lot of concerns about the same issue raises a Red Flag and 'discussions' take place behind the scenes to head-off the possibility of another scandal. It probably helps that the FCA also issues the licenses companies need to carry on a financial business in the UK, so if they don't follow the FCA Guidelines their licence can be withdrawn.

    I'd guess the press and ministerial interest in esty's predatory practices wasn't as spontaneous as it might seem, a timely leak can work wonders in getting a company to see sense and do the 'right thing once the bad PR becomes loud enough.
    I've seen mention of a report coming out in the Autumn which hopefully will not just focus on esty. Amazon operates reserves, I'm convinced obay's recent enthusiasm for holding payouts is just the softening-up process before they do the same and then it will be 'Standard Industry Practice' to the detriment of sellers and ever greater profit to the corporations.

    With any luck the report will recommend that the on-line corporations financial operations and the Guidelines governing them need a wholesale review with added protection for sellers operating in such a one-sided situation where a near monopoly can press a button and destroy a sellers livelihood over-night.
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  5. #15
    Forum Diehard Policequilts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ebid not like some other selling platforms!

    Quote Originally Posted by theElench View Post

    I wonder what interest rates the Cash Advance Service charged for their service?

    "...the UK seems to get things noticed and some kind of change. (I think Paypal was one of them...."

    Personally I think the UKs Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has something to do with that. It seems to be one of our 'Watchdogs' that has some teeth.

    Paypal tried twisting my arm to use a mobile to log-in to my account in every way it could think of, including warning me that I might have problems if I didn't do so. As I didn't those problems duly arose and I spent a couple of years(?) never knowing if I would be able to check a payment and delivery address for sales here. There were plenty of other account holders in the same position (and worse) to be seen on their boards and the ONLY advice their 'volunteer advisors' ever gave was "buy a mobile phone"

    Myself and others complained to the FCA, I up-dated my complaint every time PP locked me out. Eventually PP managed to solve their 'problems' and I haven't had any issues since (fingers crossed).

    IMO the FCA is effective, at least in part, because it isn't another consumer protection agency (under)-funded by the government. It's paid for by the Financial Services Industry and its primary concern is to protect the reputation of the UK industry by preventing any more of the "Mis-Selling Scandals" that brought it into disrepute 20 /30 years ago.

    Almost as a by-product it listens to the 'concerns' (not complaints) of UK citizens if they think they're being exploited, deliberately confused by small-print, overly biased T&Cs or anything else underhand. I imagine a lot of concerns about the same issue raises a Red Flag and 'discussions' take place behind the scenes to head-off the possibility of another scandal. It probably helps that the FCA also issues the licenses companies need to carry on a financial business in the UK, so if they don't follow the FCA Guidelines their licence can be withdrawn.

    I'd guess the press and ministerial interest in esty's predatory practices wasn't as spontaneous as it might seem, a timely leak can work wonders in getting a company to see sense and do the 'right thing once the bad PR becomes loud enough.
    I've seen mention of a report coming out in the Autumn which hopefully will not just focus on esty. Amazon operates reserves, I'm convinced obay's recent enthusiasm for holding payouts is just the softening-up process before they do the same and then it will be 'Standard Industry Practice' to the detriment of sellers and ever greater profit to the corporations.

    With any luck the report will recommend that the on-line corporations financial operations and the Guidelines governing them need a wholesale review with added protection for sellers operating in such a one-sided situation where a near monopoly can press a button and destroy a sellers livelihood over-night.

    I know that there is a lot of us that use a landline and can't get text codes.
    Thank goodness my bank allows how we get the code: text, voice or email.

    There is a lot that have landlines and cell phones, but their cell phones are only for personal calls while their landlines are for all calls and for their businesses.

    We contact the government that there has to be a way to get the codes with the other options and not only cell phones. But it seems that they expect everyone to have a cell phone.

  6. #16
    Forum Diehard theElench's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ebid not like some other selling platforms!

    That unfortunately is why PP didn't get away with its plans "mobile only" access in the UK. The FCA UA for getting a UK Licence, as written in their Guidelines include the proviso that a company's SCA set-up is accessible to all customers, not rely solely mobiles and so must offer alternatives. (Isn't it good to see a virtual-monopoly tech giant get a dose of its own "You agreed to this when you signed-up to our UA" medicine, It must have been quite a shock for them to realise that they can't always get away doing whatever they like, whatever the law says.)

    Strangely, as we're usually years behind with tech stuff, when obay started sending codes via text messages, it turned out that virtually all land-line phones in the UK can take text messages, which is why my bank, broker, Inland Revenue and other govt. depts. never have had any problems sending them to me. So there really isn't any reason that it can't be done, only that some company's don't want to offer alternatives.
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  7. #17
    Forum Diehard yellerbelly's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ebid not like some other selling platforms!

    Quote Originally Posted by theElench View Post
    That unfortunately is why PP didn't get away with its plans "mobile only" access in the UK. The FCA UA for getting a UK Licence, as written in their Guidelines include the proviso that a company's SCA set-up is accessible to all customers, not rely solely mobiles and so must offer alternatives. (Isn't it good to see a virtual-monopoly tech giant get a dose of its own "You agreed to this when you signed-up to our UA" medicine, It must have been quite a shock for them to realise that they can't always get away doing whatever they like, whatever the law says.)

    Strangely, as we're usually years behind with tech stuff, when obay started sending codes via text messages, it turned out that virtually all land-line phones in the UK can take text messages, which is why my bank, broker, Inland Revenue and other govt. depts. never have had any problems sending them to me. So there really isn't any reason that it can't be done, only that some company's don't want to offer alternatives.
    Hi Elench, I may have a mobile but it is used for emergencies only or for PayPal to send a code, doesn't do much else though, not connected to the internet I get very annoyed though when I'm told to get the app I hunt in the bottom of my handbag for my phone, pull it out out and say "I don't think so" one of my friends says I need to join the 21st century, I top my phone up with £10 every six months if that, why do I want to pay that monthly when I have no need of it, and I cannot be tracked������������ as for the text messages sent to my landline I put a block on those because I could never understand what the message was that was being conveyed. I do wish these companies would understand that we are not all controlled by mobile phones and social media.

    I get so fed up with being told to "get the app" or "find us on facebook"

  8. #18
    Forum Master billsstamps's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ebid not like some other selling platforms!

    Quote Originally Posted by yellerbelly View Post
    Hi Elench, I may have a mobile but it is used for emergencies only or for PayPal to send a code, doesn't do much else though, not connected to the internet I get very annoyed though when I'm told to get the app I hunt in the bottom of my handbag for my phone, pull it out out and say "I don't think so" one of my friends says I need to join the 21st century, I top my phone up with £10 every six months if that, why do I want to pay that monthly when I have no need of it, and I cannot be tracked🤣🤣🤣😎😎😎 as for the text messages sent to my landline I put a block on those because I could never understand what the message was that was being conveyed. I do wish these companies would understand that we are not all controlled by mobile phones and social media.

    I get so fed up with being told to "get the app" or "find us on facebook"
    I like to think I am tech savvy. My first lessons in computer programming were in 1964. But I do not answer a mobile phone when it rings, and do not upload apps to a mobile phone. Why? At my age I cannot read the silly thing.
    But on my 25" computer screen I can rule the world.
    If they want us to use mobiles they should provide older adults with 10" mobiles
    Rev Dr Bill Hopkinson,
    Retired professor


    around 50000 stamps listed, based in London

  9. #19
    Forum Diehard theElench's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ebid not like some other selling platforms!

    Yes, I look at this topsy-turvy world where corporations that say they provide me with services are in fact telling me what to do and how I should run my life, basically because what they want is better for them and make them more money.

    I watch people I work with interrupt every conversation, whenever their mobile summons them to attend to whatever it wants to tell them, usually either another ad. (with an attached "this is probably a scam"), or one of their SM 'contacts' telling them something totally pointless but gives them an illusion of being 'in touch', while mostly just breaking up any conversation and real contact with the people sitting around them.

    I don't top up my (non-existent) mobile ever and as long as the current UK rules apply, I don't intend to. But eventually they will engineer some situation where I will be forced to get a mobile and you will be forced to get the App. It'll be disguised as 'progress' and another wonderous enhancement to our lives. In reality it will only be another step towards digital servitude.

    A couple of lines from a Soft Machine track from years ago, when I was into Rock Music, play through my head when Windows demands (again) that I finish setting up my lap-top with upgrades I don't want or can't use. I don't remember the author or the poem that they set to music, but 50 years on it seems apt.

    "Begins as a blessing but ends as a curse.
    Making life easy by making it worse.
    My mask is my master.
    The Trumpeter screams......
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