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Thread: Npb Alert - Multiple Purchases Made!!!

  1. #31


    dont bust a blood vessel jarre for 3 quid - im sure you will get it soon

    pmsl at this feedback

    Another time waster. Your right he does need a bloody straight jacket

    count yourself lucky
    some poor soul paid 300 quid for some tickets and got not hing, rang the seller up and he said dunno what you talking about never heard of ebid....

    saw it on the member help forums

  2. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by emma5721
    dont bust a blood vessel jarre for 3 quid - im sure you will get it soon

    count yourself lucky
    some poor soul paid 300 quid for some tickets and got not hing, rang the seller up and he said dunno what you talking about never heard of ebid....

    saw it on the member help forums

    S'pose yer right Em, just cheesed orf at been ignored from them upstairs...I mean, £3, I could get meself a bottle of wine at the local Co-op

    Never mind, it all mounts up tho, dunnit?

    Please help me G&M

  3. #33


    you can get a whole box of country manor perry pmsl for 4.99 at coop

    i sent th em an email about porn other day a nd not heard - i usually get a ticket number and mail saying will have a response within 24 hours

    maybe over busy at the mo

  4. #34


    Yeah, I had a 24-hour ticket on 6th July - still waiting for a reply. Never even got a ticket - 24 hours or otherwise - from the follow-up email on 14th July.

    Just about ready to give up selling here now, disheartened with non-existent support, and amount of timewasting NPBs, often outnumbering genuine buyers.

  5. #35

    Default "Don't give up 'cos you have friends"

    Quote Originally Posted by MadcatwomanEnterprises
    Yeah, I had a 24-hour ticket on 6th July - still waiting for a reply. Never even got a ticket - 24 hours or otherwise - from the follow-up email on 14th July.

    Just about ready to give up selling here now, disheartened with non-existent support, and amount of timewasting NPBs, often outnumbering genuine buyers.
    Don't give up just yet, I got an email yesterday (23/7) from them upstairs and they are VERY busy and working on some software that will help us in some way...I wonder what it could be?

    Anyhow, chin up for now or in my case chins up for now , things can only get better.....(is that another song?)

  6. #36

    Thumbs up Wahey! Cheers G&M !

    All been sorted now, got me dosh back...problems solved

    Er, I don't suppose you could sort out another NPB on Feepay for me, could ya?

    Ah well, maybe's not eh!


    Cheers lads, I'd give yer both a kiss, but I'm not that way inclined...I'd buy ya both a pint (each!) sometime instead!

    Cheers folks!

  7. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by jarremachine
    I'd buy ya both a pint (each!) sometime instead!
    Each? wow, you must be having a run on actual sales

  8. #38


    How about ebid logging everyones IP address. Then if a TWOSSER is intent on wrecking auctions they only get 1 chance at it. The next time they try to sign up the system can kick them off or even better it can send a surge to there comp and blow it up. That would definatly stop them from wrecking auctions

    I can only make one person happy per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow isn't looking good either.

  9. #39


    Shame they don't all have to log either a bank account number or a credit card number, which has to be checked out to prove it is legit and belongs to them. That way, if they default on payment, it can be taken directly from their account. It would certainly stop the idiots we've had this past couple of weeks in particularly, finding their account is several hundreds of quid down.

    I know, totally unworkable, but just a dream that puts a smile on my face....

  10. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by frommetoyou
    How about ebid logging everyones IP address. Then if a TWOSSER is intent on wrecking auctions they only get 1 chance at it. The next time they try to sign up the system can kick them off or even better it can send a surge to there comp and blow it up. That would definatly stop them from wrecking auctions

    That is only possible if you have a static IP address, and most people dont. I use Pipex for broadband connection and it is a dynamic IP address so changes day to day within the pipex range.

    Great idea in principle, dont get me wrong, but sadly its just not viable.

    Vik xxx

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