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Thread: Why do sellers do it?!

  1. #11


    I had the same problem in the summer when my kids wanted a new (well, new to them but still preowned) mobile phone. I had a look and saw an auction for a preowned phone, no accessories, and bid up to £70, no dice, couldn't get to "reserve met". I asked the guy running the auction what the reserve was, he said £90. I thought, damn, I didn't have that much to spare. Wandered into town the next day for a bit of window shopping, saw the exact same model of phone brand new for £50 in Woolies and it came with an accessory set as well. Got the brand spanking new phone from Woolies, got home to find the bloke had contacted me saying he could go as low as £85. I emailed him back politely and pointed out that Woolies were selling them for nearly half the price of his preowned one and that he might have to reconsider dropping the price if he was going to have a chance of selling it to someone else. Strangely enough, I didn't get a reply to that...

  2. #12


    I tend to do most of my Christmas/Birthday shopping on line as my O/H hates shopping and I don't drive. I always compare prices including postage costs. I will NEVER buy popular DVDs/CDs from Ebay due to the amount of copies being sold over there.
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