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Thread: Has Ebay Finally Shot Itself In the Foot?

  1. #11

    Question Feebay deserter has a few questions please?

    I sell on ebay but their new greedbay policy's are driving me out.
    Been checking this site out for a couple of days, now.
    Seems to me the fees are a lot clearer and it is a fair trading ground not like some other sites.
    What are sales like on here? does it peak and trough and is it getting busier?
    Seems to be a few newbies from ebay.
    Has membership grown in the last week or so?
    Finally is the site promoted? And if so how?

  2. #12
    Forum Newbie
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    Frizington, Cumbria, United Kingdom
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    Hi - I list on both eBay and on here and I now sell 50-60 items per week on eBay and only ever sold a handful on here. It doesnt seem to matter what promotions I use on Ebid to generate more sales, they still don't happen; the people who buy my products do not use Ebid!!!

    I will however keep my Ebid store open as it costs me nothing as I am a Lifetime member, it only costs me if an item sells or if I use a promotional feature (which is as it should be).

    My Ebid items get great results in Google searches TOO and also in the Google Products section (formerly Froogle). However they still don't generate additional sales though!!

    I must be selling the WRONG products!!!!

  3. #13


    Well I can't say tools are my thing but if I ever need any I'll give you a thought.
    Maybe now feebay has tried to commit suicide people will come here?
    It's not the sellers who aren't moving though it's the buyers isn't it?

  4. #14


    if the sellers move here, surely the buyers will follow? if there's nothing to buy on ebay, they will have to look elsewhere. won't they?

  5. #15


    Yes that is very true. I mean internet shopping has taken off bigstyle in the last year or two.

  6. #16


    Its so much easier in my opinion............I avoid the shops if humanly possible!!!!

  7. #17


    Yes I do. I am just a little worried as my ebay shop has funded Christmas at my house for the last four years. I don't know what I am going to do as I certainly can not afford to keep going with ebay. It has always been a struggle over summer to pay their fees and do the posting and I have often had to dig into my own pocket, however Christmas made it worth while. But the hassle and fees and the new feedback thing has made it utterly poinless. Someone then mentioned this site so though it's worth a look and an ask about. How have you found it?

  8. #18


    Annie, more sales on this site are made using the buy-it-now option so lots of sellers add it to their auctions. Although the fees and hassle on the other site are not attractive there are plenty of buyers. It makes sense to run both sites until your eBid sales pick up.

    You say that funding your Christmas is important, well that gives you a good 10 months in which to develop your eBid site. As others have suggested, you could put flyers (compliment slips if you prefer) into each eBay package. The listing options are great but don't let your stock look stale. If something isn't moving then try changing the photo and the title/description.

    Whether you are a buyer or a seller please make full use of the forums; people here are very friendly and happy to offer advice or just chat.

    Good luck with your sales.

  9. #19
    Forum Diehard
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    There's been a steady improvement since I've been here (since ebays' 'hide and hike'). I've sold a fair bit, around twice as much as my feedback would suggest. I think that as h9h9 implies, some things are probably easier to sell than others. The biggest plus is that you get to keep most of your profit.

  10. #20


    Thanks for that. Most of may ebay sales are buy it now also.
    Your points are very good ones, thanks.
    And the more of our customers we bring over the buyers will increase.

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