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Thread: Has Ebay Finally Shot Itself In the Foot?

  1. #131
    Forum Diehard
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    I've been reading quite a lot of forum posts, both here and elsewhere, and I do think it is very telling that quite a lot of e..y sellers were in fact very fed up with the site before the new changes were announced.
    In fact, for many sellers they have simply been the straw that broke the camel's back.

    Maybe one of the main factors is that anyone who complains about e...y is automatically assumed to be a 'bad' seller.
    Yet, apart from one seller I had problems with, I had no problems whatsoever. They ranged from casual sellers to power sellers and supplied what I believe to be e..y's lifeblood - variety.

    As these sellers leave (and apparently nobody cares because we must be 'bad' to even consider going) the one thing that kept e...y alive, drains away.

  2. #132
    Forum Diehard nysablaze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArtisanUK View Post
    Maybe one of the main factors is that anyone who complains about e...y is automatically assumed to be a 'bad' seller.
    Yet, apart from one seller I had problems with, I had no problems whatsoever. They ranged from casual sellers to power sellers and supplied what I believe to be e..y's lifeblood - variety.

    As these sellers leave (and apparently nobody cares because we must be 'bad' to even consider going) the one thing that kept e...y alive, drains away.
    So true, I frequent the boards on the other side and find it insulting that it is assumed that those of us who are leaving are either scammers, rogue sellers or incapable of running a business anyway.
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  3. #133


    I read this in a group over there this morning, absolutely unbelievable, they just don't wan't sellers it seems. You just need a few people to ding your stars and ebay is effectively closing you down!!

    Glad I'm selling here and not there
    A sellers listing in the new format has in big red letters at the bottom, THIS SELLER SHIPS SLOW. Apparently eBay is going to be adding this info to sellers page. Also, at the top of the sellers listing it show items by other sellers. What the blank is this? If I pay for a listing I want my items on the page. They have no right to do this. I am so upset by this. It's not right. Regarding shipping time, In my opinion, it shouldn't matter if it takes a day or a month for an item to arrive as long as the shipping time is stated in the listing. It should be the sellers decision when to ship, not epays. When a buyer bids on an item they also agree to the shipping time stated in the listing and the seller should be given 5 stars. I just recently bought two plants online that don't ship until after the 19th. The seller stated that in his listing and I am fine with that. He will get 5 stars from me when I receive it. A red flag on a persons page saying Don't buy from this seller will destroy a lot of sellers business. The listing is posted on the dicussion board under seller central if you all want to look at it. Ebay seems to have forgotten that power sellers were small business owners before they became power sellers.

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  4. #134

    Default Shocked Too

    I saw that over at Ebay's forums, and I was so shocked that I had to re-read it several times in order to make sure of what I was reading! The star rating system has been a thorn in sellers' sides from the get-go, and now this? You know, I spent some time discussing with my husband just exactly what we surmise Ebay's long term goal to be, because it surely isn't one of encouraging a fair trading environment for all. I notice the Ebay advertising all over the place and I am nauseated to think that we sellers, and ultimately, the buyers (because of the fees we figure into each item out of necessity), are paying through the nose to put the 'pretty face' on that sham of an auction house. Good sellers are looking around at each other wondering, 'what did we do wrong to deserve this?' Nothing, friends; we were unknowingly led, like cattle, to the slaughter. We trusted the nice man, and he lied.

  5. #135
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    ... because e..y think all the sellers are desperate, needy and grateful. They believe they cannot lose ... ever.

    Even if a decent alternative arises, they can simply nip in, buy them out and close it down.

    Thing is, any fool can run a business (particularly one that is already established) when times are good. And lets face facts, cash (credit) wise, times have been good.
    Now things aren't looking that rosy, in fact they are heading towards downright tough.
    This is the time when sellers need to be offering customers items at better value, not worse, so both sellers and buyers are not benefitted at all by any price hikes. People will simply stop buying what they don't need.

    But there is absolutely no doubt about it in my mind, the powers that be who run e..y think they are untouchable ... just like those at Northern Rock, and of course it also helps to allow buyers to think they will have a larger proportion of control than the seller - until of course the claims for non paying bidder fees start rolling in. I think e..y will be seeing a lot more of those.

    Shame really, because I really enjoyed providing a good service to my customers over there and over the years got to know a few of them pretty well.

  6. #136


    No reason you can't provide the same service to the same customers over here, just tell them to ome across.

    The star system is rigged by eBay to save them having to give the discounts. The buyer sees 4 is good so gives you a 4, now eBay decrees that 4.1 is bad and you are going to be penalised, not only in no discounts, but also have your listings hidden away, and now Red Warnings!

    Read this blog http://mousewords.wordpress.com/ , any eBay seller still wearing rose tinted glasses needs to take them off so they can see clearly, to walk away to a new site.

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  7. #137
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    A friend of mine used to say, "If you write 'Wipe Here' on your forehead, then someone will only be too happy to oblige."

    e..y has been very obliging in that department recently.

  8. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by kengillam View Post
    I read this in a group over there this morning, absolutely unbelievable, they just don't wan't sellers it seems.
    I heard on the radio the other day, they were losing 13,000 sellers/week to other places

    I almost went off the road when I let out an uncontrollable cheer

  9. #139
    Forum Saint merlin's Avatar
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    take a look at stats try weekly monthly and daily it is real fun

  10. #140

    Default Hello everybody

    Wow, this is like a breath of fresh air!

    I am a business powerseller with 100% feedback from the dark side, and am now finished with greedbay and rip off paypal.

    Can anyone tell me how google checkout works, and is it the way forward as so many are suggesting?


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