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Thread: Promotion, its in your interest

  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by rivierashades View Post
    Shoulld not knock em just because they are American. Google just seem to do things right with Google Checkout, Web search & Gmail for example. I just wish for ebay to fall on its sword and if it means Americans buying this site and keeping the current model, then I'm more than happy about that. Ebay used to be good and enjoyable, but their rapid decline seems to have happend when they paid stupid money for Skype.
    I'm not knocking them because they're American, I agree Google get lots of things right, BUT so did feebay once.
    The bottom line is still shareholder profits, before other considerations.

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  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by rivierashades View Post
    Shoulld not knock em just because they are American. Google just seem to do things right with Google Checkout, Web search & Gmail for example. I just wish for ebay to fall on its sword and if it means Americans buying this site and keeping the current model, then I'm more than happy about that. Ebay used to be good and enjoyable, but their rapid decline seems to have happend when they paid stupid money for Skype.
    The downfall of Ebay was having to answer to Wall Street and investors/stockholders. Public companies are expected to grow exponentially every quarter and/or year, which Ebay DID do successfully for 10 years. However, at some point a company's growth and profit margins level off (they have to), and when profits start shinking, THAT'S when stockholders get nervous and bail (sell).

    SO, to keep investors happy, they come up with crazy "stunts" like they're doing now, as the top level executives (namely Meg Whitman and Bill Cobb) conveniently "retire," while still at the top of their game, knowing they can't grow the business anymore, and on their way out cash in their stocks, and take the money and run, leaving someone else to pick up the pieces.

    As soon as I heard Meg and Bill were retiring, I knew Ebay was going to topple. I mean, who in their right mind would leave such a cash cow, unless they knew the cow had been milked dry?!

    Many companies are able to survive such "slumps," but NOT when you've ticked off the very people you depend on to make your money! THAT is why the mass exodus from Ebay is happening. Greed is, after all, one of the 7 deadly sins!

  3. #13


    Maybe Meg & bill would like to join ebid...Not. I would be interested from Mark & Gaz for some stats from the past 3 weeks. Certainly alot of new guys on here.
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  4. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by rivierashades View Post
    I would be interested from Mark & Gaz for some stats from the past 3 weeks. Certainly alot of new guys on here.
    I arrived here about 3 weeks ago. Against about 30 sales a week elsewhere I have achieved 3 sales in as many weeks. However, I don't depend on my sales financially and am happy to stick it out. Only selling surplus stuff.
    However, with the increase in listings and new sellers, it certainly would be interesting to know what increase in sales vs listings there has been this month.

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