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Thread: Has Ebay Finally Shot Itself In the Foot?

  1. #441
    Forum Newbie
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    Smile Hello Everyone!!

    As a newbie just wanted to say hello.... Have made the move from the dark side. Nice to be here just wanted to say hello Mel x

  2. #442


    Hi Mel
    Just joined myself from feebay.
    Looks like we only live down the East Lancs from each other.
    To all of the USA members The East Lancs Road is 30 miles long
    No time zones.
    At the most about 60 minutes travelling time.
    I will be listing lots of stuff over the next few days.
    so welcome aboard.
    Lets see how we cope without the other side.

  3. #443
    Forum Diehard
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    Quote Originally Posted by astro941 View Post
    A bit off subject but I have just browsed your listings and have to say well done for the hard work you must have put in and you certainly get viewed.
    Thanks Les nice of you to say so. I get a fair few sales too, a lot more than feedback shows.

  4. #444
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    Cool Post Ebid in feebay forums

    I am just coming over from the feebay forums and I was just posting ebid all over the forums or telling people to contact me with info on another auction site.
    I think anyone who still has a feebay account should do so as well.
    Feebay will remove the post but if this happens on mass than this could attract more people who are desparately looking for a way out or at the very least drive the feebay moderators crazy.
    Go to feebay and post this ebid site everwhere you can, even in forums not of this topic. POST! POST! POST!
    They are there and they are desparate they just don't realize there is somewhere else to go.
    This is going to take a while for this site to grow but in 1 or 2 years who know where this could be. JUST IMAGINE!

  5. #445


    I have also moved over from feebay, as a seller who doesn't sell that much and nothing expensive, it's hit bigtime, so I'll now be selling my stuff here now. It's much friendlier here too which is very welcoming

  6. #446

    Cool Me too...

    I've also fled the Dark Side. Their fees are so outrageous that only the multi-super-duper-power sellers can make profit. I have had enough of being robbed by the Dark Side. I talk to whomever I can to advise of this site. The Dark Side needs to see what they've done to people and one day they will fall of the high horse. Greed never pays off.

  7. #447
    Forum Saint JanetB's Avatar
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    Welcome aboard all newcomers!
    I closed my store end of January and moved over here 1st February - best thing I ever did - I'm not in the slightest bit tempted to sell 'OVER THERE' any more - I've purchased a few items and sold a few items so far over here. It's a little slow I know, but, I'm thinking of all the fees I've saved so far since I left the 'DARK SIDE'. eBid is going to be very popular by the end of this year with lots of buyers and sellers alike, and I can see a lot of changes happening here also to accommodate most people's needs. Just hang in there, be patient, spread the word wherever and whenever you can and good luck with your new venture here!

  8. #448
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    Hello. I am a "power seller" who finally got fed up with the BS that FEE-bay and paypal are pulling. I had a customer 1) rip me off for $1K 2) neg me when i filed a NPB 2) gave me death threats. What does ebay do? WORSE THAN NOTHING, they reversed the strike from the psycopath bidder and again charged me the FVF fees on top of the $1k the dude ripped me off!

    Other BS being pulled is paypal holding money in limbo for days then crediting it as if it was in your account all along. It posts to your paypal account 5 to 14 days later, in the history, pre-dated to make it LOOK like you were paid the day the bidder submitted payment! If that's not bad enough they often "forget" to send a payment received email so you have to hunt for the payment manually!

    If you ask me, IN MY OPINION, it really looks like they found a cleaver way to drop the DSR's and FB% of all but mega-corporate power sellers enough to where they can institute the 21 day or poz FB money hold.. Is it frank greed or fee-bay committing corporate suicide?

  9. #449


    Welcome to eBid Heruur, a lot of us on here have got fed up with greedbay at one time or another. OK to help you get started add a signature link to your posts read this thread http://helpdesk.ebid.net/showthread.php?t=100959 then fill in some info on Your About Me Page. Perhaps buy a few things to kickstart your feedback over here ( I have some nice cheap prints ) have a look at my listings to see how I dealt with the lack of feedback problem when I started.

    Then email all YOUR (not Greedbay's they are a venue, they keep telling us) customers, OK exclude the rogue , and tell them where you are, give them a link to your listings. Grab the records while you can and from paypal records as well. That should keep you out of the pub for a bit, and shout if you need a hand. Additional body parts incur a small fee

    For low cost Prints and Affordable Originals just Click the Logo

    and check out my other stores

    Ken's Cave

    Fantastic Fotos Store

  10. #450
    Forum Newbie
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    Unhappy Hi I'm A Disillusioned Feebayer

    Hello everyone, I'm moving here from feebay, who, as far as I can see has just completely lost the plot. There are more changes on the way where sellers can no longer leave negative f/back for buyers (no matter how unreasonable or belligerent they may be), yet they (buyers, good & bad) can still leave negative f/back for sellers. How unfair is that?

    Obviously feebay has become so arrogant it has either forgot it was the small sellers and carboot type format that put it on the map. It killed off international visibility for UK sellers a year ago because the UK was supposedly flooding the market with useless gadgets. It's now going to reinstate international visibility for UK sellers, but for an extra fee.

    They no longer want small sellers and as far as I can see they are killing them of with extra FVF, backdoor charges, Paypal is no longer a payment option but a condition if you want to sell on feebay.

    They are giving buyers a two week cooling off period, If I were to remain on ebay I would become a free, mail order library, i.e. buyers could buy a book from my listings, get me to send it to them, read it and return it to me saying they've changed their mind.I would have to refund them their money, they can give me a neg if they feel like it and I can do nothing about it. How good's that?

    Finally unfortunately for me i have a lot of books I have built up over the years with the intentions of selling them over the internet, however it looks like I am going to have to give them to a charity as it is going to be impossible to sell all of them on internet auction sites.

    With these draconian changes, I hope feebay has scored the greatest own goal since Ratner's, it would be some consolation...
    Last edited by rosiemac; 10th May 2008 at 11:23 PM.

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