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Thread: Has Ebay Finally Shot Itself In the Foot?

  1. #471
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    The whole "Best Match" deal over at ebay has got me looking elsewhere. And I have just started my fist auction on Ebid with more to come.


  2. #472


    Over at feeBay, I'm now on course my second non-paying bidder in the last 6 weeks. I think I've made 6 sales in that time.

    It's a real joke over there at that you have to wait 7 days to send an NPB alert when feeBay wants everyone to use Thiefpal, and then another week to get your FVF back.

    How long does it take to pay a seller by Paypal? 1 minute, that's how long.

  3. #473
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    Smile dropdeadfred Welcome to eBid

    I am like you, a newbie to this site, and I also jumped ship on negbay. I read everyword of your post with interest and as I am a very similar seller to yourself, I couldn't agree more with all you had to say. I can relate to all of it.
    I had the exact same experience as you, I noticed the slump in sales last year and the low prices I was getting for items that I wrongly assumed would have went for more, (and usually did). I thought it was me, and perhaps there wasn't the interest in the items I was selling. But at the back of my mind I had a feeling there was something more to it than that.It's obvious now there was.

    As for the changes to bids and bidders (Bidder 1, 2 ,3 etc,) I was bidding on an item last week and the lack of visibility of the other bidders id's scared me off. I thought I was being conned. I think (I know) the seller lost bids on the sale because I was prepared to go much higher in my bids than I did. I dropped out long before I reached my maximum bid because I got the uneasy feeling it was a scam, when in fact it was probably a genuine sale.

    I hope to see negbay going down into the sewer where it now belongs. It used to be a pleasure trading there, but the faceless suits have turned it into an expenseive minefield for decent sellers. Ironically, or should I say tragically, the rogues (buyers & sellers alike) will be the only winners

    I am having a short break from listing for a while (apart for the one listing) that I put on just to get started and registered. But in a week or so I will list loads and buy some stuff as well of course.

    Best wishes and good luck, perhaps what is happening on negbay is a blessing in disguise. At the risk of sounding patonising to the sellers who have been here for a while, there is a nice feel to this site, warm and welcoming.Best wishes rosiemac

  4. #474
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    Smile Welcome to eBid The Train Lady

    I hope you will thrive and prosper, feebay can go to H**L in the proverbial handcart, it's what they deserve.

  5. #475


    rosiemac...I hate the bidder 1 bidder 2 thing on the dark side to..
    and the fact that it seems they are trying to get rid of small sellers like me.
    Heres hoping we all do well on here

  6. #476


    rosiemac ,Kittyblackcat A warm welcome to ebid I am sure that you will enjoy it hear, it is a very friendly site with a lot of good people willing to help newcomers
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  7. #477
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    Hi kittyblackcat welcome to eBid too, it is psychologically scary when you're bidding against numbers and not names (be they only user names) it has the feel of a scam about it. Couldn't agree more, I hope you will do well and also hope this site grows by the day while feebay diminishes daily.

  8. #478


    thanks stampsulove
    yes agree rosiemac..it is scary.. and as for sellers not being able to leave a neg for non paying bidders well thats just ridiculous
    Best wishes

  9. #479
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    Unhappy Sick of the anonymous bidding on feebay too...

    Yeah put bluntly the anonymous bidders make people bid FAR less $$$ amounts and less often because the psychology that the bidders may be shills. Even in regular live auctions you can see who is bidding and spot the shill quite easily if you've been to a few..

    Good going FEE BAY. *golf clap*...

    Want to see my horror story, just search "death" on FEE-BAY's feedback forum. Surprisingly enough they have not pulled it, but they have pulled ALL posts referencing the P.O.S. bidder either through name, auctions, or even telling people to check my fb to see who did it. What's next anonymous feedback??!!!

    Maybe pulling such a dire post would be poor form after it has had a lot of people see it. Especially if i were to end up dead and my family knew they helped kill me by deciding not to act.

    Fee-bay is like cigarettes, you know it's bad for you, but you cannot stop for keeps until you are sure you can do without.. So far so good on ebid though.
    Heruur Electronic Specialties Co.
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  10. #480


    Quote Originally Posted by dropdeadfred View Post
    ..It's a nightmare trying to sell there any more and I gave up just after Christmas before the ridiculous hidden ID thing started.
    As for the protection of Powersellers - I've had more problems with them than I ever had with small sellers.
    I'd not thought about it before, Bidder1 Bidder2 must make ebay a shiller's paradise now. I can see why they brought it in for high value items, to stop scammers contacting the bidders who missed out, but the solution they've used is far worse than the problem.

    Powersellers, yes, same experience here -- the only problem purchases I've had are with sellers with 10,000+ feedback. Some are really efficient and good to deal with, others are selling rubbish that's not fit for purpose and simply don't care.
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