eBid Headlines for July 2008
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Welcome To Our July Newsletter

"I finally managed to get my eBid listing to 1000 a couple of weeks ago. Then several people bought stuff and they went back below 1000. I managed to get them back above 1000 with some effort and have managed to keep them above this level but people keep buying stuff. How very annoying. This eBid thing is really frustrating. Here I am trying to list more and more stuff and watch my total auctions grow and grow and customers keep buying things!!"eBidder inversions
Heartfelt thanks from Gary and Mark to all our buyers and sellers.
We hit the 1,000,000 auction milestone in July!
Welcome As is mentioned above, eBids' founders Gary and Mark would like to show their appreciation to all the buyers and sellers that have helped eBid reach the milestone of 1,000,000 auctions. As we continue to grow, there's never been more of a reason to take advantage of our Seller+ Lifetime offer, still available at only £49.99.
But what does this really mean to YOU as a seller? It means up to 5 stores, options for FREE listing, FREE photo inclusion and NO Final Value Fees, depending on how you list and that's FOREVER! Right now, everyone who upgrades to Seller+ will receive a FREE eBid T-shirt. Check out our selling fees to find out how much you could save with a Seller+ Lifetime account.

Site News & Updates As requested by over 150 of our US sellers, we have launched our shipping calculator allowing your buyers to work out shipping costs by just adding their zip codes to your auctions. See the LYI (List Your Item) form and click the "Calculated" button. USPS is currently the only working service but more will be added soon including UPS, DHL and FedEx.
Another regular request of a discount facility when creating invoices has also been added. Just add a fixed or percentage amount to your invoice if you wish to give discounts for multiple purchases from the same buyer.
Number of sales made on eBid continue to grow, latest figures are a 25% increase during June 2008 as compared to May 2008, that's 25% in a month, not a year!
Yahoo Auctions - Going, going, gone!
QXL.co.uk - Going, going, gone!
Bidville.com- Going, going, gone!
eBid - Growing, growing, growing.

As competition tightens up within the online auction markets, eBid is continuing to spread its wings and embrace the global marketplace. Whilst rivals are bought up, split up or shut down, eBid is expanding into Portugal, Belgium, Sweden and Denmark in the coming months.

Bargain Spotting

Holidays are here! It's time to polish up the sunglasses, look out the sandals and step into the world of summertime Boho fashion. Whether you are jetting off overseas, hitting the roads in a camper van or staying home, there are plenty of bargains to keep all of the family amused. We even spotted a camper van 'project' for a DIY enthusiast! Strawberries and cream will be all the rage here in the UK, with Wimbledon in 'full swing' and, if that's not enough, there are festivals galore. Of course, the weather may let us down at any time, so it's probably safest to carry an umbrella. We spotted a bulk lot at a handy price, which could be a lucrative buy for any market traders or carbooter - how handy would that be for all those bargain hunters if the heavens opened?

Competition Time
Our last prize winner was JewelEffects, winner of our June competition. Your prize should be with you soon!. The correct answer was $49.99. We've got another great chance for you to to pocket some eBid goodies and £50 to spend on site. If you fancy your chances simply email your entry, along with your eBid username, name and address to competitions@eBid.net. Winner's details will be notified by email and posted on the News section of the forum.

Would all entrants please note that in order to take part in our free competitions, your entries must include the following details: 1) Answer to the competition question
2) Your eBid username
3) Name and address for sending out any prizes
Incomplete entries are automatically deleted. Question
Question : What is the listing (not final value) fee for a "Gallery" Auction?

Until next month,
Ed at the eBid Newsdesk

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