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Thread: Lack of Bids!

  1. #11

    Default Re: Lack of Bids!


    I have had no bids whatsoever on here for the last two weeks...and was so desperate for money
    (not earning during the School holidays) that I put items up on eBay on free listing day... and sold exactly two there so far :shock:
    I have just sold one on here & sent it off today and now have nine bids on my auctions. it's getting better slowly. the things that are going are low value items on some of mine but. Since June I have had 35 sales which is quite good compared to the same time last year on eBay... Last year I relisted things over and over again with very few sales and after wasting a lot of relisting charges I finally gave up and took a break like everyone else on there seemed to do.
    It is getting busier, Some sellers are doing very well but specialist items like books stamps (and gifts like I sell) don't seem to move very quickly.
    I think it will start to get a bit busier as the weather cools down again and everyone comes back from holiday...fingers crossed..children starting back at School..e.t.c
    I go on the computer for a bit of light relief, whereas in the summer it is too hot to sit & browse for long when I could be out in the sun.

  2. #12

    Default Re: Lack of Bids!

    Quote Originally Posted by shelly2
    I put items up on espit on free listing day - same time last year on eBay...
    Is 'espit' the new fools name for eBay or something? If so then how come you say 'eBay' further down the post? :?
    Check out my auction webpage -


  3. #13

    Default Re: Lack of Bids!


    sorry.... does it really matter? :roll:

    edited my mistake awfully sorry.

  4. #14

    Default Re: Lack of Bids!

    :? :? :? :? :? I joined last year then dropped out after Christmas when I didn't sell much and what I did sell wasn't paid for.However when eBays charges all went up I decided to give ebid another go. I will still stick to them even though nothing much has changed but I dare not leave Ebay because I do sell there. Why don't we get more browsers. I don't know I wish I did. When you ask for Auctions on the computer does Ebids name come up ? I don't know but what I do know is that eBay is prominent.Why is it so hard for people to find us........ Garry and Mark can you help us out here. :cry: :cry: :cry:

  5. #15

    Default Re: Lack of Bids!

    Quote Originally Posted by shelly2

    sorry.... does it really matter? :roll:

    edited my mistake awfully sorry.
    You still haven't answered my question... What the hell is espit?
    Check out my auction webpage -


  6. #16

    Default Re: Lack of Bids!

    If every time I post it is disected I won't bother again.

  7. #17

    Default Re: Lack of Bids!

    Check out my auction webpage -


  8. #18
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    Default Re: Lack of Bids!

    a "pet" name for eBay


  9. #19

    Default Re: Lack of Bids!

    A prefer to call it a 'fools' name like ePay etc...

    It reminds me of when I used to read console magazines with people calling the Playstaion 'Greystation' or 'Gaystation' etc.

    I think it is very immature.

    BTW, I know that Shelly did not mean to write it anyway!
    Check out my auction webpage -


  10. #20
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    Default Re: Lack of Bids!

    Quote Originally Posted by greenarrow
    Does anyone else have problems getting bids for their items? I put 65 items up for auction 28 days ago, on auto-repost, and have only sold 3 of them! ops:

    The starting prices are low - much lower than they can be found on dealer's lists etc., and STILL they have no bids recorded! Surely there are thousands of Ebid Members now, all browsing the items on offer - so where are the Buyers?? :roll:

    What can be done to improve sales on here? :?:

    I haven't had any probs selling on here at all. My tips would be...

    Make sure you've got a BIN on it (most of my stuff goes that way)
    Let customers know in the listing if you are willing to pack multiple buys together
    If you're postage is low make sure you point it out, or if you use a special method state it in your listing
    keep a check on what others are charging for same/similar items
    most of all... if you post on the forums, post a link to your items in the signature so we can all have a nosey! I rarely buy stuff, but I have bought quite a few bits from others in the KT coz I'll have a nosey and if I see something I fancy I'll have a bid! If I do it, others must too!

    Let us know how you are getting on... and get that link up so we can see!

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