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Thread: BT trials of targetted advertising by Phorm Very Important Please Read

  1. #1

    Exclamation BT trials of targetted advertising by Phorm Very Important Please Read

    Hello all,
    In case you've missed this BT ran some illegal trials of interception software on their customers in 2006 and 2007 . These trials were illegal but City of London Police dropped their investigation saying there was "no criminal intent" . This matter is not concluded as the AntiPhorm activists consider their next move in regard to this. Further trials have been scheduled for this week. If you are a BT customer you may receive a popup when you visit a site asking you to if you wish to take part. This also is an illegal interception of your communication. They are asking this time because of the adverse publicity of the last trials. If you do receive an invite DO NOT ACCEPT IT. They have nothing to offer you,all the benefits they purport to offer you, you already have in your browser and antivirus. The sole purpose of this system is to target you with ads. All your communications through BT WILL be intercepted.

    If you value you and your children's privacy online i beg you to use the following link and find out all you can about PHORM and WEBWISE.
    Webwise is the smoke screen to cover the profiling that will take place. I'm a Grandad of 2 and it seriously worries me. Dont look to the government to protect you, because they do not or wont understand this we have been trying to enlighten them for the last 2 years.


    ps you cannot get round this system by adblocker or anything else like it this is being done by your ISP the ones who are supposed to keep your data secure and private

    Last edited by jockjunior; 1st October 2008 at 09:21 AM.

  2. #2


    Have you signed the Downng Street petition? There are over 18,000 signatures on it now,but it needs your signature as well.

    Please help

    Thank you


  3. #3


    How about this then for double standards. They can intercept your net use but the MP's are having their's blocked from interception


    I make no apologies for updating this thread. There is too much surveillance and too many databases begun by this government. They have not lifted a finger to stop this illegal wiretapping by BT and its associates and they will do nothing to protect your privacy until forced to do so. Fight back sign the downing street petition. Start here with these links Dont think that if you are not a BT customer it doesnt affect you. Virginmedia and Talktalk are also looking at this stuff.



  4. #4


    Is your broadband service spying on you? Some are already spying on you. BT spied on customers during trials in 2006 and 2007 and are currently running more trials for the next two to three weeks.

    Sign the petition at http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/ispphorm/

    "If you or your children sign up to Webwise on your internet connection, what you or they do on your computer will be spied on to try to work out what you are interested in. You and your children will then get lots of adverts trying to sell you things they think you might want to buy. By signing up you agree to let them do this."

  5. #5


    posted by Alex Hanff on the nodpi website with regard to instuting private prosecution against BT for their illegal trials after City of London Police withdrew from prosecting BT because there was "no criminal intent" to break the law twice once in 2006 and then again in 2007 ???????? what planet is this? Try using that as a defence next time you get nicked.

    I have received a response from the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. It would seem that I now need to hand all the evidence to the Crown Prosecution Service directly (effectively bypassing the City of London Police) at which point they will decide whether or not to prosecute. If the conditions are met from their 2 stage test they will seek permission from the DPP to move forward with a prosecution which the CPS will commence (irrespective of CoL Police previous assessment).

  6. #6


    Hi Jock.
    I've just done a bit of research for myself and I agree with you.
    PHORM or PHRM are an advertising company with their roots in spyware.
    They are dangling the cash carrot infront of the major ISPs to get them to pass on our surfing habits to them. It looks like we, the paying public don't get much say in it (as usual), they do not seem to be treating us with any respect, as is the case with most large companies. In my opinion PHoRM are an E-Cancer and the very least that I can do is sign the pettition, which I'm off to do right now.

  7. #7

    Thumbs up

    Thank you Soulscape,

    spread the word. we CAN win this.


    edit BT are removing links to the petition from their forums. Phorm shares now £3.25 from £34
    Last edited by jockjunior; 16th October 2008 at 04:38 PM.

  8. #8

  9. #9


    I've signed the petition. This technology and possible invasion of privacy is frightening.

  10. #10


    thank you,
    bittymatriarch your signature is very important. Please tell all your friends to look at this and read the comments on the guardian article too.


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