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Thread: Message from the Queen!

  1. #11


    You realise that this will open a whole new can of worms !

    You will have to get used to being called plain old America and the states will have to become Counties..... eg New Englandshire, Texashire, Oregonshire etc.

    Now what about the American aristocracy? There will surely be problems as the original Pilgrims, if I remember rightly, were not happy with the religious set up here and probably many (Including a couple of my ancestors who were shipped over as unpardoned criminals guilty of treason) will certainly not be able to be represented in the House of Lords.

    I believe Her Majesty's representatives will be producing a CD for use in American High Schools ( Now to be called Colleges or centers of excellence ) and Elementary ( Junior) schools which will instuct the pupils on how to keep a stiff upper lip and keep emotions thoroughly under control. There will be section on keeping themselves to themselves and how to conduct polite conversations with stangers about the weather.

    Oh and there will be a total ban on most American sitcoms, Jeremy Kyle will replace Jerry Springer, A Coronation Street set will be set up in Detroit and a complete North Yorshire Village will be built near Dallas so you over there can enjoy the Country Soap opera, Emmerdale.

    There will be a concerted effort to sort out your housing Markets and kick starting economic growth by a progamme of house building UK style, small box like terraced houses in rows or for the more well off semi-detatched barrat houses which are even smaller than the terraces.
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  2. #12


    Having sent in my write-in vote for George Hanover III on three elections
    one would think the initial proclamation in this thread would be more appealing. Unfortunately the England of today is not the England of George or Victoria.
    Sadly the British government has mis-managed a great nation since 1914
    and the good people of England have suffered for it.
    Why would we Americans exchange our own thieves and incompetents for those found in what's left of the Motherland is beyond me. Now if we could simply send our politicos to England......

    Besides those extra 'u's are sooooo annoying.
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    " Those who beat their swords into plowshares usually end up plowing for those who didn't. "
    Ben Franklin




  3. #13


    By the way....have your ministers gone insane? :


    " Those who beat their swords into plowshares usually end up plowing for those who didn't. "
    Ben Franklin




  4. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by poppa501 View Post
    Believe it or not--I'm all for it! Certainly couldn't be any worse than this bunch of idiots runnin' the place now! Will miss the 4th of July tho. Hot dogs, potato salad, BBQ, lemonade, etc. Maybe we could call it National Cook Out Day or something.
    Have a beautiful day--Poppa

    Who needs an excuse for fire works and Hot dogs, potato salad, BBQ, lemonade, etc.

    Wouldn't miss the lack of Congress

    Only we all have guns and won't be giving them up any time soon. Most boys and girls get a real hunting type gun around 9 years of age around here. DNR gives youth training courses


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  5. #15


    Sounds like a good idea. After 50 years or so, there'll be a new revolution. It will be pretty peaceful, because by then the UK will be sick of trying to keep this place under control. We'll get a bunch of new Founding Mothers and Fathers. I think that will be long enough to clean out the deadwood we have now (aka career politicians).

  6. #16
    Forum Saint burgyeb's Avatar
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    No thank you my dear queeny:
    I have quite gotten used to my own breed of incompetents; no need to overlap things with outside deficiencies. I am a fair person though; willing to place you all on the shelf until expiration of term is reached. After that I have a very select location designated for each of you, designed to accommodate your unique inadequacies in serving your flock. I am so humbled to provide this service, that I do not even plan to charge a fee.

  7. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by redmerlin777 View Post
    You realise that this will open a whole new can of worms !

    You will have to get used to being called plain old America and the states will have to become Counties..... eg New Englandshire, Texashire, Oregonshire etc.

    Now what about the American aristocracy? There will surely be problems as the original Pilgrims, if I remember rightly, were not happy with the religious set up here and probably many (Including a couple of my ancestors who were shipped over as unpardoned criminals guilty of treason) will certainly not be able to be represented in the House of Lords.

    I believe Her Majesty's representatives will be producing a CD for use in American High Schools ( Now to be called Colleges or centers of excellence ) and Elementary ( Junior) schools which will instuct the pupils on how to keep a stiff upper lip and keep emotions thoroughly under control. There will be section on keeping themselves to themselves and how to conduct polite conversations with stangers about the weather.

    Oh and there will be a total ban on most American sitcoms, Jeremy Kyle will replace Jerry Springer, A Coronation Street set will be set up in Detroit and a complete North Yorshire Village will be built near Dallas so you over there can enjoy the Country Soap opera, Emmerdale.

    There will be a concerted effort to sort out your housing Markets and kick starting economic growth by a progamme of house building UK style, small box like terraced houses in rows or for the more well off semi-detatched barrat houses which are even smaller than the terraces.
    Oh Dear - it's all soooo confusing - I better stay in Canada! LOL! We only have to see the Queen once a year or thereabouts, and thankfully she's bored with us. Besides we're all too far apart to be rounded up and "re-trained" with any efficiency!

  8. #18
    Forum Saint burgyeb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OldCuriosityShoppe View Post
    By the way....have your ministers gone insane? :

    They are only lamenting over "good looks, charisma, and intelligence"

  9. #19


    8. You will learn to make real chips. Those things you call
    French fries are not real chips, and those things you insist on calling
    potato chips are properly called crisps. Real chips are thick cut,
    fried in animal fat, and dressed not with catsup but with vinegar.
    We have the thicker ones, they are called JoJo's or Dinner Fries. And yup, I eat them with vinegar. Love the malt vinegar, get it in an import store.

    9. The cold, tasteless stuff you insist on calling beer is not
    actually beer at all. Henceforth, only proper British Bitter will be
    referred to as beer, and European brews of known and accepted provenance
    will be referred to as Lager. Australian beer is also acceptable, as
    they are pound for pound the greatest sporting nation on earth and it
    can only be due to the beer. They are also part of the British
    Commonwealth - see what it did for them. American brands will be
    referred to as Near-Frozen Gnat's Urine, so that all can be sold
    without risk of further confusion.

    I don't drink that **** beer. I prefer Guiness or anything else really dark.
    Stop by and browse around. New items added to all stores almost daily.


  10. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by burgyeb View Post
    They are only lamenting over "good looks, charisma, and intelligence"
    and well they should......

    " Those who beat their swords into plowshares usually end up plowing for those who didn't. "
    Ben Franklin




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