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Thread: Store category question

  1. #1

    Default Store category question

    I'm back with another question. I was thinking of opening another store that would be along the lines of used items and since it will be for more than one category, what should I set the main store category to? I looked and there wasn't a used item listing...or do I leave that blank and just categorize each item seperately? (I was thinking along the lines of books, household items, dvds and so forth.)

    p.s. I didn't go searching through the forum to see if anyone else had asked a similar question....sorry if there is an answer already posted.

  2. #2


    I would have the store as either

    Collectables > Other. Then list categories (30 max) and sub catergories (15 max for each category)


    General Stores > House clearance, then as above. or other General stores are cheap & chearful, odds & sods (which means bits and pieces) and gift store

    Hope I have helped answer what you need

  3. #3


    Thank you Sarah, yes you did. You're always very helpful with your insights...I think ebid should declare you the Forum Angel! If they don't then I will...cause you are!


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