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Thread: One Reason Why Pet Insurance Costs are so High.

  1. #21


    Shezz - I hope you've been forgiven after yesterday. Although he is probably still on meds to prevent any infection, and may still be a bit 'dopey'.

    Gothcina - I hope that your Whisper is doing ok. Is his treatment continuous or will it end at some time in the future. Poor chap, it must affect his mobility having splints on his legs.

    I've never bothered with pet insurance for my pets - have usually just taken the risk - but with these 2, I did make initial enquiries into having pet insurance from them as I had them both at 9 weeks old. Problem being it would have been over £50 a month to cover the 2 on separate policies, with half of the things covered no appropriate - money for reward if they go missing (they're never out of my sight), money paid out on death equal to amount paid for them (they were FOC), pay out for holiday cancellation if they get ill (don't normally do holidays - trip to Nepal exception to the rule & first in over 15 years), etc etc. If I recall rightly, out of all the things that the policy covered, I think about only 10 were appropriate, so I didn't bother.

    What I have done since and continue to do so is to put money away into a separate account solely for the purpose of vets bills. The dogs are richer than I am - but - its there if its needed, without any policy restrictions. Luckily, so far, Lady has only had one op - and that was to have her spayed. Conan has had a couple of ops - one to remove a dermis on his right eye (like a cateracht) and the second to remove a wart from his lower left eye lid.

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  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by BabsnRay View Post
    Gothcina - I hope that your Whisper is doing ok. Is his treatment continuous or will it end at some time in the future. Poor chap, it must affect his mobility having splints on his legs.
    Whisper will have to wear casts for the rest of his life.

    He had acupuncture yesterday, because his back is a little sore,
    but the good news is he is finally off daily pain medication, from now on he only has to have it as & when necessary.

    The Vet says he's beginning to muscle up nicely as well. He can now walk around a field the size of 2 football pitches, sometimes without resting at all, at his worst he couldn't even walk 10 paces in one go.

    The Hydrotherapy in the Water Walker will need to continue, it's currently weekly, but it will be needed less frequently in time & he will still need acupuncture, probably every 4 to 8 weeks.

    As you can see he still manages to enjoy life, these were taken this afternoon.
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  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gothicina View Post
    Whisper will have to wear casts for the rest of his life.

    He had acupuncture yesterday, because his back is a little sore,
    but the good news is he is finally off daily pain medication, from now on he only has to have it as & when necessary.

    The Vet says he's beginning to muscle up nicely as well. He can now walk around a field the size of 2 football pitches, sometimes without resting at all, at his worst he couldn't even walk 10 paces in one go.

    The Hydrotherapy in the Water Walker will need to continue, it's currently weekly, but it will be needed less frequently in time & he will still need acupuncture, probably every 4 to 8 weeks.

    As you can see he still manages to enjoy life, these were taken this afternoon.
    awwww Chris that's a gorgeous picture so pleased to hear the latest news on Whisper xx

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