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Thread: BT trials of targetted advertising by Phorm Very Important Please Read

  1. #81


    Words of wisdom ( and I really mean that) from Baroness Sue Miller . Three cheers for the Baroness.



  2. #82


    A podcast link discussing Phorm

    security now with Steve Gibson


    Phorm does trial in Korea


  3. #83



    EU to take action on deep packet inspection technologies

    The fight aint over yet. keep up the pressure


  4. #84


    further to my last post


    The commissioner Megleneva Kuneva Commissioner for Consumer Affairsis asking for your views on this. SO SEND THEM . You will find the contact details in the link above. If Phorm and BT have p'd you off then write and tell the commissioner why you think its wrong. Mine will be on its way shortly. It doesnt have to be a scholarly excerise in grammar just your thoughts on the subject. They do read these letters and I have correspondence back from the EU far more promptly than from our own government. So write now please every letter counts.

    Thank you


  5. #85

    Thumbs down

    Welcome to the Big Brother State.

    The mobile calls, emails and website visits of every person in Britain will be stored for a year under sweeping new powers which come into force on Monday. Privacy campaigners warned last night that the information would be used by the Government to create a giant "Big Brother" super-database containing a map of everyone's private life."



  6. #86

    Default European Commission starts legal action on Phorm

    EC starts legal action on Phorm

    "The European Commission has started legal action against Britain over the online advertising technology Phorm. It follows complaints to the EC over how the behavioural advertising service was tested on BT's broadband network without the consent of users. "


  7. #87


    Good Afternoon all,
    Yesterday there was a question by Baroness Miller in the House Of Lords concerning Freedom of Information requests made by yours truly. Amongst those received was a letter between the Home Office and Phorm were the HO asked Phorm if they were satisfied with the opinion they were about to release and did it suit Phorm... tut tut very naughty and very devious. Sooooo Baroness Miller put the question to the Government. Follow this thread the fun starts about page 3 in the thread. It makes extremely interesting reading.

    Also had a reporter from the Guardian on the phone this morning asking to use what i and the team had found. A team effort by Nodpi and the finishing touch into the net by Sue Miller (bless her little cotton socks). Brilliant !!!!



  8. #88

  9. #89

    Default Phorm attempt smear campaign


    warning be sure to delete cookies after leaving this site.

    Darren Waters of the BBC dissects Phoulplay site.

    They must be getting worried now if they are down to making personal attacks


  10. #90


    Join the 'Privacy Pirates' and show Phorm your disgust at their actions and their personal attacks. Is this the way a genuine business behaves ?

    You dont have to be a regular poster on the forum, but adding your name to our members list and putting 1 message in our sign on thread will send a message to Phorm and the government that you have had enough.

    C'mon shipmates sign on and be proud of our new nickname given to us by the man from Phorm. Throw it back in his face. Aaaaaaaarrr!


    Last edited by jockjunior; 30th April 2009 at 09:26 AM.

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